Aging & Disability Resource Center Committee Minutes

Date:  Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Time:  8:15 a.m.

Place:  Conference Room 213, Second Floor, West Square Building, 505 Broadway,               Baraboo, Wisconsin

Members Present:  Robert Cassity, Chair, Steven Bach, Tommy Lee Bychinski, Arthur Carlson, Marcy Huffaker
Others Present:  Trish Vandre, Aging & Disability Resource Center Director, Tony Tyczynski, Veteran Service Officer, Milissa Hintz, Aging & Disability Resource Center Lead Aging & Disability Specialist, Lee J. Roundy, Aging & Disability Resource Center Fiscal Accounting Technician

Absent:  None

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by R. Cassity at 8:18 a.m. and was certified to be in compliance with the Open Meeting Law.

AGENDA: Motion by A. Carlson to adopt the Agenda, second by S. Bach.  Motion carried.

ADOPT MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: Motion by T. Bychinski to approve the September 9, 2008 Minutes, as drafted, second by A. Carlson. Motion carried.

PUBLIC COMMENT:  None registered.

COMMUNICATIONS:  T. Vandre stated that Sauk County was served a Summons and Complaint in Case No. 08CV815.

A.  Veteran Service Officer Update:  T. Tyczynski distributed and presented the September/October 2008 Department Update. 
                  1.  Approval of Monthly Vouchers:  Motion by A. Carlson to approve the September 2008 vouchers in the amount of $8,186.93, second by T. Bychinski. Motion carried.
                  2.  Consider Approval of 2009 Veterans Service Office Budget:  Motion by T. Bychinski to approve the 2009 Veterans Service Office budget, second by M. Huffaker.  Motion carried.
           B.  Aging & Disability Resource Center Director Update:  T. Vandre distributed and presented the highlights of the September/October Department Update.
                  1.  Staff Update:  Milissa Hintz discussed current case trends and gave examples    of the case complexities and average resolution time. 
                  2.   Review Monthly Financial Statement:  L. Roundy presented the highlights and  entertained any questions regarding the financial statements.
                  3.   Approval of Monthly Vouchers:  Motion by T. Bychinski to approve the September 2008 vouchers in the amount of $43,710.86, second by A. Carlson.  Motion carried.
            C.  Consider Approval of Resolution to Create One Additional Aging & Disability             Specialist Position as Part of the Implementation of a Regional Aging & Disability Resource Center:  Motion by M. Huffaker to approve a Resolution to create one additional Aging & Disability Specialist position as part of the implementation of a        regional Aging & Disability Resource Center, second by A. Carlson.  Motion carried.
            D.  Consider Approval of Applying for 2009 Healthy Life Initiative Grant, in the Amount           of $2,000, for 2009 LivingWell Expo:  Motion by A. Carlson to apply for a 2009 Healthy Life Initiative Grant, in the amount of $2,000 for the 2009 LivingWell Expo, second by M. Huffaker.  Motion carried.
            E.   Public Opening of 2009 Nutrition Program Catering Proposals and Consider             Approval of Resolution to Authorize the Aging & Disability Resource Center to Contract for the Provision of Lunches for the 2009 Nutrition Program:  There was only one proposal received and opened by the Committee.  Motion by T. Bychinski to approve a Resolution to authorize the Aging & Disability Resource Center to contract       with Feil’s Catering for the 2009 Nutrition Program, second by A. Carlson.  Motion carried.

AGING & DISABILITY RESOURCE CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE UPDATE:A. Carlson presented information from the October 1, 2008 Advisory Committee Meeting and the recent Town Hall Meeting held in Spring Green.

AGING & DISABILITY RESOURCE CENTER OF SOUTHWEST WISCONSIN-NORTH BOARD UPDATE:  S. Bach presented information from the most recent Board Meeting.

NEXT MEETING:  The next Regular Aging & Disability Resource Center Committee Meeting will be held Wednesday, November 12, 2008 at 8:15 a.m. at the West Square Building, 505 Broadway, Baraboo, Conference Room 213.

ADJOURNMENT:  Motion by T. Bychinski to adjourn the Aging & Disability Resource Center Committee at 10:08 a.m., second by S. Bach.  Motion carried.

Signed by: S. Bach, Secretary