Members Present:Wedekind, Mielke, Haugen, Huffaker, Geimer, Kivioja, and Giese.
Others Present: Pleger, Davis, Griffith, and Janke.
Chairperson Wedekind called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M. and compliance with the Open Meeting Law was verified.
Motion by Geimer, seconded by Giese to approve the agenda for today's meeting, as mailed. Motion carried.
Secretary Mielke noted the following corrections to the minutes of the June 28, 2007 meeting: Correct spelling of "Geimer" and inclusion of an "Events Board ($2,000)" to the list of projects to be completed using 2007 funds. Motion by Giese, seconded by Haugen
to approve the minutes, with the foregoing corrections. Motion carried.
Public Comment:
Financial Report:
C. Giese, City Clerk, presented a financial report for the period 01/01/07 to 07/31/07 which indicated an unencumbered balance of $74,876.47; noting no invoice received, to date, for the replacement boilers.
Maintenance Report and Approval of Bills:
R. Griffith presented the monthly report and list of bills, noting a credit from the University was applied on a bid bill in the amount of $109.30. Griffith informed Commission members that installation of the new boilers required removal of vents and portion of a cement block wall; plans are to replace the block wall without the vents. Motion by Geimer, seconded by Huffaker to approve the report and payment of bills in the amount of $5,425.02. Motion carried.
C. Davis indicated an urgent need exists for carpeting to be replaced in the Library Computer Lab and Computer Lab A-4, office and hallway. New computers have arrived and must be installed before the fall semester begins. One proposal from a local vendor has been received in the amount of $5,420.00. Discussion followed regarding the bidding and proposal process, in general, with consensus of Commission members favoring price quotes being received from more than one vendor. Motion was then made by Giese, seconded by Geimer to approve the projects with prices not to exceed the amounts shown on the project detail information distributed by Davis. Motion carried.
Motion by Giese, seconded by Kivioja that in the future, all items exceeding $3,000.00 will be subject to an informal, competitive bidding process. Motion carried. For clarification, Dean Pleger stated, and Commission members agreed, as follows:
1. Items under $3,000.00 are not subject to any proposal/bid process.
2. Items exceeding $3,000.00 will be subject to an informal, competitive bidding process
whereby more than one bid is sought (with telephone quotes being acceptable).
3. Items over $10,000.00 will be subject to the formal bidding process as detailed in Sauk County financial policy.
Discussion of Heating System:
Chairperson Wedekind reported on progress, to date:
* Some issues arose when moving the replacement boilers into their new location. Work related to this installation was subcontracted by Precision Controls.
* Our engineer reviewed the site and found no issues.
* No target date has been set for a test firing, hopefully will be done in early September.
Dean's Report:
Dean Pleger gave a report on activities to date, including:
* Pleger family has now moved to Baraboo.
* Enrollment goals continue to be good, plan to meet or exceed estimates.
* Watching the state budget closely for effects on the UW system.
* Summerset theater had recent vandalism damage.
* A larger number of students have participated in the Summerset Theater productions
this season.
* Two separate UW marketing campaigns are ongoing.
* LLC presentations have been given both to the City of Baraboo and Sauk County.
Discussion on 2008 Budget:
Draft copies of the 2008 budget were reviewed and discussed. The budget contained a 2.5% increase over 2007. Commission members agreed it would be beneficial to advise both the city and county of any long term, anticipated capital improvement projects. C. Davis noted more specific information on these types of projects would be available following completion of a master plan for the campus. Motion by Wedekind, seconded by Haugen to approve the 2008 budget request in the amount of $153,750.00 ($76,875.00 each, City of Baraboo and County of Sauk). Motion carried.
Discussion on Living and Learning Center:
C. Davis reported on activities to date, including:
* Upcoming meeting dates will be set for the L&L Development Committee and public
focus group meetings.
* Three building location sites are currently under consideration.
* Materials should be completed by the end of summer for use in fundraising.
At this point in the meeting, a bill relating to the boiler installation project from Precision Controls was hand delivered to the Chair. After reviewing same, a motion was made by Mielke, seconded by Geimer to approve payment in the amount of $34,258.00. Motion carried.
Motion by Mielke, seconded by Geimer to set the next, regular meeting date for Wednesday, August 15, 2007 at 9:00 A.M. Motion carried. Motion by Haugen, seconded by Huffaker to adjourn. Motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 9:55 A.M.
Respectfully submitted:
Beverly J. Mielke, County Clerk/Secretary