DATE: Friday, February 8, 2008
Rm. 213, West Square Building
505 Broadway
Baraboo , WI
The regular meeting of the Sauk County Arts, Humanities and Historic Preservation Committee was called to order and certification of Open Meeting compliance was given at 1:00 p.m. by Art Carlson.
Members present: Arthur Carlson, Dale Loomis, Peter Tollaksen, Judy Ashford, Rose White, Tommy Lee Bychinski
Members excused: Molly Arbogast
Others present: Orris Smith, Paul Wolter, Bev Mielke, Dale Jaedike
The agenda was approved on a motion by Tollaksen, second by Ashford, and a unanimous vote of the Committee.
The minutes of the prior meeting were approved on a motion by White, second by Loomis, and a unanimous vote of the Committee.
County Clerk Bev Mielke discussed the early Sauk County Proceedings of the Sauk County Board.
Discussion of stained glass inserts for chapel windows and artwork at the new Health Care Center
Motion made by Tollaksen, second by White to refer the information regarding costs and procedures of scanning to the Executive and Legislative Committee along with a recommendation to have the proceedings microfilmed to ensure preservation of vital information regarding Sauk County's early history. Approved.
Motion made by White, second by Ashford to require organizations applying for Sauk County Grants to partner with an organization within the County, with the project occurring within the county, to be eligible for a Grant through our program. Approved.
Motion made by Tollaksen, second by Bychinski to carry forward $1000 for the final expense for the "Houses of Sauk County" dvd project with the remainder of the carry forward balance going to the River Arts Center. Approved.
Motion made by Tollaksen, second by White to proceed with the Sauk County Historical Society to devise the specifics of this program. Approved.
Motion made by Tollaksen, second by Loomis approving vouchers of $600.00, with a unanimous committee vote.
Meeting adjourned on a motion by Tollaksen second by White, with a unanimous committee vote.
Next meeting date was set for 1:00 p.m. on March 14, 2008, in Room 213, West Square Building.
Respectfully submitted: Rose White, Secretary