Board of Supervisors
DATE: Tuesday, March 18, 2008
TIME: 6:00 p.m.
West Square Building, 505 Broadway, Rm. #326
Baraboo, Wisconsin 53913
- Special Meetings:
- Executive & Legislative Committee: 5:15p.m. in the gallery of the County Board Room #326A, to discuss: 1.) Consideration of the Rules of the Board; and ADRC governance structure, SCCO Chapter 16; and 2.) Possible Resolution No. 20-08 Proclaiming National County Government Week, April 6-12, 2008 Protecting Our Children.
- All Board members @ 5:30 p.m. for photo session @ County Board Room #326.
- Finance Committee: 5:40 p.m., @ Gallery of County Board Room #326A, to consider: 1.) Approval of County vouchers; and 2.) Possible Resolution No. 26-08 Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of $10,000,000 Bond Anticipation Notes Pursuant to Section 67.12(1)(b), Wisconsin Statutes.
- Law Enforcement & Judiciary Committee: 5:45 p.m. , @ Gallery of County Board Room #326A, to consider: 1.) Possible Resolution No. 22-08 Crime Victims' Rights Week Proclamation.
- Call to order, and certify compliance with Open Meeting Law.
- Roll call.
- Invocation and pledge of allegiance.
- Adoption of agenda.
- Approval of minutes of previous meeting:
- Scheduled appearances:
- Public comment.
- Communications:
- Letter from Luanne Laubmeier, Plain, WI thanking the Board of Supervisors for electing to keep the housekeeping and dietary departments in house at the Sauk County Health Care Center. (page 7)
- Letter from Columbia County Planning & Zoning Department Recommended Town of Lewiston Comprehensive Plan 2030, (CD version for review @ the office of the Sauk County Clerk). (page 8)
- Letter from the State of Wisconsin, Department of Natural Resources, giving notice of purchase of land in Sauk County from John Michael Williams and Darek R. Williams, by a conveyance dated May 1, 2007 and is tax exempt pursuant to Chap. 70.11 of the Wisconsin Statutes. The described land should be removed from the 2008 assessment and tax rolls. (pages 9 & 10).
- Letters from Tom Diehl, Village of Lake Delton Trustee, and business owner; Nick Laskaris, owner of Mt. Olympus, Village of Lake Delton; Darrel Mor, Owner of Spring Brook, Village of Lake Delton; Mark Brounacker, District B Business Representative, IUOE Local 139; Tim Craighead, West Bend, Wisconsin; Roger A. Friede, President Friede & Associates, Reedsburg; Patrick J. And Deborah A. Anderson, property owners east of proposed Stone Ridge Quarry; S. Peter Helland, Owner Wilderness Hotel, Village of Lake Delton; Johon McNeely, Badger Excavating & Plumbing, LLC; Daniel R. Heffron, Heffron Group, Prairie du Sac; Scott Klicko; and Richard Steele, Steele Co., Inc., Lake Delton, in support of rezoning lands in the Town of Baraboo from a Resource Conservancy 35 to an Agricultural Zoning district filed by Patrick Terry, Joseph & James Terry, David Brennan, property owners and Gasser/Milestone Materials, c/o John Montgomery, (petition #1-2008), to allow development of a aggregate extraction site - Stone Ridge Quarry. (pages 11-23).
- Gregg Klitzke, regarding both sides compromising in relation to rezoning lands in the Town of Baraboo from a Resource Conservancy 35 to an Agricultural Zoning district filed by Patrick Terry,Joseph Terry & James Terry, David Brennan, property owners and Gasser/Milestone Materials, c/o John Montgomery, (petition #1-2008), to allow development of a aggregate extraction site - Stone Ridge Quarry. (page 24).
- Letters from Jeff Turner, Baraboo; Jan & Serg Neuman, Baraboo; and Duane H. Neuman, requesting to have their names withdrawn from petition in opposition to rezoning lands in the Town of Baraboo from a Resource Conservancy 35 to an Agricultural Zoning district filed by Patrick Terry,Joseph Terry & James Terry, David Brennan, property owners and Gasser/Milestone Materials, c/o John Montgomery, (petition #1-2008), to allow development of a aggregate extraction site - Stone Ridge Quarry. (pages 25-27).
- Letters from Kay Hobler, Baraboo; Jason & Beverly Terry, Baraboo; Joseph M. Terry, PE; and Mary E. Falls, Baraboo, in opposition to rezoning lands in Town of Baraboo from a Resource Conservancy 35 to an Agricultural Zoning district filed by Patrick Terry,Joseph Terry & James Terry, David Brennan, property owners and Gasser/Milestone Materials, c/o John Montgomery, (petition #1-2008), to allow development of a aggregate extraction site - Stone Ridge Quarry. (pages 28-34).
- Petition with 230 signatures in opposition to rezoning lands in Town of Baraboo from a Resource Conservancy 35 to an Agricultural Zoning district filed by Patrick Terry,Joseph Terry & James Terry, David Brennan, property owners and Gasser/Milestone Materials, c/o John Montgomery, (petition #1-2008), to allow development of a aggregate extraction site - Stone Ridge Quarry. (pages 35-50).
- Bills & referrals.
- Claims:
- Appointments:
1.) Reappointment of Theron Hill, Physically Disabled Representative on the Long Term Support Planning Committee. Three year term expires 4/1/11.
2.) Appointment of Randy Puttkamer, S5828 Lehman Road, Baraboo, to replace citizen member Joe Prem on the Agriculture, Extension, Education & Land Conservation Committee as the FSA Advisor. (Retroactive to 1/1/08), 3 year unexpired term ends 12/31/08.
- Unfinished Business.
- Reports (informational - no action required):
- Beverly J. Mielke, Sauk County Clerk, rezoning petitions received
per Wisconsin State Statutes 59.69(5)(e):
*Petition #4-08 Rezoning request, Township of Honey Creek. From exclusive Agriculture to Agriculture. Filed by Jackson B. Pellett. (pages 51-56).
*Petition #5-08 Subdivision Plat, Township of Reedsburg (within ET). Filed by Blakeslee Land Surveying c/o Richard Blakeslee, applicant; K & J Management LLC, Property Owner. (pages 57-61).
- 2007 Supervisor Per Diem and Mileage Summary - requires motion to approve per Rules of the Board. (page 62).
- Finance Committee report of 2009 Budget Policies & Priorities and Time line. (pages 63-66).
- Supervisor Endres, Chair, Sauk County Health Care Center Building Project Committee.
- Bill Orth, Sauk County Human Services Director: update on Family Care/governance.
- Supervisor Fordham, Chair, Continuum of Care Committee: Update on coordinated transportation; and update on SCCO Chapter 16.
- Supervisor Ashford, Vice-Chair, Executive & Legislative Committee.
- Marty Krueger, County Board Chair:
- Rules of the Board
- Structure
- Role of Committee Chairs
- Kathryn Schauf, Administrative Coordinator
- Consent Agenda:
PAGE # |
Resolution and Ordinance |
PAGE # |
Resolution and Ordinance |
67 |
Resolution No. 18-08 Honoring Catherine M. Horenberger. |
68 |
Resolution No. 19-08 Honoring Joan Wheeler |
69 |
Possible Resolution No. 20-08 Proclaiming National County Government Week April 6-12, 2008 Protecting Our Children. |
70 |
Resolution No. 21-08 Commending Mary A. Andrews for Twenty-One years of Faithful service to the people of Sauk County. |
71 |
Possible Resolution No. 22-08 Crime Victims' Rights Week Proclamation. |
72 |
Resolution No. 23-08 Commending Richard Lemoine for more than 21 years of faithful service to the people of Sauk County. |
- Resolutions & Ordinances:
PAGE # |
Resolution and Ordinance |
PAGE # |
Resolution and Ordinance |
73 & 74 |
Resolution No. 24-08 Opposing the funding cut for Badger Army Ammunition Plant. |
75 |
Resolution No. 25-08 Denying Claim of Pearl Friedley. |
76 - 88 |
Possible Resolution No. 26-08 Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of $10,000,000 Bond Anticipation Notes Pursuant to Section 67.12(1)(b), Wisconsin Statutes. |
89 |
Resolution No. 27-08 Utilization of Owner Direct Insurance Program. |
71 & 72 |
Resolution No. 16-08 Authorization To Contract With Johnson Controls
To Complete Repairs To The Chiller Units In The West Square. |
73 |
Resolution No. 17-08 Authorizing The Public Health Department To
Accept The Donation Of United Way. |
- Adjournment to a date certain.
Respectfully submitted: Marty Krueger County Board Chair
- ATTENTION - County Board members, County staff, & members of the public:
Materials handed out at Sauk County Board of Supervisors meetings are required to be placed on file with the official records of the Proceedings of the Sauk County Board of Supervisors. Furnish the County Clerk a copy of:
- informational handouts distributed to Board members; and
- original letters/communications presented to the Board.
- ATTENTION - County Board members: Stop in the Office of the County Clerk prior to each Board meeting to sign original resolutions/ordinances approved by committees to be brought to the full County Board.
Agenda mail date via United States Postal Service: Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Agenda preparation: Marty Krueger, County Board Chair, with the assistance of Kathryn Schauf, Administrative Coordinator and
Beverly J. Mielke, County Clerk