Economic Development Committee

DATE: Tuesday, December 30, 2008
EMBS Meeting Room
Historic Courthouse Annex
Baraboo WI

Members present: Marty Krueger, Kathy Zowin, Al Dippel, Don Stevens, Joel Gaalswyck, Gerald Lehman Marcy Huffaker

Members absent: none

Others present: Kathy Schauf, Tim Stieve, Phil Raab, Steve Pate, Tommy Lee Bychinski, Ken Schlager, representatives of Century Tell, Merrimac Communications, and Reedsburg Utilities, Linda Atkins, Greg Wiese, Andy Lewis, Duane Holloway, Tim Damos, Scott Carlino Bart Olsen, Dave Makonowitz, Paul Raab, Dale Holthusen, Ellis McFadzen, media

The meeting was called to order and certification of Open Meeting compliance was given at 10:00 a.m. The agenda was approved on a motion by Dippel, second by Stevens, and a unanimous vote of the Committee.

Motion by Zowin, second by Huffacker to approve minutes from prior meeting on December 22, 2008. Motion carried.

Public Comment:

Linda Atkins, Landowner in rural area, indicated that rural broadband would have benefits to residents.

Tim Stieve reported that a resident from the Town of Troy that indicated support for rural broadband.


Hier Comm powerpoint outline by Ken Schlager.

Business Items:

Discussion and consideration of additions to Economic Stimulus packages.

Letter will sent to federal and state representatives, university officials, and governors office regarding the regional benefits of projects at the University of Wisconsin Baraboo campus.

List of items to be included to the Governors list: Living Learning Center; updates to classrooms at campus; Lake Redstone and Mirror Lake Dams; connection with other fiber optic networks that expand the reach of the communications network; and Merrimac bridge repairs. Items will be presented to Governor's office within the frame and at such time as guidance is received from the Governor.

Discussion and consideration of potentials for build-out of fiber optics with technology partners.

Dave Makonowitz of Reedsburg Utilities spoke to the opportunities that were offered by the fiber optic loop. Expressed an interest in partnering with the county to help managed services on the fiber optic network.

Bart Olsen of Merrimac Communications presented information on what he is doing in that region. Spoke to the use of the fiber optic loop that is already in existence. Spoke regarding plans for wireless technology build out. Most people in Sauk County have access to broadband technology. It is a minority of individuals in rural areas who do not have low cost alternatives. Expressed an interest in working with the County

Duane Holloway declined the opportunity to speak.

Ken Schlager presented information about rural broadband connectivity, its potential, cost and uses. Goal is to make local ISP's able to provide service to all potential customers in the county. HierComm uses commercially available hardware that has been modified for their purposes.

Line up ISP prior to making financial investment in the next layer of the system. We will make a list of next steps, and pros and cons for buildout of the system at the next meeting.

Consideration of: Mission, Vision, Short term goals, Long term goals.

No discussion.

Next meeting date:

January 26, 2009 at 6:30 p.m..

Motion by Stevens, second by Dippel, to adjourn the meeting.
Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted: Kathy Zowin, Economic Development Committee Secretary