Aging & Disability Resource Center Committee Minutes

Date: Wednesday, July 9, 2008
8:15 a.m.
Conference Room 213
Second Floor West Square Building
505 Broadway
Baraboo, Wisconsin



Members Present: Robert Cassity, Chair, Steven Bach, Arthur Carlson

Others Present: Marty Krueger, Sauk County Board of Supervisors Chair, Kathy Schauf, Sauk County Administrative Coordinator, Alene Kleczek, Sauk County Acting Corporation Councel, Tony Tyczynski, Veteran Service Officer, Lee J. Roundy, Aging & Disability Resource Center Fiscal Accounting Technician

Absent: Tommy Lee Bychinski, Marcy Huffaker

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by R. Cassity at 8:16 a.m. and was certified to be in compliance with the Open Meeting Law.

AGENDA: Motion by S. Bach to adopt the Agenda, second by A. Carlson.
Motion carried.

ADOPT MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: Motion by A. Carlson to approve the June 2008 Meeting Minutes, second by S. Bach.
Motion carried.

PUBLIC COMMENT: None registered.

COMMUNICATIONS: None registered.


  1. Veteran Service Officer Report: T. Tyczynski distributed and presented the June 2008 Department Report.
    1. Approval of Monthly Vouchers: Motion by S. Bach to approve the June 2008 vouchers in the amount of $834.91, second by A. Carlson.
      Motion carried.
  2. Aging & Disability Resource Center Director Report: The May/June Director’s Report will be reviewed at the next regular meeting.
    1. Review Monthly Financial Statements: L. Roundy highlighted the monthly financial statements and answered any specific questions.
    2. Approval of Monthly Vouchers: Motion by S. Bach to approve the June 2008 vouchers in the amount of $43,435.00, second by A. Carlson.
      Motion carried.
  3. Consider Resolution No. 66-08 , “Denying Claim of Virginia Johnston and Town & Country Senior Citizen Meal Site”: A. Kleczek discussed Corporation Councel’s position of this claim; Sauk County was not liable in this claim and Sauk County’s insurance does not cover volunteers. Motion by S. Bach to deny Virginia Johnston’s claim, second by A. Carlson.
    Motion carried.
  4. Discussion and Consideration of Role of Advisory Committee: K. Schauf distributed and discussed the roles and responsibilities of the ADRC Advisory Committee as outlined in the revised Chapter 16 of the Sauk County Ordinances.

2009 BUDGET PREPARATION: Postponed until the next Regular Meeting.


NEXT MEETING: The next Regular Aging & Disability Resource Center Committee Meeting will be held Wednesday, August 13, 2008 at 8:15 a.m. at the West Square Building, 505 Broadway, Baraboo, Conference Room 213.

ADJOURNMENT: Motion by S. Bach to adjourn the Aging & Disability Resource Center Committee at 9:39 a.m., second by R. Cassity.
Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted: S. Bach, Secretary