Executive & Legislative Committee Minutes

DATE: Tuesday, May 6, 2008; 9:00 A.M.
Sauk County West Square Building, 505 Broadway, Room 213, Baraboo, WI

Members Present: Krueger, Endres, Stevens, Fordham, and Wenzel
Others Present: K. Schauf, A. Kleczek, B. Mielke, S. Pate, M. Steward, P. Dederich, T. Stieve, L. Haugen, L. Wiese and H. Netzinger

Chairperson Krueger called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M. and certified compliance with the Open Meeting Law.

Chair Krueger asked the Committee's consideration to accommodate an appearance of Tim Stieve early in the meeting due to a previous commitment in his schedule. Motion by Endres, seconded by Stevens to approve the agenda for today's meeting, with the foregoing change. Motion carried.

Motion by Fordham, seconded by Wenzel to approve the minutes of the April 7 and 28, 2008 meetings, as printed. Motion carried.

Public Comment:

Chair Krueger made mention of a letter he received from State Representative Steve Hilgenberg regarding Resolution No. 28-08 relating to the distribution of Interoperable Communications Grant Program funds.

MIS Department:
S. Pate, MIS Coordinator, presented his monthly report and list of bills in the amount of $28,361.51. Pate spent considerable time reviewing his office operations and activities with Committee members as well as inquiring what type of information they would like him to report on at future meetings. Supervisor Fordham indicated she would be interested in learning of any interdepartmental projects the MIS Department is involved with. Motion by Endres, seconded by Wenzel to approve the report and list of bills. Motion carried.

Updates: T. Stieve, Emergency Management/Building Services:
T. Stieve, EMBS Administrator, updated Committee members on the VK Implementation Plan for his department.

County Clerk:
Beverly J. Mielke, County Clerk, presented her monthly report and list of bills in the amount of $21,585.09. Motion by Endres, seconded by Fordham to approve the report and list of bills, as presented. Motion carried.

Corporation Counsel:
Alene Kleczek, Corporation Counsel, gave her monthly report and list of bills in the amount of $1,305.72. Motion by Wenzel, seconded by Fordham to approve the report and list of bills, as presented. Motion carried. Attorney Kleczek requested the E&L Committee hold a special closed session meeting prior to the May 20, 2008 County Board meeting to discuss the Malave/Thieding litigation.

Administrative Coordinator:
Kathy Schauf, presented her monthly report and list of bills in the amount of $73.48. Motion by
Fordham, seconded by Stevens to approve the report and list of bills, as presented. Motion carried.

A list of monthly invoices for the Sauk County Landfill in the amount of $20,292.18 was distributed for consideration. Discussion followed regarding a breakdown of invoices for services provided by RMT, Inc. The Committee also debated whether approval of invoices should remain a function of this committee or be moved to the Property and Resource Committee. Motion by Wenzel, seconded by Fordham to approve this month's list of bills, as presented. AYE: (3) Fordham, Wenzel, and Endres. NAY: (2) Stevens and Krueger. Motion carried. The Administrative Coordinator will forward a detailed report of landfill invoices to E&L committee members following today's meeting. Motion followed by Fordham, seconded by Wenzel that future landfill bills be reviewed and approved by the Property and Resource Committee, along with accompanying departmental information. Motion carried.

Schauf reported consideration of organizational analysis of county departments has been postponed, due to scheduling conflicts within departments being considered.

She further indicated information is being gathered and organized concerning the possibility of conducting a joint clean sweep program with other counties; a full report will be given to this Committee at a future date.

County Board Chair:
Chair Krueger reported on the following activities which consumed his time during the past month and indicated he would present a written report at future meetings:
* Workforce Development "wireless" initial meeting and upcoming meeting with
Board Chairs.
* WCA District meeting in Barneveld.
* ICC meeting and possible changes to their meeting schedule.
* Start up work on the County's Economic Development Committee.
* Town of Excelsior Comprehensive Plan.
* Issues related to the Officers' Range.

Prior to leaving the meeting, Supervisor Haugen advised he would be forwarding a letter to the Board Chair and Administrative Coordinator detailing what he felt were inaccuracies pertaining to the former landfill.

County Comprehensive Planning:
M. Steward, Planning and Zoning Director, gave a synopsis of the initial meeting of the Comprehensive Planning Steering Committee as well as reviewed the spreadsheet which was used as selection criteria for members which were chosen. Upon inquiry, Steward confirmed progress of this group will be reported to the Towns' Association.

Consideration of Creating an Appointed Surveyor:
K. Schauf informed Committee members this matter had been referred for consideration following a recent joint meeting of Personnel and Finance committees. Schauf reported doing some initial investigation on this subject, but due to the rapidly approaching campaign season, felt she could not recommend changing from an elected position at this time. Pat Dederich, current County Surveyor, explained the Surveyor's duties to the Committee and clarified a County Surveyor must be named (either elected or appointed) and is not merely hired on an "as needed" basis. Discussion followed with a motion by Wenzel, seconded by Stevens to recommend to the Personnel and Finance committees that the County Surveyor remain an elected position. Motion carried. Supervisor Fordham expressed her opinion and suggested the County move to an appointed County Surveyor over the next two year period.

VK Implementation Plan:
Alene Kleczek updated Committee members on the VK central services recommendations for her department.

Consideration of Committee Appointments:
A list of 2008-2010 Sauk County Board of Supervisors Standing and Special Committee appointments was distributed and discussed. Supervisor Wiese addressed the Committee and expressed his interest in becoming a member of the Highway Committee. Supervisor Wenzel stated his concern over the change in composition of Sauk County representatives to the Wisconsin River Rail Transit Commission; considerable discussion followed on these and other committee appointments. Motion by Endres, seconded by Stevens to forward the list, as presented, to the County Board for consideration at the May 20, 2008 meeting. Motion carried.

Resolution Denying Claim of Robert Beese, Jeremy Rutherford, and David Osley:
A. Kleczek distributed draft copies of a resolution entitled, "Denying Claim of Robert Beese, Jeremy Rutherford, and David Osley" to Committee members. Motion by Stevens, seconded by Endres to forward the resolution, as presented, to the County Board for consideration at the May 20, 2008 meeting. Motion carried.

Resolution Creating a Sauk County Health Care Center Foundation, Inc:
A. Kleczek distributed draft copies of a resolution entitled, "Creating a Sauk County Health Care Center Foundation, Inc." to Committee members. Motion by Fordham, seconded by Wenzel to forward the resolution, as presented, to the County Board for consideration at the May 20, 2008 meeting. Motion carried.

Motion by Stevens, seconded by Endres to adjourn and set the following meeting dates: Special meeting on May 20, 2008 at 5:15 P.M. and regular meeting on June 3, 2008 at 9:00 A.M. Motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 1:10 P.M.

Respectfully submitted:

Beverly J. Mielke, Secretary/County Clerk

Consideration of Organizational Analysis of County Operations:
Schauf noted funding exists in the budget to conduct an analysis of the Law Enforcement and Human Services Departments. Chair Krueger noted authority as when to conduct and designate analysis of departments is under the purview of the E&L Committee. Discussion followed and it was the consensus of the Committee to invite the department heads of the Law Enforcement and Human Services Departments to attend the next, regular meeting of this Committee to obtain input on a potential analysis.

Resolution Commending Rose White for Years of Service:
Motion by Fordham, seconded by Ashford to recommend forwarding a resolution honoring Rose White for consideration at the April 15, 2008 meeting of the Sauk County Board of Supervisors. Motion carried.

Consideration of Steering Committee and Technical Advisory Resource Team Appointments:
M. Steward, Planning and Zoning Administrator, presented the Committee with a list of Steering Committee Nominees and Technical Advisory and Review Team Selections to be considered for appointment to draft the County Comprehensive Plan. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Fordham to forward the list to the Sauk County Board of Supervisors for consideration at the April 15, 2008 meeting. Discussion followed with a motion by Wenzel, seconded by Ashford to amend the Steering Committee Nominee listing by replacing the name of Rose White with that of Gene Hausner. Motion carried and the amended motion was adopted.

Consideration of the Rules of the Board:
Chair Krueger informed Committee members that the latest draft of the "Rules", along with his accompanying letter, were either hand delivered or mailed to Board members today. The Corporation Counsel will prepare a list of changes which must be implemented, either due to County ordinance or State requirements. Consideration of the "Rules" will be one of the first orders of business at the April 15th organizational meeting.

Motion by Wenzel, seconded by Ashford to adjourn and set the next, regular meeting for Tuesday, May 6, 2008 at 9:00 A.M. Motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 11:30 A.M.

Respectfully submitted:

Beverly J. Mielke, County Clerk/Secretary