Aging & Disability Resource Center Committee Minutes
Date: Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Time: 8:15 a.m.
Conference Room 213
Second Floor, West Square Building
505 Broadway
Baraboo, Wisconsin
Members Present: Robert Cassity, Chair, Steven
Bach, Tommy Lee Bychinski, Arthur Carlson
Others Present: Kathy Schauf, Sauk County Administrative
Coordinator, Trish Vandre, Aging & Disability Resource Center Director,
Tony Tyczynski, Veteran Service Officer, Lee J. Roundy, Aging & Disability
Resource Center Fiscal Accounting Technician
Absent: Marcy Huffaker
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by R. Cassity
at 8:15 a.m. and was certified to be in compliance with the Open Meeting
AGENDA: Motion by A. Carlson to adopt the Agenda, as revised
below, second by T. Bychinski.
Motion carried.
Move Section 9: Business Items, Part (a) Veteran Service Officer
Report to follow Section 5: Communications
to approve the July 9, 2008 Minutes, as drafted, and the July 23, 2008 Minutes,
as revised below, second by S. Bach.
Motion carried.
July 23, 2008 Minutes, Business Items Section, Part A: spelling
correction of the word “negotiate.”
PUBLIC COMMENT: None registered.
COMMUNICATIONS: None registered.
- Veteran Service Officer Report: T. Tyczynski distributed and
presented the July/ August 2008 Department Report. T. Tyczynski
stated the use of the trust fund and the necessity to request
an increase in funding from the Veterans Service Commissioners.
- Approval of Monthly Vouchers: Motion by S. Bach to approve
the July 2008 vouchers in the amount of $420.52, second
by A. Carlson.
Motion carried.
2009 BUDGET PREPARATION: T. Vandre distributed and
presented the 2009 Budget spreadsheets that correspond to the
goals and priorities as set forth in the Form 1.
NORTH BOARD UPDATE: T. Vandre participated in the
citizen members board selection process. Board training will
be completed on August 25, 2008.
- Aging & Disability Resource Center Director Report: T. Vandre distributed
and presented the highlights of the May/June/July/August Director’s
- January - June 2008 Service Delivery Statistical Review: T.
Vandre distributed and presented the service delivery statistics
report for the first six months of 2008 compared to that of 2007.
The report reflects an overall agency increase in services provided
of 9.88%.
- Monthly Financial Statements: T. Vandre highlighted
the monthly financial statements and answered any specific questions.
- Approval of Monthly Vouchers: Motion by S. Bach
to approve the July 2008 vouchers in the amount of $66,960.29, second
by T. Bychinski.
Motion carried.
- Discussion of Noise Level at the Baraboo Dining Center: The
Committee discussed the concern of Joseph Valdes, Baraboo citizen and
Dining Center attendant, that was addressed at the most recent Sauk County
Board of Supervisor Meeting. It was stated that Carl Gruber, Sauk County
Safety Risk Manager, will assess the noise level by Tuesday, August 19,
2008 and will make a recommendation.
- Consider Approval of Registration Fee, Mileage, and Per Diem
Reimbursements to Supervisor Steven Back for His Attendance at the Opportunities & Challenges
of an Aging Society Statewide Summit on August 19 and August 20,
2008 in Madison, Wisconsin: S. Bach stated that he would be
unable to attend this event and withdrew his request for reimbursement,
but suggested that a member of the Advisory Committee attend.
- Consider Approval of Applying for STRAP and New Freedom Transportation
Grants: Motion by T. Bychinski to apply for both the STRAP and New Freedom
Transportation Grants, second by S. Bach. Motion carried.
- Consider Approval of Out-of-State Travel for Ashley Nedeau-Owen,
Mobility Manager, at the 18th National Conference on Rural Public
and Intercity Bus Transportation Conference on October 18-22, 2008
in Omaha, Nebraska: Motion by T. Bychinski to approve out-of-state
travel for Ashley Nedeau-Owen, Mobility Manager, at the 18th National
Conference on Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation Conference on
October 18-22, 2008 in Omaha, Nebraska, second by A. Carlson. Motion
- Consider Possible Closed Session Pursuant to Wisc. Stats. 19.85
(1)(c) Considering Employment, Promotion, Compensation or Performance
Evaluation Data of any Public Employee Over Which the Governmental Body
has Jurisdiction or Exercises Responsibility; Performance Evaluation
of Director of Aging & Disability Programs:
Closed Session Votes: (4) AYES, Bach, Bychinski, Carlson, Cassity;
(0) NAYS
- Consider Reconvening in Open Session: Motion by T.
Bychinski to reconvene in Open Session, second by S. Bach.
Motion carried.
NEXT MEETING: The next Regular Aging & Disability
Resource Center Committee Meeting will be held Wednesday, September 10,
2008 at 8:15 a.m. at the West Square Building, 505 Broadway, Baraboo, Conference
Room 213.
ADJOURNMENT: Motion by T. Bychinski to adjourn the Aging & Disability
Resource Center Committee at 10:15 a.m., second by R. Cassity.
Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted: S. Bach, Secretary