Economic Development Committee

DATE: August 25, 2008

Members present: Marty Krueger, Kathy Zowin, Al Dippel, Don Stevens, Gerald Lehman, Joel Gaalswyck, Marcy Huffacker
Members absent: Kathy Zowin,
Others present: Kathy Schauf, Karna Hanna, Marc Higgs, Larry Volz, Lila Volz, Ryan Solverson, Dick Goddard, Cheryl Giese, David Landsverk,

The meeting was called to order and certification of Open Meeting compliance was given at 6:30 p.m. The agenda was approved on a motion by Stevens, second by Dippel, and a unanimous vote of the Committee.

Motion by Gaalswyck, second by Dippel to approve minutes from prior meeting on July 27, 2008. Motion carried.

Public Comment: None.
Communications: Alliant Energy sponsored workshop on Economic Development, September 24, 2008.

Consideration of Outside Agency Requests
Tri-County Airport: Marc Higgs presented. Increase corporate and business type flight at airport. Extending runway, high capacity jet fuel system, instrument approach were all upgrades to allow for larger aircraft. Updated comprehensive land use plan. Jet fuel sales are 60% of total sales. Examples of corporate users: Johnson Controls, Dean Foods, Lands End, Cardinal Glass. Being a resource to corporate clients has been a primary goal. Motion by Stevens second by Huffacker to move the preliminary request of $17,768 to the Finance Committee. Motion carried.

Baraboo / Dells Airport: Cheryl Giese presented. City of Baraboo is providing the current management for the airport. Survey's and business plans have been developed for future development. Contracted with MSA on zoning overlay. Request will be applied to capital projects.

Sauk Airport: David Landsverk presented. History of the property was presented. Not a municipally run airport. Does not qualify for state and federal funding. Discussion of proposed improvements including an upgrade to lighting, and precision approach path indicator. Users: Army National Guard out of Madison, local agricultural use. Airport attempts to maximize revenue resources through volunteer efforts.

Reedsburg Airport: Ryan Solverson presented. Four independent users that utilize airport facilities. Looking for additional businesses to partner with the airport. Planning for implementation of GPS approach, and lighting upgrade.

Motion by Gaalswyck, second by Lehman to move the preliminary request(s) of $4,100 for each: Baraboo Dells, Reedsburg and Sauk Prairie airports to the Finance Committee. Motion carried.

Sauk County Development Corporation: Karna Hanna and Jim Bowers presented. 2007-2010 strategic plan and 2008 work plan were distributed. SCDC has been active for 32 years in Sauk County. Reviewed budgetary request. Discussed work force development / training and sustainability initiatives. Work is aligned with adopted strategies. Motion by Dippel second by Huffacker to move the preliminary request of $67,528 to the Finance Committee. Motion carried.

Pink Lady Rail Transit: Dick Goddard presented. Haven't had a budget request since 1988. Pink Lady began as a joint venture between Baraboo, Reedsburg and the County. Motion by Huffacker second by Lehman to move the preliminary request of $750 to the Finance Committee. Motion carried.

Wisconsin River Rail Transit Commission: Joel Gaalswyck presented. Goals of commission are broader in that they focus on rail service in a larger geographic region than Pink Lady. Eighteen counties are served by a publicly owned rail system in southern Wisconsin to provide connectivity to markets in Chicago, Minneapolis etc. The County costs shares to retain the necessary infrastructure. It takes three to four semis to move the same volume as one rail car. Motion by Gaalswyck second by Stevens to move the preliminary request of $26,520 to the Finance Committee. Motion carried.

Consideration of an engineering analysis of the rail bridge Merrimac. - Ken Lucht
Motion by Stevens, second by Dippel to postpone to the next regular meeting. Motion carried.

Consideration of CDBG-FRSB resolution for application.
Karna Hanna presented the rudimentary program parameters that are targeted to aid affected small businesses from the June 2008 flood. Motion by Gaalswyck, second by Dippel, to authorize submission of application to the CDBG-FRSB loan program. Motion carried.

CDBG-FRSB resolution for program creation and transfer of funds.
Motion by Gaalswyck, second by Dippel, to approve the resolution authorizing participation in the CDBG-FRSB loan program and related budget amendment for transfer of funds. Motion carried.

Next meeting date: Wednesday, September 03, 2008; 6:30 p.m. Next regular meeting Monday, September 22, 2008; 6:30 p.m.

Motion by Stevens, second by Lehman to postpone agenda items to consider the Merrimac bridge study; the vision, mission and goals document; member reports; and contribution to planning for Spring Green for long term flood remediation study until the meeting scheduled on September 03. Motion carried.

Motion by Dippel, second by Huffacker to and adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Zowin
Economic Development Committee Secretary