Finance Committee

DATE: June 6, 2008

Members present: Tommy Lee Bychinski, Marty Krueger, Joan Fordham, Steve Bach, William F. Wenzel
Others present: Kerry Beghin, Lynn Horkan, Pat Carignan, Mark Steward, Media

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Bychinski at 8:30 AM. Certification of open meeting compliance was given. Motion by Fordham, second by Wenzel to adopt the agenda. Motion carried. Motion by Bach, second by Fordham to adopt the minutes of the meetings dated May 13 and May 20, 2008. Motion carried.

Public Comment: Board of Trustees met last night and Benefit Club provided notice they will be dissolving.

Communications: None.

Update on Planning & Zoning 2008 budget.
Steward passed out a Planning & Zoning budget status as of June 2008. Permit fees are down due to decreased construction in the County. Projections are based on trends and indicate a projected budget short fall of $55,280. The need for a conservative 2009 budget was discussed. Inquiry as to any corresponding reduction in expenses related to lower revenues was discussed. Steward indicated some 2008 budgeted outlay could possibly be delayed. Steward also indicated that mileage and travel is down due to fewer permits, but violations still continue and need to be tracked. Fine amount could be reviewed and adjusted to help recover costs. Fordham requested Steward return to Committee if significant changes to this report transpire.

Consider approval of travel in excess of 300 miles for court security training.
Withdrawn, the Sheriff's Department will be hosting the school and not traveling.

Consideration of annual Human Services 2007 fund balance transfer.
Horkan requested $5,000 of the remaining Human Services fund balance be used to purchase caller ID phones and additional phone cards for Child Protective Services, Youth Services and Outpatient units. Horkan reviewed the usefulness of these phones to the staff and their work. The annual yearend fund balance transfer from Human Services to the General Fund would not be completed. Motion by Krueger, second by Fordham to authorize up to $5,000 of the Human Services fund balance purchase caller ID phones and cards. Motion carried.

Update on Human Services quarterly accounts receivable reports as of March 31, 2008 (from May 13).
Discussed collectability of accounts. Horkan reviewed the report and Human Services collection procedures.

Discussion of draft revised quarterly financial report for the County Board (from March 11).
Discussed communication of the County fiscal situation to the County Board. Need to determine what is goal of financial reporting. How best to use reporting tools such as reporting dollars, statistics and narratives. Beghin indicated she is looking for this Committee to give guidance. Concern was expressed about some statistics becoming a focus in the wrong way, the danger of raw numbers being misinterpreted. What value and how much effort should be put into gathering the statistics and providing the narrative. The Committee noted the information should be relevant and provide guidance in decisions to be made at the County level.

Consideration of 2009 budget process, on-line budget survey.
A joint meeting with Finance and Personnel Committees is being held to discuss non-represented employee pay and the strategy for new and reclassed position requests for the 2009 budget. Beghin reviewed the decision to not hold public meetings but to do an online County survey. The County will advertise the survey to maximize public input. Krueger expressed that last year's process for position approval was not good. It is a good idea to plan and be strategic in the process. Discussion about encouraging public comment by citizens at the July/August Finance Committee meeting was discussed. The Committee expressed the use of as many avenues as possible for more public input. The County's aim should be to get substantive and thoughtful contributions through appropriate avenues.

Presentation of jail unit A report.
Beghin distributed a jail report through April. Some revenues are received a month behind, so are not included. Costs to equip and stock Unit A precede their related revenues. Medical expenses have been lower than budgeted. Behavioral issues have been minimal. Fordham expressed no problem with smart management by housing inmates in B also. However, this makes the accounting more complex because A and B cannot be broken out. Beghin encouraged all to look at bottom line, she has encouraged the Sheriff's Department to the separate reporting of A. Krueger indicated that the current lawsuit restricts the flow of information and impacts the reports because of the nature of the suit. Bach questioned where transportation was in the report. Krueger stated report contains some but not all of administration's suggestions. Law Enforcement needs to provide full County Board with the information that was committed to be provided.

Selection of two Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) team members.
Motion by Fordham, second by Krueger to appoint Bychinski and Bach as the Finance Committee members to the Capital Improvement Plan Team. Motion carried.

Treasurer's Department Update:
Carignan updated the Committee of recent Treasurer's Department activity. Motion by Bychinski, second by Bach to approve payment of the invoices from the Treasurer's department in the amount of $85,589.93. Motion carried. Carignan distributed the interest on investments sheet for Sauk County. Carignan continues to be optimistic of achieving budgeted interest earned on investments. 2009 Budget may be affected.

Accounting Department Update:
Bychinski indicated that Sauk County has received the GFOA budget award again. Welcome to Lynn Horkan in the Accounting Manager position. Beghin pointed out the highlights of the Accounting Department's recent activity. Financial statements are to Virchow Krause, new challenges with landfill accounting. The program audit is scheduled for July. Inspection of Mirror Lake dam project will impact 2009 budget. Looking to coordinate with Lake Delton on sharing some costs. Bach inquired if the Mirror Lake association will help with costs. Motion by Fordham, second by Bach to approve payment of the invoices from the Accounting Department in the amount of $20,609.50. Motion carried. Motion by Wenzel, second by Fordham to approve payment of the County invoices in the amount of $2,930,408.57. Motion carried.

There will be a special joint meeting of Finance and Personnel June 13, 2008 at 8:15. The next regular Finance meeting will be held on July 8, 2008 at 8:30 am.

Motion by Wenzel, second by Bach to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Steven Bach
Finance Committee Secretary