DATE: January 24, 2008
Members Present: Zowin, Wiese, Krueger (ex-officio)
Guests Present: None
Advisory Committee Members: Anderson and Harms
UWEX Staff Present: Erickson, Jens, Nagelkerk, Brusveen, Varney
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM by Chair Wiese.
Requirements of the Open Meeting Law were met.
Motion made by Krueger, second by Zowin to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
Motion made by Wiese, second by Zowin to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Motion carried.
A written summary was submitted to all members of the committee for approval of the January invoices. Motion by Zowin, second by Wiese to pay the bills in the amount of . Motion carried.
A discussion was held regarding the Shared Leadership of the Sauk County UW-Extension Office as per a letter from Dick Pederson, Southern District Director. A motion was made by Zowin and second by Krueger.
The next regular meeting of the Ag & Extenson Education Committee will be on Tuesday, February 19, 2008, starting at 9:30 AM in the ETN Room on the 3rd floor of the West Square Building.
A motion was made by Zowin, second by Krueger to adjourn the meeting. Motion Carried.
Submitted by: Sue Nagelkerk,
SaukCounty UW Extension CO-Department Head