March 18, 2008
Room #326
West Square Building
505 Broadway
Baraboo, Wisconsin, 53913
ABSENT: (0).
Resolution No. 23-08 Commending Richard LeMoine For More Than 21 Years Of Faithful Service To The People Of Sauk County.
Moved (Tollaksen/Bychinski), to approve consent agenda items. Supervisor White commended Supervisor Horenberger and Wheeler for their service. Vote total: AYES: (31) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Cassity, Tollaksen, Volz, Huffaker, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Horenberger, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Sprecher, Alexander, Sinklair, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Ashford, and Krueger. NAYS: (0). ABSENT: (0).
Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution No. 24-08 Opposing The Funding Cut For Badger Army Ammunition Plant. Moved (Wenzel/Ashford). Supervisor Wenzel regarding impact on Sauk County. Vote total: Vote total: AYES: (31) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Cassity, Tollaksen, Volz, Huffaker, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Horenberger, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Sprecher, Alexander, Sinklair, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Ashford, and Krueger. NAYS: (0). ABSENT: (0).
Motion carried unanimously.
Chair Krueger announced an Intergovernmental meeting will be held on March 25, 2008 @ the River Arts Center, Prairie du Sac, @ 6:15 p.m.
Resolution No. 25-08 Denying Claim Of Pearl Friedley. Moved (Fordham/Zowin).
Vote total: Vote total: AYES: (31) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Cassity, Tollaksen, Volz, Huffaker, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Horenberger, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Sprecher, Alexander, Sinklair, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Ashford, and Krueger. NAYS: (0). ABSENT: (0).
Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution No. 26-08 Authorizing The Issuance And Sale Of $10,000,000 Bond Anticipation Notes Pursuant To Section 67.12(1)(b), Wisconsin Statutes. Moved (Bychinski/Fordham). Brad Viegut, Robert W. Baird & Co. representative regarding bond issuance summary, (handout). Vote total: Vote total: AYES: (27) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Cassity, Volz, Huffaker, Dippel, Fordham, Haugen, Horenberger, Endres, Carlson, Wiese, Sprecher, Alexander, Sinklair, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Ashford, and Krueger. NAYS: (4) Tollaksen, Wheeler, Stevens, and Gaalswyk. ABSENT: (0).
Motion carried.
8:40 p.m. Supervisor Carlson excused from remainder of meeting due to a funeral.
Resolution No. 27-08 Utilization Of Owner Direct Insurance Program. Moved (Hartje/Endres). Supervisor Hartje regarding money saved. Vote total: AYES: (30) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Cassity, Tollaksen, Volz, Huffaker, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Horenberger, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Wiese, Sprecher, Alexander, Sinklair, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Ashford, and Krueger. NAYES: (0). ABSENT: (1) Carlson.
Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution No. 28-08 Opposing The Proposal Of The Wisconsin Office Of Justice Assistance To Keep All Of The Public Safety Inter operable Communications Grant Program Funds That Have Been Made Available To Wisconsin. Moved (Bychinski/Tollaksen). Sauk County Sheriff's Department Captain Richard Meister, and Emergency Management Communications Technician Phil Raab, regarding opposition to lack of funding and local input. Vote total: AYES: (30) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Cassity, Tollaksen, Volz, Huffaker, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Horenberger, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Wiese, Sprecher, Alexander, Sinklair, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Ashford, and Krueger. NAYS: (0). ABSENT: (1) Carlson.
Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution No. 29-08 Authorization To Purchase 2008 Ford Crown Victoria Replacement Squad Car. Moved (Montgomery/Tollasken). Supervisor Montgomery clarified the vehicle is a replacement. Vote total: AYES: (30) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Cassity, Tollaksen, Volz, Huffaker, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Horenberger, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Wiese, Sprecher, Alexander, Sinklair, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Ashford, and Krueger. NAYS: (0). ABSENT: (1) Carlson.
Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution No. 30-08 Approving Purchase Of Development Rights Agreements For The Louis and Lowell Goette, Ronald and Sue Goette, Kevin Goette, Michael and Gloria Leatherberry, Larry and Mary Halweg, and Muriel Halweg Properties In The Town Of Merrimac Pursuant To The Sauk County Baraboo Range Protection Plan. Moved (Ashford/White). Supervisor Ashford with and overview of contiguous block of property owners. Vote total: AYES: (21) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Huffaker, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Horenberger, Gaalswyk, Wiese, Sprecher, Alexander, Sinklair, Wenzel, White, Ashford, and Krueger. NAYS: (9) Lehman, Bychinski, Cassity, Tollaksen, Volz, Haugen, Endres, Stevens, and Netzinger. ABSENT: (1) Carlson.
Motion carried.
Resolution No. 31-08 Disapproving The Rezoning Of Lands In The Town Of Baraboo From A Resource Conservancy 35 To An Agricultural Zoning District Filed By Patrick Terry, Joseph & James Terry, David Brennan, Property Owners And Gasser/Milestone Materials, c/o John Montgomery, (petition #1-2008). Moved (Ashford/Wiese).
Fifteen (15) minute presentations:
Discussion in support of, and in opposition to rezoning petition; Town of Baraboo Land Use Plan; quarry operations; and economic development. Vote total: AYES: (20) Zowin, Kriegl, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Cassity, Huffaker, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Horenberger, Endres, Gaalswyk, Alexander, Sinklair, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Ashford, and Krueger. NAYS: (10) Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Montgomery, Bychinski, Tollaksen, Volz, Stevens, Wiese, and Sprecher. ABSENT: (1) Carlson.
Motion carried.
Resolution No. 32-08 Authorization to Purchase a Compact Pickup Truck. Moved (Hartje/Meister). Vote total: AYES: (30) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Cassity, Tollaksen, Volz, Huffaker, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Horenberger, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Wiese, Sprecher, Alexander, Sinklair, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Ashford, and Krueger. NAYS: (0). ABSENT: (1) Carlson.
Motion carried unanimously.
Motion (Wheeler/Horenberger) to adjourn until Tuesday, April 15, 2008 @ 6:00 p.m.
Motion carried unanimously.
Office of the Sauk County Clerk
Room #144
West Square Building
505 Broadway
Baraboo, WI 53913
Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
(608) 355-3286