Members Present: Krueger, Stevens, Ashford, Fordham, and Wenzel
Others Present: K. Schauf, T. Liebman, B. Mielke, T. Tyczynski, J. Jelinek, A. Kleczek, M. Steward, and L. Haugen
Chairperson Krueger called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M. and certified compliance with the Open Meeting Law.
Motion by Fordham, seconded by Wenzel to approve the agenda for today's meeting, as mailed. Motion carried.
Motion by Fordham, seconded by Ashford to approve the minutes of the December 4, 2007 meeting, as printed. Motion carried.
Public Comment:
Supervisor Stevens requested a "tracking system" be created and used to tally exempt employees' use of non-accrued leave as authorized in Section 13.17(a) of the Sauk County Personnel Ordinance.
Veterans Service Office:
T. Tyczynski, Veterans Service Officer, presented his monthly report and list of bills in the amount of $914.33. Mr. Tyczynski informed the Committee he has been chosen to serve as a member of the Executive Committee of the County Veterans Service Officers Association. Motion by Stevens, seconded by Fordham to approve the report and list of bills, as presented. Motion carried.
County Clerk:
Beverly J. Mielke, County Clerk, presented her monthly report and list of bills in the amount of $4,506.59(2007) and $11,064.48(2008). Motion by Ashford, seconded by Fordham to approve the foregoing, as presented. Motion carried.
Executive and Legislative Committee Meeting - January 7, 2008 - Page 2
Corporation Counsel:
Todd Liebman, Corporation Counsel, gave his monthly report and list of bills in the amount of $1,976.17. A brief discussion took place regarding attendance at BIG (Badger Intergovernmental Group) meetings. Motion by Stevens, seconded by Ashford to approve the report and list of bills, as presented. Motion carried.
Liebman informed Committee members he is being deployed on active military service, which is expected to last until January, 2009. Committee members next reviewed a resolution entitled, "Appointing Alene Kleczek Acting Corporation Counsel During Military Leave of Corporation Counsel, Todd Liebman". Discussion followed and Liebman expanded on temporarily filing the Assistant Corporation Counsel's position during his absence. Motion by Fordham, seconded by Stevens to recommend forwarding this resolution to the County Board for consideration at the January 15, 2008 meeting. Motion carried.
Emergency Management:
Jeff Jelinek, Emergency Management Director, presented a monthly report and list of bills for Emergency Management in the amount of $114,730.27(including reimbursement from Grant 3420 - Sheriff's mobiles). Jelinek updated Committee members on his work with disaster and COOP (Continuity of Operations Plan). Motion by Stevens, seconded by Wenzel to approve the report and list of bills, as presented. Motion carried.
Solid Waste:
The Administrative Coordinator presented the monthly list of bills and landfill maintenance time sheet for December, 2007. Discussion followed regarding the amount of landfill consulting services provided; the Administrative Coordinator agreed to provide invoice details. Motion by Fordham, seconded by Ashford to approve the report and monthly list of bills in the amount of $11,332.09. Motion carried.
Administrative Coordinator:
Kathy Schauf, presented her monthly report and separate list of bills in the amount of $220.00 and $147.08. Supervisor Wenzel requested, if at all possible, to send report material to Committee members along with the E&L meeting's agenda. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Fordham to approve the report and list of bills, as presented. Motion carried.
Executive and Legislative Committee Meeting - January 7, 2008 - Page 3
VK Central Services Organizational Analysis:
Schauf distributed and discussed with Committee members the first draft of Sauk County Implementation Plan for VK recommendations. Committee members agreed to soon report to the County Board on progress related to the analysis.
Strategic Planning Outcomes & Implementation: Structure
Chair Krueger noted Committee Structure and Rules of the Board need to soon be addressed in order that changes may be discussed and ready for consideration at the April, 2008 organizational meeting of the County Board; special meetings may be required to accommodate consideration.
County Comprehensive Planning:
M. Steward, Planning and Zoning Director, addressed the Committee and distributed a draft work plan entitled, "Positioning Sauk County for the Future". Discussion followed regarding the requirement and goals on a County Comprehensive Plan. Sauk County is still awaiting notification of a grant award to be used for this project.
Consideration of Organizational Analysis: Sheriff Department
Discussion followed regarding the need to complete an analysis of this department, considering other recent studies/inspections which have been done. The Committee also discussed the use of GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) to be used by the County Controller in tracking the operating costs of opening Pod A. Committee consensus was to postpone action on this analysis until next month and to inform the Law Enforcement and Finance Committees of same.
Motion by Wenzel, seconded by Ashford to adjourn and set the next, regular meeting date for Friday, February 1 , 2008 at 9:00 A.M. Motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 11:55 A.M.
Respectfully submitted:
Beverly J. Mielke, County Clerk/Secretary