Date: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 Time: 8:15 a.m.
Place: Conference Room 213, Second Floor, West Square Building, 505 Broadway, Baraboo, Wisconsin
Members Present: Robert Cassity, Chair, Steven Bach, Tommy Lee Bychinski, Arthur Carlson, Marcy Huffaker
Others Present: Pamela Russo, Veterans Services Specialist, Trish Vandre, Aging & Disability Resource Center Director, Lee J. Roundy, Aging & Disability Resource Center Fiscal Accounting Technician, Ashley Nedeau-Owen, Sauk County Mobility Manager
Absent: None
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by R. Cassity at 8:15 a.m. and was certified to be in compliance with the Open Meeting Law.
AGENDA: Motion by T. Bychinski to adopt the Agenda, second by A. Carlson. Motion carried.
ADOPT MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: Motion by M. Huffaker to approve the November 12, 2008 Minutes, as drafted, second by A. Carlson. Motion carried.
PUBLIC COMMENT: None registered.
COMMUNICATIONS: None registered.
A. Veteran Service Officer Update: P. Russo distributed and presented the highlights of the November/December 2008 Department Update.
1. Approval of Monthly Vouchers: Motion by T. Bychinski to approve the November 2008 vouchers in the amount of $88.00, second by A. Carlson. Motion carried.
B. Aging & Disability Resource Center Director Update: T. Vandre distributed and presented the highlights of the November/December Department Update.
1. Participation in Wisconsin Partnership for Activity & Nutrition Grant: T. Vandre presented the ADRC’s role in the Wisconsin Partnership for Activity & Nutrition Grant.
2. Sauk-Prairie Memorial Hospital Healthy Living Initiative Grant Fund Use, 2009 Cafe’ Connections Pilot: If the Grant is awarded to the ADRC, the grant funds will be used towards the Cafe’ Connections Pilot in 2009.
3. 2008 LivingWell Expo Statement of Cash Flows: L. Roundy presented the 2008 LivingWell Expo Statement of Cash Flows and entertained any questions.
4. Review Monthly Financial Statements: L. Roundy presented the monthly Financial Statements and entertained any questions.
5. Consider Approval of Monthly Vouchers:
Motion by T. Bychinski to approve the November 2008 vouchers in the amount of $71,720.57, second by S. Bach. Motion carried.
6. Staff Update: Ashley Nedeau-Owen, Mobility Manager, Transportation Services Provided Under County Policy: T. Vandre and A. Nedeau-Owen presented the Coordinated Transportation Plan and entertained any estions.
7. Consider Implementation of the 2008 STRAP Grant: Motion by M. Huffaker to implement the 2008 STRAP Grant, second by A. Carlson. Motion carried.
8. Consider Submission of the 2009 s.85.21 Transportation Grant Application: Motion by T. Bychinski to submit the 2009 s.85.21 Transportation Grant Application to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, second by S. Bach. Motion carried.
AGING & DISABILITY RESOURCE CENTER OF SOUTHWEST WISCONSIN- NORTH BOARD UPDATE: S. Bach presented information from the December 5, 2008 Board Meeting.
NEXT MEETING: The next Regular Aging & Disability Resource Center Committee Meeting will be held Wednesday, January 14, 2009 at 8:15 a.m. at the West Square Building, 505 Broadway, Baraboo, Conference Room 213.
ADJOURNMENT: Motion by S. Bach to adjourn the Aging & Disability Resource Center Committee at 10:27 a.m., second by A. Carlson. Motion carried.
Signed by: S. Bach, Secretary