DATE: Thursday, July 24, 2008
TIME: 9:00 A.M.
ETN Conference Rm.
West Square Building
505 Broadway Street
Baraboo, Wisconsin
Members Present: Judy Ashford, Pete Tollakson, Lester Wiese, Donna Stehling
Guests Present: Orris Smith, Jim O'Neill, Kathy Schauf
Advisory Committee Members: Loomis, Anderson
UWEX Staff Present: Sue Nagelkerk, Jessica Jens, Danielle Varney
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 9 AM by Chair Ashford.
Certification of Open Meeting Notice
Requirements of the Open Meeting Law were met.
Approval of Agenda
Motion made by Tollaksen, second by Wiese to approve the agenda.
Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting
Motion made by Tollakson, second by Wiese to approve the minutes
as corrected for the last meeting.
Motion carried.
Huffaker sent information on the similarities of the Form 1 for
UW Extension & Arts & Culure.
Consider possible vision session schedule and faciliator
Sue Nagelkerk discussed what a vision session is and what it might
Monthly Report/Review and Approval of Vouchers (UW Extension)
A motion was made by Wiese, second by Tollaksen to approve the
vouchers for the month of June in the amount of $2408.05.
Motion carried.
UW Extension - Department Update
Nagelkerk, Jens and Varney prepared a Powerpoint presentation of
the new Family Camp for limited resource families that was held in May
at Upham Woods.
Approval of WACEC State Conference registration, mileage and lodging for
Supervisors Wiese and Huffaker
A motion was made by Tollaksen second by Stehling to approve payment
for Wiese and Huffaker's expenses for mileage, registration, and lodging
for the WACEC State Conference.
Motion carried.
Approval of long term support and funding for the Community, natural Resources
and Economic Development (CNRED) Agent
As part of Erickson's process to attain her tenure she needs approval
from the committee for long term support and funding for her position. A
motion was made by Wiese second by Stehling to give this position their
support and long term funding.
Motion carried.
Monthly Report/Review and Approval of Vouchers
The monthly report and review of vouchers were discussed. A motion
was made by Tollakson and second by Wiese to approve both the monthly
report and pay the vouchers.
Motion carried.
Distribution process for historical properties DVD's
The DVD's will be sold at various places to be determined. This
DVD contains lectures give and the Historical Home Tour. One suggestion
was to give a copy to each library in the county. No decision was made.
Consider draft of text for new brochure, update on locating a graphic designer
for the brochure, website and possible new logo.
Ashford discussed the new draft of the brochure and handed out
a copy of it to each person in attendance. It was decided that if anyone
had any suggestions for the brochure they should e-mail Ashford with them.
Jim O'Neill, MIS, describe web site re-design
O'Neill explained to the committee what would take place over a
period of time. He said that his department would make any changes to
the web site that was necessary.
Consider road map for future grants process
Kathy Schauf explained where the future grant process was at including
having the panelists being kept informed, a panelists orientation, discussion
of process and ID key role for moderator among other points.
Consider UWEX/Arts & Culture ideas from Donna
Neuwirth to be completed in 2008
A discussion was held on the idea of a "Farm Art D-Tour" that
would be held in conjunction with the Sauk County Artists Fall Tour. After
discussion it was decided that this project could not be accomplished in
the short time frame. It was decided that if something like this were to
happen it would have to be for next year.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, August 28 starting at
9 AM in the ETN Room of the West Square Building.
A motion was made by Wiese second by Stehling to adjourn.
Submitted by: Sue Nagelkerk, Co-Department Head