Executive & Legislative Committee
*A quorum of the Sauk County Finance Committee will be present at this meeting due to three supervisors serving on both committees.
DATE: Friday, December 5, 2008
TIME: 8:00 A.M.
Room 213
West Square Building
505 Broadway
Baraboo, WI
- Call to Order and Certify Compliance with Open Meeting Law.
- Adopt Agenda.
- Adopt Minutes of Previous Meeting.
- Public Comment.
- Communications.
- Resolution Honoring Patricia L. Carignan.
- Discussion of claim by Kinnamon Ridge Dairy, LLC.
- Consideration of a resolution Authorizing the Purchase of the VisionAIR Evidence Tracking Module for the Sauk County Sheriff's Department.
- Consideration of per diem and mileage request for Revolving Loan Fund Committee, and Supervisor Lehman to attend the Scenic Byways Program (Hwy 33) in LaCrosse.
- Consideration of request from Town of Spring Green for possible action regarding creation of a Drainage District.
A. Appearance by Benny Stenner, Town of Spring Green Chair and Natalie Bussan , Attorney for Town of Spring Green.
- Consideration and approval of Telephonic Meeting Policy.
- Progress Report: Interim Oversight Management Commission on Badger Reuse Plan (David Lasker and William Wenzel)
- Consideration of Plain TID #2.
- Consideration and discussion of performance appraisal process for:
A. Administrative Coordinator and potential changes to the Sauk County Code of Ordinances relative to Chapter 13 and Chapter 35;
B. Department Heads.
- Steve Pate, MIS
- Monthly Report/Review and Approval of Vouchers
- Bev Mielke, County Clerk
- Monthly Report/Review and Approval of Vouchers
- Alene Kleczek, Corporation Counsel
- Monthly Report/Review and Approval of Vouchers
- Kathy Schauf, Administrative Coordinator
- Monthly Report/Review and Approval of Vouchers
- Consideration of complaint resolution processes and communication to committees.
- Marty Krueger, County Board Chair
- Updates
- Update: VK Central Services Organizational Analysis.
- County Comprehensive Planning - Results of the Planning Workshop
- CDBG update by Don Stevens.
- Next meeting date and agenda items.
- Adjourn
TO: County Clerk Corporation Counsel Krueger Endres Fordham
Wenzel Stevens Pate Van Berkel
DATE NOTICE MAILED: Monday, December 1, 2008
PREPARED BY: Office of Administrative Coordinator