Agriculture and Extension Education Committee Minutes

DATE: Wednesday, May 21, 2008
1:00 PM
ETN Room - West Square Building

Members Present: Judy Ashford, Pete Tollakson, Lester Wiese, Donna Stehling, Marcy Huffaker

Guests Present: Kathy Schauf, Marty Krueger, Dick Pederson, Orrie Smith, Dale Jaedike, Alene Kleczek

Advisory Committee Members: Anderson, Loomis

UWEX Staff Present: Nagelkerk, Brusveen, Jens, Erickson, Varney, Ziehen

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 1:00 PM by Chair Wiese.

Certification of Open Meeting Notice

Requirements of the Open Meeting Law were met.

Approval of Agenda

Motion made by Tollaksen, second by Ashford to approve the agenda.
Motion carried.

Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting

Motion made by Tollakson, second by Huffaker to approve the minutes of the last meeting.
Motion carried.

Election of Officers

A unanimous ballot for chairman was cast for Judy Ashford. A motion was made by Tollaksen and second by Huffaker.
Motion carried.

A unanimous ballot for vice chair was cast for Lester Wiese. A motion was made by Tollakson and second by Stehling.
Motion carried

A unanimous ballot for secretary was cast for Marcy Huffaker. A motion was made by Wiese and second by Tollakson.
Motion carried.

Judy Ashford took charge of the meeting.


The Alice in Dairy Scholarship was explained by Nagelkerk. The scholarshipcommittee selected Teyanna Marx and Katherine Lucht to receive this year's scholarship of $250.00 each. A motion was made by Stehling and second by Wiese to give the scholarships to Teyanna Marx and Katherine Lucht.
Motion carried.

A communication was read by Jaedike for a request of funds for an art teacher and students from Sauk-Prairie to travel to Italy. A discussion was held and the request was denied as it didn't meet the requirements of the grant.


Monthly Report/Review/and Approval of Vouchers

The monthly report and vouchers were reviewed. A motion was made by Tollakson and second by Huffaker to pay the monthly bills.

Programmatic Review

Jenny Erickson, UW Extension Community Resource Development Agent, gave a powerpoint on how UW Extension functions.


Monthly Report/Review and Approval of Vouchers

The monthly report and review of vouchers were discussed. A motion was made by Tollakson and second by Stehling to approve both the monthly report and pay the vouchers.
Motion carried.

Approval of mini grants, grants, artists registry and historic registry

The Village of Sauk City was granted a $500.00 grant to help pay for the concerts, music in the park, etc. A motion was made by Tollakson and second by Loomis to pay this grant.
Motion carried.

A discussion was held on the voting privileges for the Advisory Committee Members. It was decided that they would not have a vote.

Programmatic Review

Judy Ashford explained the grants program, historic preservation and Humanities grant program for those not familiar with it.

Consideration & Discussion on Format for Future Meetings

Krueger, Schauf and Pederson gave their vision and goals for both committees.

Consideration of attendance for Erickson at Arts Development Seminar

A discussion on held on Erickson's attendance to the Arts Development Seminar on July 23-24, 2008. It was decided to pay her registration fee of $250.00 out of the Arts & Culture Committee funds. A motion was made by Tollakson and second by Huffaker to pay Erickson's registration of $250.00 from the Arts & Culture Committee funds.
Motion carried.

Input to the Economic Development Committee

Krueger talked about the Economic Development Committee and asked for suggestions from this committee. Some discussion was held on community assets, tourism, etc..

Next Meeting -- Thursday, June 19 - 9 AM - ETN Room - West Square Building

Hereafter, the meeting will be held on the 4th Thursday at 9 AM in the ETN Room.


A motion was made by Tollakson, second by Wiese to adjourn the meeting.
Motion carried.

Submitted by: Sue Nagelkerk, Sauk County UW Extension Co-Department Head