DATE: May 20, 2008
Room #326
West Square Building
505 Broadway
Baraboo, Wisconsin, 53913.
2 Year terms April 15, 2008 (3rd Tuesday) - April 19, 2010 (3rd Monday)
5 Supervisors
Chair of each standing committee
7 Supervisors
7 Supervisors
5 Supervisors
(Replaced Health Care Center Committee effective 01/01/2007, with Ordinance #136-2006) (Supervisors remain until after term of office, or resignation):
4 Supervisors
5 Supervisors
6 Supervisors
(3 year terms)
5 Supervisors
5 Supervisors
5 Supervisors
5 Supervisors
4 Supervisors
5 Supervisors, 2 citizens
3 year terms expire 05/17/11
2 Supervisors, 7 citizens
1 Supervisor & P & Z Director
1 Supv.
2 year term concurrent w/Board of Supervisors: 04/15/08 to 04/19/10:
1 Supervisor
2 year term concurrent w/Board of Supervisors: 04/15/08 to 04/19/10:
1 Supervisor
2 year term concurrent w/Bd of Supv: 04/15/08 to 04/19/10:
Citizen member re-appointment:
1 Supervisor. (not on P & Z)
2 year term concurrent w/Board of Supervisors: 04/15/08 to 04/19/10:
established 4/18/06 - replaced Residence Hall Committee
2 year term concurrent w/Board of Supervisors: 04/15/08 to 04/19/10:
1 Supervisor
1 Supervisor
2 year term concurrent w/Board of Supervisors: 04/15/08 to 04/19/10:
1 Supervisor
2 year term concurrent w/Board of Supervisors: 04/15/08 to 04/19/10:
1 Supervisor
2 year term concurrent w/Board of Supervisors: 04/15/08 to 04/19/10:
1 Supervisor
2 year term concurrent w/Board of Supervisors: 04/15/08 to 04/19/10:
1 Supervisor
2 year term concurrent w/Board of Supervisors: 04/15/08 to 04/19/10:
Citizen member re-appointment:
1 Supervisor
2 year term concurrent w/Board of Supervisors: 04/15/08 to 04/19/10:
4 Supervisors, 1 Citizen
(Created August 21, 2007)
2 year term concurrent w/Board of Supervisors: 04/15/08 to 04/19/10:
1 Staff (no Supervisors, no term limit
2 Supervisors
Sauk, Columbia, Dodge, Jefferson & Green Lake Counties:
2 year term concurrent w/Board of Supervisors: 04/15/08 to 04/19/10:
Board Chair, 1 Supv. & 1 Alt.
2 year terms concurrent w/Board of Supervisors: 04/15/08 to 04/19/10:
2 Supervisors
2 year term concurrent w/Board of Supervisors: 04/15/08 to 04/18/10:
1 Supervisor (required to be Chair of the Board):
1 Supervisor, 3 year term
(created by the LaCrosse Lakeview Collaboration effort, with unlimited number of terms, and approved by Sauk County Board of Supervisors on 1/15/08)
1 Supervisor
2 year term concurrent w/Board of Supervisors: 04/15/08 to 04/19/10:
2 year term concurrent w/Board of Supervisors: 04/15/08 to 04/19/10:
2 Supervisors. - Finance & Executive & Legislative
: 2 Supervisors
(Chair of Board required to be a member)
2 year term concurrent w/Board of Supervisors: 04/15/08 to 04/19/10:
1 Supervisor
2 year term concurrent w/Board of Supervisors: 04/15/08 to 04/19/10:
Citizen re-appointment:
(3 year terms): 1 Supervisor
2 year term concurrent w/Board of Supervisors: 04/15/08 to 04/19/10:
1 Supervisor & 1 Alternate
2 year term concurrent w/Board of Supervisors: 04/15/08 to 04/19/10:
1 Supervisor
2 year term concurrent w/Board of Supervisors: 04/15/08 to 04/19/10:
1 Supervisor
2 year term concurrent w/Board of Supervisors: 04/15/08 to 04/19/10:
2 Supervisors
2 year term concurrent w/Board of Supervisors: 04/15/08 to 04/19/10:
1 Supervisor (requires County Board Chair as member)
2 year term concurrent w/Board of Supervisors: 04/15/08 to 04/19/10:
Leadership Caucus: 1 Supervisor (requires County Board Chair as member)
2 year term concurrent w/Board of Supervisors: 04/15/08 to 04/19/10:
2 Supervisors
2 year term concurrent w/Board of Supervisors: 04/15/08 to 04/19/10:
2 year term concurrent w/Board of Supervisors: 04/15/08 to 04/19/10:
3 Supervisors & 1 Alternate
(Established February 19, 1980)
2 year term concurrent w/Board of Supervisors: 04/15/08 to 04/19/10:
1 Supervisor (requires County Board Chair to be a member)
2 year term concurrent w/Board of Supervisors: 04/15/08 to 04/19/10:
Moved (Sinklair/Carlson), to strike Supervisor Sprecher from the Wisconsin River Rail Transit Commission. Vote on motion: AYES: (10) Alexander, Borleske, Carlson, Kriegl, Posewitz, Sinklair, Stehling, Stoeckmann, Wenzel, and Zowin. NAYS: (20) Ashford, Bach, Bychinski, Cassity, Dippel, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Hartje, Haugen, Huffaker, Lehman, Montgomery, Netzinger, Sprecher, Stevens, Tollaksen, Volz, Wiese, Endres, and Krueger. ABSENT: (1) Meister.
Motion failed.
Moved (Stoeckmann/Posewitz), to strike Supervisor Posewitz from the Wisconsin Association Of Local Health Departments & Boards. Vote on motion: AYES: (28) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Cassity, Dippel, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Harjte, Haugen, Huffaker, Kriegl, Lehman, Posewitz, Sinklair, Sprecher, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Volz, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAYS: (2) Montgomery and Netzinger. ABSENT: (1) Meister.
Motion carried.
Chair Krueger stated supervisors on this committee should also be a member of the Sauk County Public Health Board, and appointed Supervisor Donna Stehling.
Chair Krueger changed the standing name of the Highway Committee to Highway and Parks Committee.
Moved (Endres/Tollaksen), to approve appointments. Vote: AYES: (25) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Cassity, Dippel, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Harjte, Haugen, Huffaker, Lehman, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sprecher, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Volz, Wiese, Endres, and Krueger. NAYS: (4) Kriegl, Sinklair, Wenzel, and Zowin. ABSENT FOR THIS VOTE: (1) Stehling. ABSENT: (1) Meister.
Motion carried.
Resolution 47-08 Commending Kathe Pulver for 28 Years of Faithful Service To The People of Sauk County. Moved (Borleske/Endres), to approve Consent Agenda resolution. Vote: AYES: (29) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Cassity, Dippel, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Harjte, Haugen, Huffaker, Kriegl, Lehman, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Sprecher, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Volz, Wenzel, Wiese, Endres and Krueger. NAYS: (0). ABSENT FOR THIS VOTE: (1) Zowin. ABSENT: (1) Meister.
Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution 48-08 Denying Claim Of Robert Beese, Jeremy Rutherford
And David Osley. Moved (Fordham/Stevens). Discussion regarding inmate issues in relation to claim. Moved (Kriegl/Stoeckmann), to postpone resolution until the Disability Rights of Wisconsin completes an investigation. Further discussion regarding merit of claim. Supervisor Stoeckmann requesting the Judiciary committee look into the issues in this claim. Further discussion regarding housing State prisoners; and time and cost involvement of Sauk County Corporation Counsel. Supervisor Wenzel clarified denying a claim allows the issue to be processed by the insurance company for Sauk County. Chair Krueger stated Corporation Counsel would provide Supervisor Kriegl with a copy of this claim. Vote on motion to postpone: AYES: (5) Borleske, Haugen, Kriegl, Sinklair and Stoeckmann. NAYS: (25). Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Bychinski, Carlson, Cassity, Dippel, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Hartje, Huffaker, Lehman Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sprecher, Stehling, Stevens, Tollaksen, Volz, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. ABSENT: (1) Meister.
Motion to postpone failed.
Vote on resolution: AYES: (29) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Cassity, Dippel, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Harjte, Haugen, Huffaker, Kriegl, Lehman, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Sprecher, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Volz, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAYS: (1) Stoeckmann. ABSENT: (1) Meister.
Resolution carried.
Resolution 49-08 Authorizing Adjustment To The 2007 Budget. Moved (Bychinski/Fordham). Supervisor Wenzel stated for the record that he did support this resolution at Committee level. Vote: AYES: (30) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Cassity, Dippel, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Harjte, Haugen, Huffaker, Kriegl, Lehman, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Sprecher, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Volz, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAYS: (0). ABSENT: (1) Meister.
Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution 50-08 creating a Sauk County Health Care Center Foundation, Inc. Moved (Borleske/Hartje). Discussion regarding differences between this Foundation and the Health Care Center Benefit Club Foundation, Inc. Vote: AYES: (30) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Cassity, Dippel, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Harjte, Haugen, Huffaker, Kriegl, Lehman, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Sprecher, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Volz, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAYS: (0). ABSENT: (1) Meister.
Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution 51-08 Authorization And Expression of Desire For Exploration
And Negotiation Regarding Alternative Delivery Models At The Sauk
County Health Care Center. Moved (Endres/Alexander). Discussion in support of, and in opposition to outsourcing dietary and housekeeping positions at the Sauk County Health Care Center. Vote: AYES: (20) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Bychinski, Cassity, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Harjte, Huffaker, Kriegl, Lehman, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sprecher, Stevens, Tollaksen, Wenzel, Wiese, Endres and Krueger. NAYS: (10) Borleske, Carlson, Dippel, Haugen, Montgomery, Sinklair, Stehling, Stoeckmann, Volz, and Zowin. ABSENT: (1) Meister.
Motion carried.
Ordinance 52-08 Approving The Establishment Of A Planned ResidentialUnit Development (PRUD) Under è8.12 Sauk County Shoreland Protection Ordinance Filed Upon SWS, LLC c/o Jeff Schluter, Applicant. Moved (Lehman/Ashford). Supervisors Lehman and Ashford with overview of development in relation to boathouses. Mark Steward, Planning & Zoning Directory, regarding aligning boathouses. Vote: AYES: (27) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Carlson, Cassity, Dippel, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Harjte, Haugen, Huffaker, Kriegl, Lehman, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Sprecher, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Volz, Wiese, Endres and Krueger. NAYS: (3) Bychinski, Wenzel, and Zowin. ABSENT: (1) Meister.
Motion carried.
Original documents on file @ the Office of the Sauk County Clerk:
West Square Building, 505 Broadway, Room #144, Baraboo, WI 53913
Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
(608) 355-3286