DATE: August 20, 2008
Members present: Steve Bach, Tommy Lee Bychinski, Virgil Hartje, Marty Krueger (via phone), Kerry Beghin, Kathy Schauf, Mark Steward
Others present: Kim Gochanour, Lynn Horkan, Steve Koenig, Chip Meister, Steve Muchow, Phil Raab, Orris Smith, Randy Stammen, Tim Stieve, Jeff Tobin, Media
The meeting was called to order by Hartje at 2:00 PM. Certification of open meeting compliance was given. Motion by Hartje to nominate Bychinski as chairperson of committee meeting, second by Bach. Motion carried. Motion by Hartje, second by Bach to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.
Review and Consideration of Capital Improvement Plan:
Hartje asked how to get "seed money" to aid the Spring Green community in a study their flood recovery. After discussion it was determined that the CIP committee was not the appropriate place for this item. The committee agreed it would be appropriate for an oversight committee or the hazard mitigation program.
1. Health Care Center (HCC) - Contingency for Emergency Repairs: Not tax dollars, funding is HCC fund balance. Gochanour spoke about the age of the current facility and the need to maintain it for ongoing operations. Spend only as needed for safety and code issues.
2 . Health Care Center - Health Care Facility: Plan for new facility is under way, will be seeking second set of bids as next phase.
3. Health Care Center - Assisted Living Facility (ALC): Schauf noted that the new skilled nursing facility could benefit by having an ALC on its "campus". These services have often been revenue generating for other organizations. By spring of 2009 Sauk County will have an idea how Family Care is effecting the County. At that time Sauk County can look at the feasibility of an ALC. Gochanour noted that ALC's typically have better payer sources then nursing homes and require less staffing and facility requirements.
4. Highway - Equipment Replacement: Muchow noted that equipment costs are up 10%, equipment is purchased as needed.
5. through 16. Various highway projects were reviewed. Flooding forced changes to prior plans. Supplies and materials continue to increase.
17. Emer Mgnt, Buildings & Safety - Phone System Upgrades: Stieve noted that the phone system is a large computer system that needs regular upgrades. An amount is levied each year and spent as the upgrades occur.
18. Emer Mgnt, Buildings & Safety - Communications System Upgrades: Similar to the phone system, needs regular maintenance and upgrades to maintain nine tower sites.
19. Emer Mgnt, Buildings & Safety - Law Enforcement Center Caulking: Routine maintenance needed for any concrete panel construction. Caulk joints fail over time and need to be recaulked.
20. Emer Mgnt, Buildings & Safety - Tractor with Endloader: County does its own snow removal with staff. Using County staff has been a cost saver since many staff are salaried. Endloader will help with pushing back of snow. The Highway Department also aids EMBS with the snow removal. Members discussed sharing the endloader with the other departments. EMBS would have some use for it in the summer months.
21. Emer Mgnt, Buildings & Safety - Replace Roofs on West Square, Courthouse & Human Services: 2009 expense would be to replace the roofs on the connector addition between the Historic Courthouse and the Annex. 2017 expense is to replace roofs last done in the later 1990's at Human Services-Reedsburg and the Historic Courthouse and the Annex. Stieve described the type of roof and the need for maintenance.
22. Emer Mgnt, Buildings & Safety - Historic Courthouse Front Porch: Stieve noted the east entry area of the Courthouse needs maintenance. He noted issues with ADA compliance. Courthouse security was discussed, limiting the entry points to the courthouse is a possibility that will be looked at. Supreme Court rulings concerning court security would need to be considered along with a security analysis. No dollars have been estimated for the security issues at this time.
23. Emer Mgnt, Buildings & Safety - Mobile Data System: Stieve noted that the current equipment at three tower sites is over 20 years old. In 2009 the equipment support will no longer be available. Several technology options are being researched, including access of mobile data to other departments besides Law Enforcement.
24. Emer Mgnt, Buildings & Safety - Regasket and Check Bearings on Law Enforcement Center Chillers: Stieve spoke about how chiller units need to be done every 7 to 10 years. The have to be disassembled and maintained.
25. Emer Mgnt, Buildings & Safety - Fire Alarm System Upgrade: The Courthouse and West Square buildings are tied into one fire alarm system. Current system is 1995 technology. The system will not be serviceable as it ages. Upgrade current system to assure ongoing functionality.
26. Emer Mgnt, Buildings & Safety - Refurbish Historic Courthouse Clock: The Courthouse clock has all it original components from the 1950's. It needs to be cleaned and broken panels fixed to maintain its ongoing operation.
27. Parks - Delton Dam (Mirror Lake Dam): Koenig noted the DNR inspected the Dam in July 2006, and delivered the report in 2007 with required repairs to be done by 2010. Dam break analysis and repairs are needed. Discussions with the Village of Lake Delton have been ongoing, and the County will pursue all other funding before County levy would be used. Hoping the lake association and the State will share in the costs.
28. Parks - Redstone Dam repairs: Natural Resource Conservation Service is doing the dam break analysis, therefore the cost estimate is less than the Delton Dam figures. Estimates do not include warning signals.
29. Circuit Courts-Fourth Jury Courtroom: Intend to utilize old jail space in Courthouse for fourth Jury Courtroom. Sauk County numbers show the need for fourth judgeship, however there are other counties on the list in more need. Therefore, it will probably be about 5 years out. Committee consensus was to move the project to year 2013.
30. UW-Baraboo/Sauk County - Living & Learning Center: The master planning process is complete. The UW is currently putting together the fundraising component. The project is on the plan as the property is County owned, but funding will be private or grant dollars.
31. UW-Baraboo/Sauk County - Master Plan Development & Campus Renovations (County Share only): This CIP item incorporates various phases for expanding the UW offerings. The expansion of programs is what is driving many of the updates. The committee discussed the relationship between the City of Baraboo, neighboring counties and the project.
32. Officers Range Shooting Range and Shoot House: Chief Deputy Meister noted the facility has been outgrown its capacity and has no running water or bathroom facilities. All the appropriate permits and authorizations have been obtained to expand at current site. The CIP should include $220,000 in 2010 for a shoot house, which is not included in the $628,500 estimate. Range Officers Association is in charge of the range programs and scheduling. Schauf questioned if the association would share in the cost. Meister had brought this to the Chief's Association and he thought that cost sharing would be unlikely. Each Department using the range pays $175 per officer to the Range Association to cover the ammunition, targets and other equipment. Chief's Association was resistant to additional contribution. Hartje commented the that the remaining building projects funds plus the additional roughly $100,000 levy would build the $628,500 range house. Motion by Hartje, second by Bach to add $220,000 to year 2010 for a shoot house and fund the $628,500 range building with the remaining building project funds and additional levy to fund the remaining balance. Motion carried, with Krueger opposed.
Motion by Hartje, second by Bach to approve the plan, with moving the fourth jury courtroom to year 2013 and the previously approved action related to the officers range and shoot house. Motion carried.
Motion by Hartje, second by Bach to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.