DATE: February 14, 2008
EMBS Meeting Rm., Room C128
Sauk County Courthouse
510 Broadway
MEMBERS PRESENT: Tim Stieve, Don Nimmow, Rose White, Ed Geick, Nick Flugaur, Kevin Stieve, Bob Kissack
MEMBERS ABSENT: Terry Wise, Stan Sukup, Jeff Jelinek, Fred Camacho, Randy Johnson, Steph Bode, Steve Muchow, Sam Howard, Tom Dorner (excused), Warren Frank (excused), Kevin Gunderson (excused), Larry Volz, Jeff Sprecher, Richard Meister, Darlene Hill, Jeff Seering
The meeting was called to order by T. Stieve at 1:00 p.m. with a quorum present. Meeting was properly posted.
Motion by D. Nimmow, second by E. Geick to adopt agenda.
Motion Carried.
Motion by E. Geick, second by B. Kissack to approve previous meeting minutes.
Motion Carried.
Public Education: nothing new, however it was again mentioned about last year's Clean Sweep and the need to educate the public on the disposal of latex paint.
Instruct Hazmat / Inservice Training: K. Stieve reported there will be 1 in February, 2 in March and 1 in April, combined ICS & Hazmat drill & exercise.
Exercise Developoment / Plan Review: 7 facility plans have been mailed out for updating and 4 have been received back to date. Tier Iis have been coming in, to both fire departments and LEPC.
Hazmat Team Oversight Review: T. Stieve mentioned the desire to implement a routine type of hazmat disposal.
N. Fluguar said Ho-Chunk is having ICS 300 & 400 classes on Feb. 27 & 28th at the Casino. He also mentioned that FEMA will be mandating that everyone have a minimum amount of ICS training hours.
No old business
2008 LEPC objectives.
Clean Sweep - T. Stieve reported that it is part of the 2008 budget, but is not sure if one will actually take place. The 2007 cost was around $80,000.
Rural Safety Days this year will be held May 13 & 14th.
R. White brought up wood stoves.
E. Geick said he was presented with the question of medication disposal. He said that at a recent Utility meeting, it was reported that meds are showing up in the sewers and this needs to be addressed. T. Stieve will check with Betty Hinze and the Health Department on this. D. Nimmow mentioned that federal regulations would have to be changed, with a continuous place to dispose of them.
T. Stieve said that if anyone wants to be added or removed from a Committee, to please contact the Emergency Management office.
Motion by E. Geick, second by D. Nimmow, to adjourn until May 8, 2008,
starting at 1:00 p.m.
Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted by: Cynthia Engelhardt