Economic Development Committee

DATE: Monday, November 24, 2008
Room 213
West Square Building
Baraboo WI

Members present: Marty Krueger, Kathy Zowin, Al Dippel, Don Stevens, Gerald Lehman, Joel Gaalswyck Marcy Huffaker

Members absent: none

Others present: Kathy Schauf, Ray Bolton, media

The meeting was called to order and certification of Open Meeting compliance was given at 6:34 p.m. The agenda was approved on a motion by Zowin, second by Dippel, and a unanimous vote of the Committee.

Motion by Stevens, second by Dippel to approve minutes from prior meeting on October 27, 2008. Motion carried.

Public Comment:



Consideration of a resolution to support inclusion of the Village of Prairie du Sac on the Pink Lady Rail Commission.

Chairperson Krueger reported on the history of Pink Lady and the request of the village for inclusion in this group. Ray Bolton spoke on behalf of the village. Motion by Gaalswyck, second by Zowin, to approve a resolution to support inclusion of the Village of Prairie du Sac on the Pink Lady Rail Commission. Motion carried 5 - 2.

Discussion and consideration of possible build-out of fiber optics.

Inclusion of this item in short and long term goals. Presentation by Schlager, Stieve and Raab regarding opportunities in fiber optics.

Consideration of a resolution in support of Governor's 25 x 25 plan.

Motion by Gaalswyck, second by Dippel to forward the resolution to the Board for consideration.
Motion carried.

Consideration of a resolution supporting Economic Stimulus through Infrastructure Investment.

Motion by Gaalswyck, second by Huffaker to forward the resolution to the County Board for consideration.
Motion carried.

Next meeting date:

Monday, December 22, 2008; 6:30 p.m.

Motion by Stevens, second by Gaalswcyk, to adjourn the meeting.
Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted: Kathy Zowin, Economic Development Committee Secretary