DATE: August 19, 2008
West Square Building, 505 Broadway, Room #326, Baraboo, Wisconsin, 53913.
Public Hearing @ 6:00 p.m. in Room #326 (County Board Room) of the West Square Building, for the purpose of providing the citizens of Sauk County an explanation of the Community Development Block Grant Emergency Assistance Program (CDBG-EAP), program goals, and the application process along with a discussion of the economic development needs of Sauk County and to receive citizen input relating to the potential application.
1. Convene Public Hearing.
2. Basic overview of CDBG program.
3. Total CDBG funds (including anticipated revolving loan funds) available for housing,
Public facilities and economic development.
4. Types of activities eligible using CDBG funds for:
a. Economic Development
b. Public Facilities
c. Housing:
(1) Rehabilitation; (2) Home buyer Assistance; (3) Special Housing Projects
5. Housing needs identified by staff/consultant prior to public hearing.
6. Community development (public facilities, economic development) needs
Identified by staff/consultant prior to public hearing.
7. Housing needs identified by attendees of the public hearing.
8. Community development needs identified by attendees of the public hearing.
9. Activities proposed for CDBG application.
10. Potential for residential displacement as a result of the proposed CDBG activities.
11. Public attending the meeting offered an opportunity to discuss proposed CDBG
application (sign-up sheets on back table of Board meeting room)
12. 6:06 p.m. - Adjourn Public Hearing.
Call to order regular meeting: 6:06 p.m.
Compliance with Open Meeting Law.
Chair Krueger announcement: Supervisors Dippel & Montgomery pre-excused absence; & Supervisor Bychinski leaving @ 7:00 p.m. due to conflict with another meeting obligation.
Roll call: Present: (29) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Cassity, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Hartje, Haugen, Huffaker, Kriegl, Lehman, Meister, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Sprecher, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Volz, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. ABSENT: (2). Dippel and Montgomery.
Invocation and pledge of allegiance.
Chair Krueger with changes to agenda:
1.) Page 37, second whereas, add: "replacement or buyout" after "Repair"
2.) All appointments moved to September 16, 2008 County Board agenda
County Clerk Mielke with correction on page 49, second whereas:
1.) Change "Light Commercial" to "Light Industrial"
Supervisor Lehman with name spelling correction on page 3: "Mayer" to "Meyer"
Approve agenda, with changes: Moved (Tollaksen/Netzinger). Motion carried unanimously .
County Clerk Mielke with correction to page 5, vote for Resolution 76-08: Supervisor Alexander's vote was Nay.
Approve minutes of previous session, with correction: Moved (Alexander/Sinklair). Motion carried unanimously .
Scheduled Appearances: None.
Public Comment: None.
1. Township of La Valle resolution to petition the Sauk County Board of Supervisors
to budget for and provide for the assessment of the safety and structural
condition of Lake Redstone Dam.
2. Letter from Roxanne Gray, State Hazard Mitigation Officer, State of Wisconsin
Dept. of Military Affairs Wisconsin Emergency Management, regarding
pre-application for Section 404-Hazard Mitigation Grant Program.
3. Letter from David Dueholm, Township of Prairie du Sac Assessor, expressing
appreciation for very fine service from Sauk County Property Listing Office.
4. Letter from 51st Assembly District State Representative Steve Hilgenberg,
regarding Sauk County Resolution 75-08 relating to allocation of funding for
Wireless Emergency 9-1-1 surcharge.
5. E-mail from Al Shea, Administrator, Division of Air and Waste Management,
State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, giving notice of pending US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed non attainment designation for fine particles.
6. Handout from Supervisor Carlson in opposition to outsourcing as the Sauk County Health Care Center.
7. Handout from Supervisor Kriegl, regarding Sauk County Sheriff's Department Budget for Unit A by month.
8. Letter to Chair Krueger from Gene German, Wisconsin Patriots, regarding their proposed resolution affirming rights of citizens to keep and bear arms. Chair Krueger referred to Executive & Legislative Committee.
Bills & Referrals: None.
Claims: None.
Appointments - moved to September 16, 2008 County Board meeting .
Unfinished Business: None
Reports (informational - no action required):
1. Beverly J. Mielke, Sauk County Clerk, rezoning petitions received
per Wisconsin State Statutes 59.69(5)(e):
Petition #11-08 Rezoning request, Township of Freedom,
From Resource Conservancy District 35 to Commercial District.
Filed by Norbert C. & Donna M. Meunier, by Attorney Paul A. Johnson, Agent.
2. Sauk County Quarterly Financial Report.
3. Supervisor Stevens for Supervisor Montgomery: Annual statutory jail inspection by Law Enforcement Committee member (handout),
4. Supervisor Endres, Chair, Sauk County Health Care Center Building
Committee (handout). Questions to Supervisor Endres: 608.522.3682; or Sauk County Health Care Center Superintendent/Administrator Kimberly Gochanour: 608.524.4371.
5. Supervisor Endres, Vice-Chair, Executive & Legislative Committee.
6. Marty Krueger, County Board Chair:
a.) County Board picnic canceled for August 21, and
rescheduled for Thursday, September 18th. RSVP to
County Clerk before September 12th.
b.) Special County Board meeting on Tuesday, September 30,
2008 @ 6:00 p.m., regarding proposed Sauk County Health
Care Center skilled nursing facility.
c.) Economic Development Committee had their 1st meeting -
minutes will be posted to the Sauk County Web site after
approval @ the next Economic Development Committee.
7. Kathryn Schauf, Administrative Coordinator: sales tax; & budget process
8. Supervisor Cassity, Chair of Aging & Disability Resource Center, regarding High Point Commons response to noise issue (handout).
Consent Agenda:
Resolution 78-08 Commending Carol L. Mears For Twenty Years Of Faithful Service To The People Of Sauk County. Moved (Tollaksen/Stevens), to approve Consent Agenda resolution. Vote: AYE: (29) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Cassity, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Hartje, Haugen, Huffaker, Kriegl, Lehman, Meister, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Sprecher, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Volz, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (0). ABSENT: (2). Dippel and Montgomery. Motion carried unanimously .
Resolutions & Ordinances:
Resolution 79-08 To Establish A Transportation Coordination Committee As A Special Committee Of The Sauk County Board Of Supervisors. Moved (Endres/Huffaker). Vote: AYE: (28) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Cassity, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Hartje, Huffaker, Kriegl, Lehman, Meister, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Sprecher, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Volz, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (1) Haugen. ABSENT: (2). Dippel and Montgomery. Motion carried .
Resolution 80-08 Authorizing Participation In The Wisconsin Small Cities Community Development Block Grant - Emergency Assistance Program (CDBG - EAP). Moved (Fordham/Meister). Vote: AYE: (28) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Carlson, Cassity, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Hartje, Haugen, Huffaker, Kriegl, Lehman, Meister, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Sprecher, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Volz, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (0). ABSENT: (3). Bychinski, Dippel and Montgomery. Motion carried unanimously .
Resolution 81-08 Authorization To Purchase A Vehicle At Sauk County Health Care Center. Moved (Endres/Borleske). Supervisor Endres with clarification that vehicle is a replacement. Supervisor Netzinger stated he supports the resolution, but was out of State at the time of Committee meeting. Vote: AYE: (28) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Carlson, Cassity, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Hartje, Haugen, Huffaker, Kriegl, Lehman, Meister, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Sprecher, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Volz, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (0). ABSENT: (3). Bychinski, Dippel and Montgomery. Motion carried unanimously .
Resolution 82-08 Supporting the Investigation of Flood Control Issues Along the Highway 113 Corridor in the Town of Greenfield. Moved (Kriegl/Wiese). Supervisors Kriegl and Wenzel in support of resolution. Vote: AYE: (28) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Carlson, Cassity, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Hartje, Haugen, Huffaker, Kriegl, Lehman, Meister, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Sprecher, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Volz, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (0). ABSENT: (3). Bychinski, Dippel and Montgomery. Motion carried unanimously .
Resolution 83-08 Authorizing Sauk County Department of Human Services To Pursue Partnering With Dodge County and Other Counties on a Non-Stock Collaborative Organization Regarding Clearview Long Term Care and Rehabilitation Center. Moved (Alexander/Fordham). Supervisor Alexander regarding collaborative organization; and notation that the Human Services Board approved the resolution unanimously. Discussion clarifying costs are incurred only if patients are placed in facilities. Bill Orth, Human Services Director, clarified Lakerview - La Crosse placements are mainly elderly patients with issues such as dementia; and Clearview - `Dodge County placements would be mainly young patients with brain injuries. Vote: AYE: (28) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Carlson, Cassity, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Hartje, Haugen, Huffaker, Kriegl, Lehman, Meister, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Sprecher, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Volz, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (0). ABSENT: (3). Bychinski, Dippel and Montgomery. Motion carried unanimously .
Resolution 84-08 Approving Farmland Preservation Program Application (Schmitz). Moved (Wiese/Zowin). Supervisor Wiese notation that this application if a contract renewal. Supervisor Zowin commended the Land Conservation Department employees on the good job they do enrolling participants. Discussion regarding funding, tax credits, and use value assessments for agricultural lands. Vote: AYE: (27) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Carlson, Cassity, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Hartje, Haugen, Huffaker, Kriegl, Lehman, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Sprecher, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Volz, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (1) Meister. ABSENT: (3). Bychinski, Dippel and Montgomery. Motion carried .
Resolution 85-08 Authorization To Purchase Two Unmarked Squad Cars. Moved (Stevens/Tollaksen). Supervisor Stevens notation that vehicles are replacements. Discussion regarding make and style of vehicles. Sauk County Sheriff's Department Chief Deputy Richard Meister regarding 5 year cost analysis; vehicle uses; and vehicles to be traded in. Vote: AYE: (25) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Carlson, Cassity, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Hartje, Haugen, Lehman, Meister, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sprecher, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Volz, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (3) Huffaker, Kriegl, and Sinklair. ABSENT: (3). Bychinski, Dippel and Montgomery. Motion carried .
Resolution 86-08 Authorization To Increase Civil Process Mileage Fees By The Sauk County Sheriff Effective September 15, 2008. Moved (Sinklair/Stevens). Supervisors Sinklair and Stevens clarifying effective date is to adjust fees on a continuing automatic basis. Discussion in support of resolution. Vote: AYE: (28) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Carlson, Cassity, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Hartje, Haugen, Huffaker, Kriegl, Lehman, Meister, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Sprecher, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Volz, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (0). ABSENT: (3). Bychinski, Dippel and Montgomery. Motion carried unanimously .
Resolution 87-08 Approving an Amendment to the Town of Delton Planning and Zoning Ordinance to Rezone Certain Lands From a Light Industrial to a Commercial Zoning District as Filed by William and Corinne Beard. Moved (Volz/Cassity). Supervisor Volz with overview of rezoning request for use as rental storage units. Discussion regarding Township of Delton approval; tourist entertainment corridor; and landscaping. Vote: AYE: (24) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Carlson, Cassity, Fordham, Hartje, Haugen, Huffaker, Lehman, Meister, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Sprecher, Stehling, Stevens, Tollaksen, Volz, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (4) Gaalswyk, Kriegl, Stoeckmann and Wenzel. ABSENT: (3). Bychinski, Dippel and Montgomery. Motion carried .
Ordinance 88-08 Approving the Rezoning of Lands in the Town of Freedom From a Resource Conservancy 35 to a Recreational-Commercial Zoning District Filed by Michael Kessenich, Agent (petition 10-2008). Moved (Lehman/Netzinger). Supervisor Lehman with rezoning request overview. Vote: AYE: (28) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Carlson, Cassity, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Hartje, Haugen, Huffaker, Kriegl, Lehman, Meister, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Sprecher, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Volz, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (0). ABSENT: (3). Bychinski, Dippel and Montgomery. Motion carried unanimously . Ordinance effective upon passage pursuant to è 59.69(5)(e)(6), of Wisconsin State Statutes, August 19, 2008.
Resolution 89-08 Approving the Acceptance and Disbursement of the Children's
Health Alliance Grant Funds Seal-A-Smile Program. Moved (Stoeckmann/Stehling). Supervisor Stoeckmann regarding program. Discussion regarding renewal of program. Vote: AYE: (27) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Carlson, Cassity, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Hartje, Huffaker, Kriegl, Lehman, Meister, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Sprecher, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Volz, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (1) Haugen. ABSENT: (3). Bychinski, Dippel and Montgomery. Motion carried .
Motion (Tollaksen /Zowin) to adjourn until Tuesday, September 16, 2008 @ 6:00 p.m. Motion carried unanimously .
Adjournment: 8:00 p.m.
Original documents on file @ the Office of the Sauk County Clerk
West Square Building, 505 Broadway, Room #144, Baraboo, WI 53913
Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.