DATE: August 28, 2008
Members Present: Judy Ashford, Pete Tollakson, Lester Wiese, Donna Stehling, Marcy Huffaker
Guests Present: Orris Smith, Paul Wolter, Marty Krueger
Advisory Committee Members: Jaedike, Loomis
UWEX Staff Present: Sue Nagelkerk, Jenny Erickson, John Exo & Phyllis Both
Call to Order
Certification of Open Meeting Notice
Approval of Agenda
Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting
Dale Jaedike read a letter from the Baraboo/Sauk County Campus inviting suggestions for the speaker series.
Consider Outside Organization Request of $10,000 for the Sauk County Historical Society
A Power Point presentation was given by Paul Wolter regarding the early history of the Sauk County Historical and some of their activities. After some discussion, the $10,000 request was granted. Motion made by Tollakson, second by Huffaker to approve the request. Motion carried.
Consider Outside Organization Request of $25,000 for the Sauk County Agricultural Society (Fair)
A discussion was held on the amount requested. After discussion, only $20,000 was approved for 2009. Motion made by Tollakson, second by Wiese to give the Sauk County Agricultural Society $20,000. Motion carried.
Approval of UW Extension Department budget line item for 2009
Motion made by Tollakson, second by Stehling to approve the Sauk County UW Extension budget line item for 2009. Motion carried.
Approval of Arts & Culture budget line item for 2009
Motion made by Tollakson, second by Stehling to approve the Arts & Culture budget line item for 2009. After further discussion a motion was made to transfer 15% of the budget to reflect the amount of time Dale Jaedike spends on this committee's administrative duties. Motion made by Tollakson, second by Stehling to approve the Arts & Culture Committee budget line item for 2009 as amended. Motion carried.
Approval of Alice In Dairyland Scholarship budget line item request for 2009
After some discussion about the budget line item for the Alice in Dairyland Scholarship, a motion was made by Tollakson, second by Huffaker to approve the line item request for 2009. Motion carried.
Monthly Report/Review and Approval of Vouchers (UW Extension)
A motion was made by Tollakson, second by Huffaker to approve the UW Extension vouchers for the month of August in the amount of $1852.70. Motion carried.
UW Extension - Department Update
A presentation was given by John Exo, UW Extension River Basin Educator, about what his job entails and the departments he works with. He is currently working in Spring Green regarding the flooding issues.
Phyllis Both, UW Extension Horticulturist, gave a report on the Master Gardener Program in Sauk County and the projects they are working with including the North Freedom Steam Train area, the City of Reedsburg, Rock Springs and LaValle.
Approval of August 21 Southern District WACEC per diem and mileage for supervisors Ashford, Wiese and Huffaker
A motion was made by Tollaksen second by Huffaker to approve payment for Wiese, Ashford and Huffaker for per diem and mileage. Stehling was not in attendance. Motion carried.
Approval to authorize Nagelkerk request to the Sauk County Community Foundation for an upgrade of the research-based Parenting Wisely CD.
A motion was made by Tollakson, second by Wiese to approve a grant that was written by Nagelkerk to request $210.94 for an upgrade to the Parenting Wisely Program CD. Motion carried.
Approval for Jessica Jens to attend a conference in Boston, MA
A motion was made by Tollakson, second by Stehling to authorize Jessica Jens, Sauk County 4-H Youth Development Agent, to attend the Advanced Facilitation Workshop to be held in Boston, MA on Sept. 26-28, 2008. There would be no cost to the county.
Monthly Report/Review and Approval of Vouchers
No vouchers for August
Approval of mini grants, grants, artist registry and historic registry
Report from Supervisor Huffaker on Economic Committee issues
Huffaker reported that she had been to several meetings and they are in the process of determining what can and needed to be done. They are also looking into ways of cooperating with other agencies.
Distribution process for historical properties DVD's
The DVD's will be sold at for $5.00. The Historical Society will be handling this. This DVD contains lectures given and the Historical Home Tour. One copy will be given to each library in the county (24). A motion was made by Tollakson, second by Stehling to adopt the handling of the DVD's. Motion carried.
Consider draft of text for new brochure, update on locating a graphic designer for the brochure, website and possible new logo.
This project will go ahead as there were no further suggestions or corrections.
Progress report on WCA Conference table activities
Jean Brew from the Wisconsin Dells Quilter group will be setting up a display of quilts. There will be a donation of $200 given to this group. It was reported that a sign with the Sauk County logo was being made and that this sign can be used for any Sauk County events. Lynn Zick reported on the Taste of Sauk County that will be taking place with local vendors having taste tests of items such as - cheese curds, sausage, honey, flavored honies, sorghum, etc.
Discuss need for volunteers and other administrative needs for the conference
A discussion was held and it was decided to take the sign up sheets to the next County Board Meeting to see if the shifts can be filled up.
Consider any proposals for special arts/humanities/historic preservation projects
None to consider.
Approval of Arts & Culture Memberships
A motion made by Tollakson, second by Huffaker to approve the membership of Arts Wisconsin. Motion carried.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, September 25 starting at 9 AM in the ETN Room of the West Square Building.
Amotion was made byTollakson second by Wiese to adjourn. Motion carried.
Submitted by: Sue Nagelkerk, Co-Department Head