Aging & Disability Resource Center Committee Minutes

Date: Wednesday, May 14, 2008
8:30 a.m.
Conference Room 213, Second Floor
West Square Building
505 Broadway
Baraboo, Wisconsin



Aging & Disability Resource Center Committee Members present: Steven Bach, Tommy Lee Bychinski, Arthur Carlson, Robert Cassity, Marcy Huffaker

Aging & Disability Resource Center Advisory Committee Members present: Steven Bach, Arthur Carlson, Betty Durst, Phyllis Johnson, Darrell McCluskey, Darwin Nelson, Ralph Soeldner

Others Present: Trish Vandre, Aging & Disability Resource Center Director, Lee J. Roundy, Aging & Disability Resource Center Fiscal Accounting Technician, Mary Jane Percy, Aging & Disability Resource Center Volunteer Coordinator, William Grosz, Aging & Disability Resource Center Volunteer, Carol Hartmann, AgeAdvantAge, Inc. Nutrition & Prevention Specialist, Tony Tycynski, Veteran Service Officer

Absent: None.

The meeting was called to order by T. Vandre at 8:36 a.m. and was certified to be in compliance with the Open Meeting Law.

AGENDA: Motion by A. Carlson to adopt the Agenda, second by R. Cassity.
Motion carried.


Aging & Disability Resource Center Committee Nominations

Nomination by T. Bychinski of R. Cassity for Aging & Disability Resource Center Committee Chair, second by S. Bach. Motion by D. Nelson to accept R. Cassity as Aging & Disability Resource Center Committee Chair and move that nominations be
Motion carried.

Nomination by S. Bach of M. Huffaker for Aging & Disability Resource Center Committee Vice Chair, second by T. Bychinski. Motion by D. Nelson to accept M. Huffaker as Aging & Disability Resource Center Committee Vice Chair and move that nominations
Motion carried.

Nomination by A. Carlson of S. Bach for Aging & Disability Resource Center Committee Secretary, second by T. Bychinski. Motion by M. McCluskey to accept S. Bach as Aging & Disability Resource Center Committee Secretary and move that nominations be closed and an unanimous vote be cast, second by D. Nelson.
Motion carried.

Aging & Disability Resource Center Advisory Committee Nominations

Nomination by M. Huffaker of A. Carlson for Aging & Disability Resource Center Advisory Committee Chair, second by S. Bach. Motion by D. Nelson to accept M. Huffaker as Aging & Disability Resource Center Advisory Committee Chair and move that nominations be closed and an unanimous vote be cast, second by M. McCluskey. Motion carried.

Nomination by A. Carlson of D. Nelson for Aging & Disability Resource Center Advisory Committee Vice Chair, second by P. Johnson. Motion by M. McCluskey to accept D. Nelson as Aging & Disability Resource Center Advisory Committee Vice Chair and move that nominations be closed and an unanimous vote be cast, second
Motion carried.

Nomination by T. Bychinski of B. Durst for Aging & Disability Resource Center Advisory Committee Secretary, second by M. Huffaker. Motion by M. McCluskey to accept B. Durst as Aging & Disability Resource Center Advisory Committee Secretary and move that nominations be closed and an unanimous vote be cast, second
Motion carried.

ADOPT MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: Motion by D. Nelson to approve the March 2008 Meeting Minutes, second by A. Carlson.
Motion carried.

PUBLIC COMMENT: None registered.

COMMUNICATIONS: None registered.


A. Director's Report: T. Vandre distributed and presented the April/May Department Update. L. Roundy distributed and presented the first quarter ADRC service delivery statistics.

  1. 1. William Grosz, Volunteer: W. Grosz provided his volunteer background with the Aging & Disability Resource Center and presented information on current client trends and unmet needs. Specifically, he advocated for volunteer escort transportation services to be provided to clients in cities with taxi service [Baraboo, Sauk-Prairie, Reedsburg].
  2. 2. Review ADRC Information Binder: Binders were distributed and T. Vandre presented the contents of each section.

RECESS: There was a ten minute recess from 9:50 a.m. until 10:00 a.m.

B. Home Delivered Meal Program Options Discussion/Recommendation: T. Vandre and C. Hartmann provided the background history of the Sauk County Nutrition Program and presented six options for continuing and/or increasing the service while reducing the operating expenses. In light of the discussion, the Aging & Disability Resource Center Advisory Committee made two recommendations. The first recommendation is [Option A] to reduce the number of times per week lunches are delivered, while delivering several meals at one time. There may be a need to set-up a daily delivered route based on a participants' ability to prepare a frozen or cold lunch for themselves on non-delivery days.

The second recommendation is [Option B] to make transportation services available for ineligible home delivered lunch participants to attend their local dining center in lieu of receiving a home delivered lunch.

CONTINUUM OF CARE COMMITTEE REPORT: A. Carlson provided an update from the most recent Continuum of Care Committee meeting. The Committee will present a full transportation services report and a resolution with their recommendations at the Sauk County Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting on June 17, 2008.

AGEADVANTAGE BOARD REPORT:B. Durst read aloud the two letters she received regarding the Area Agency on Aging task force on their restructuring efforts.

ADVOCACY: T. Vandre distributed and presented the Coalition of Wisconsin Aging Groups District I Meeting information that will be held on May 27, 2008 at the West Square Building in Baraboo.

NEXT MEETING: The next Regular Aging & Disability Resource Center Advisory Committee Meeting will be held Wednesday, August 20, 2008 at 8:30 a.m. at the West Square Building, Conference Room 213 on the Second Floor.

ADJOURNMENT: Motion by A. Carlson to adjourn the Aging & Disability Resource Center Advisory Committee, second by B. Durst.
Motion carried.


  1. Veteran Service Officer Report: T. Tycynski provided an update on current trends and client needs.
    1. Approval of Monthly Vouchers: Motion by S. Bach to approve the April 2008 vouchers in the amount of $3,340.38, second by A. Carlson.
      Motion carried.
  2. ADRC Financial Report:
    1. Review Monthly Financial Statements: L. Roundy entertained any questions regarding the current Balance Sheet and Committee Budget Report.
    2. Approval of Monthly Vouchers: Motion by S. Bach to approve the March 2008 vouchers in the amount of $38,213.44, second by M. Huffaker.
      Motion carried.
    3. Approval of Monthly Vouchers: Motion by A. Carlson to approve the April 2008 vouchers in the amount of $53,409.70, second by S. Bach.
      Motion carried.
  3. Consider Approval of Home Delivered Meal Program Option(s): As recommended by the Aging & Disability Resource Center Advisory Committee, motion by M. Huffaker to accept Options A and B: to reduce the number of times per week lunches are delivered, while delivering several meals at one time; the option to set-up a daily delivered route, per community, based on a participants' ability to prepare a frozen or cold lunch for themselves on non-delivery days; and to make transportation services available for ineligible home delivered lunch participants to attend their local dining center in lieu of receiving a home delivered lunch; the Department was tasked with planning and implementing this decision, including how many days per week, per community, home delivery would occur as practical, effective July 1, 2008, second by A. Carlson.
    Motion carried.
  4. Consider Resolution to Hire [Additional] Approved Aging & Disability Resource Center Specialist: Motion by T. Bychinski to approve the Resolution that changed the start date of the Aging & Disability Resource Center core functions to July 1, 2008 and added the fourth position as budgeted by the Region, second by A. Carlson.
    Motion carried.

NEXT MEETING: The next Regular Aging & Disability Resource Center Committee Meeting will be held Wednesday, June 11, 2008 at 8:15 a.m. at the West Square Building, Conference Room 213 on the Second Floor.

ADJOURNMENT: Motion by T. Bychinski to adjourn the Aging & Disability Resource Center Committee, second by S. Bach.
Motion carried.

Signed by: S. Bach, Secretary