DATE: May 8, 2008
Tim Stieve, Don Nimmow, Ed Geick, Nick Flugaur, Kevin Stieve, Shawn Posewitz, Warren Frank, Tom Dorner, Jeff Sprecher, Richard Meister, Kevin Gunderson
Denise Brusveen, Jeff Skinner, Terry Wise, Stan Sukup, Randy Johnson, Steph Bode, Sam Howard, Larry Volz, Darlene Hill, Jeff Seering, Bob Kissack, Jeff Jelinek (excused), Steve Muchow (excused)
The meeting was called to order by T. Stieve at 1:00 p.m. with a quorum present. Meeting was properly posted.
Motion by D. Nimmow, second by K. Stieve to adopt agenda. Carried.
Motion by K. Stieve, second by E. Geick to approve previous meeting minutes. Carried.
T. Stieve reported on the inservice training recently completed.
Public Education - it was suggested that we do something similar to the Sheriff's Department and print up a baseball sized card with information for the public on latex paint, batteries, medications, etc.
Exercise Development - St. Clare would like to participate in a full scale exercise in the near future that is a community wide exercise.
- K. Gunderson reported that the Ho-Chunk Nation will be having a Clean Sweep at the end of June. N. Fluguar reported that there will be a National Conference the 2nd week of June.
No old business
- Rural Safety Days is May 13-14, details were discussed.
- None
- Motion by R. Meister, second by E. Geick to adjourn until August 14, 2008, starting at 1:00 p.m. Carried.
Respectfully submitted by: Timothy R. Stieve, May 21, 2008