Finance Committee

DATE: Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Room 213
West Square Building
505 Broadway
Baraboo WI

Members present: Tommy Lee Bychinski, William F. Wenzel, Marty Krueger, Joan Fordham, Steve Bach

Others present: Kathy Schauf, Kerry Beghin, Michael Hafemann, Jessica Fry, Don Stevens, media

The meeting was called to order and certification of Open Meeting compliance was given at 5:47 p.m.

The agenda was approved on a motion by Fordham, second by Bach, and a unanimous vote of the Committee.

Approval of County vouchers

Motion by Bach, second by Krueger, to approve the payment of the county bills in the amount of $30,420.88.
Motion carried.

Update on jail finances

Captain Michael Hafemann and Jessica Fry updated the Committee that the 2008 budget not related to Unit A was based on 55 inmates at $51.46 per day. The average has actually been 26 inmates per day so far this year, making the revenues behind $176,000 so far. Dane County removed their inmates recently. However, Dane County officials anticipate housing inmates in Sauk County jail facilities at some future date after Memorial day, because of an anticipated influx of new prisoners which occurs each year during the summer months. The State Department of Corrections anticipates it will have more or additional inmates to house in Sauk County (in addition to the 94 currently being housed to cover the cost of operating Unit A). However, no additional state inmates will be forthcoming until possibly later in June or July. To reduce expenses in light of the unanticipated reduced revenue to date, the Department will not fill the remaining three staff vacancies until there are enough inmates to adequately fill the facility of both housing pods in Unit A. Additionally, the inmate meal service and other budget expenditures were determined last year based on housing an average of 55 boarding inmates in Unit B. The average of 26 boarding inmates per day has reduced meal and other expenditures. It is unclear now if the department will be over budget by year-end.

Motion by Fordham, second by Bach to adjourn the meeting.
Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted: Steven Bach, Finance Committee Secretary