DATE: Thursday, February 28, 2008
County Board Room
West Square Building
Members present: Marty Krueger, Don Stevens, Kathy Zowin, Tim Meister, Lester Wiese, Virgil Hartje, Rose White, Paul Endres, Tommy Lee Bychinski
Others present: Joan Fordham, Judy Ashford, Rob Sinklair, Kerry Beghin, Kathy Schauf, Alene Kleczek
Chairman Krueger called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. Certification that the open meeting requirement was met. Motion by Stevens, second by Hartje to adopt the agenda.
Motion carried.
Judy Ashford began by giving a presentation originally prepared by the UW Extension Local Government Center describing the roles and responsibilities of County Board Supervisors compared by administrative staff. The difference between policy-making and management was discussed.
Responsibility for the agenda - The difference between drafting and approving was clarified.
Running the meeting/maintaining decorum.
Notification of appointments - The importance of advance notice was noted.
Notified by committee members when not available for committee meeting(s).
Facilitating policy discussions and communicating with the Board of Supervisors
The Committee took a five minute break at 7:35.
The Committee discussed proposed changes to the Rules of the Board. It was clarified that County Board members cannot speak during County Board meetings under public comment due to conflicts with the open meetings laws. Reconsideration or renewal of a motion was discussed at length. Committee structure revisions as developed by the Executive & Legislative Committee were explained. Motion by Hartje, second by Meister to recommend to the Executive & Legislative Committee to not combine the Finance and Personnel Committees, and to leave the Risk / Safety Manager under the Property Committee report.
Motion carried - Ayes: 5, Nayes: 4.
Motion by Bychinski, second by Wiese to adjourn.
Motion carried.