Finance Committee

DATE: July 18, 2008

Finance Committee Members present: Steve Bach, Tommy Lee Bychinski, Joan Fordham Marty Krueger, William F. Wenzel

Personnel Committee Members present: Scott Alexander, Henry Netzinger, Tim Meister, Charles Montgomery, Peter Tollaksen

Others present: Kerry Beghin, Cindy Bodendein, Judi Briggs, Jessica Fry, Michael Hafemann, Sue Hebel, Lynn Horkan, Michelle Koehler, Bonnie Konkel, Chip Meister, Kathy Schauf, Randy Stammen, Michael Steinhauer

Finance Committee Chairman Bychinski called the meeting to order at 8:30 AM. Certification of open meeting compliance was given. Motion by Fordham to nominate Bychinski as chairperson of joint committee meeting, second by Tollaksen, Finance: all approved. Personnel: all approved. Motion carried. Motion by Fordham, second by Tollaksen to adopt the agenda. Finance: all approved. Personnel: all approved. Motion carried.

2009 Budget Process-Consideration and Discussion of Reclassification and New positions Requests- Department Presentations:

Schauf reviewed the goals established for the 2009 budget. It was the consensus of the Committees that each department present and action will be taken individually after the presentations.


Public Health presented by Michael Steinhauer: Steinhauer highlighted the review he has done concerning the Public Health programs and personnel. Departmental goals are to create better reflection of duties, address wage inequities, set up for growth, and reward cross training. Steinhauer noted budget impact as minimal. Steinhauer noted the duties of the Accounting Assistant and the Fiscal Accounting Tech for the department have become more technical and complicated. Steinhauer highlighted the increased responsibilities in the current Environmental Health Specialist position. The expectation for vital functions within departments to be cross trained was discussed.

Human Services presented by Sue Hebel. Hebel highlighted the change in responsibility the program specialist position has in Human Services involving technology, crisis and staffing coordination..

Sheriff's Department presented by Captain Michael Hafemann. Both proposed reclassifications are doing enhanced duties and have enhanced responsibilities. It was questioned if Unit A caused additional duties; Hafemann stated that all staff have additional duties due to a larger census. The enhanced duties would have occurred even without the opening of Pod A. The Administrative Assistant position has become more of a system administrator, as well as doing grant writing and administration, and purchasing. The Clerk position in question has taken over duties no longer performed by the Administrative Assistant.

New Positions:

Human Services presented by Hebel. Requesting four new registered nurse positions only to be hired as the caseload in Long Term Family Care increases. Funding for these staff would be revenues from the Southwest Family Care Alliance contract. Requesting one new long term support social worker position to work with increased vulnerable adult referrals due to statutory changes and care management for family care, position will be funded through state adult protective services funding and revenues from the Southwest Family Care Alliance. The ability to add these positions will enable the deletion of the wait list. Caseload ratios will be 40:1. Currently have 160 on the waiting list for transition to family care. Fordham spoke to the need for Sauk County to remain in control of services provided to our citizens through the direction of the Southwest Family Care Alliance. No tax levy will fund the Family Care Program. Family Care will improve service quality and increase the numbers served.

A new social worker jail position is requested. This is a pilot program born from discussions and collaboration with primarily the Sheriff's Department and Human Services, as well as other County departments and other interested entities. The position will help transition inmates out of jail and into the community through access to resources for jobs and home life. Current staffing levels at the jail to do not allow for this functionality and case management. Program would have the goals of prevention and would include measurable performance goals. Jail staff and the social worker will target only Sauk County inmates that will benefit from services. The size of the program and possible more research was discussed. Krueger expressed the need to start in a manageable and measurable way. Multiple models have been reviewed, and Sauk County's social worker position and program will be tailored to meet Sauk County's needs.

Sheriff's Department presented by Captain Hafemann. Requesting a new patrol deputy position. Hafemann noted the increased number of calls for service, accidents, and other incidents. Increased numbers have made response reactive rather than proactive. The transient population of the Dells area has added to the increase. Last patrol position was added in 2003. Although listed as fully levy funded, this new position would likely alleviate overtime.


Public Health Program Assistant (WPPA Clerical Grade 2) to Administrative Support (WPPA Clerical Grade 5): Motion by Bach to deny reclassification, second by Tollaksen. Discussion: criteria for reclassification not met. Finance: all approved. Personnel: all approved. Motion carried.

Public Health Accounting Assistant (WPPA Clerical Grade 4) to Accounting Specialist(WPPA Clerical Grade 7): Motion by Tollaksen to grant reclassification, second by Fordham. Discussion. Finance: all approved. Personnel: all approved. Motion carried.

Public Health Fiscal Accounting Tech (WPPA Clerical Grade 6) to Accounting Lead worker (WPPA Clerical Grade 7): Motion by Tollaksen to deny reclassification, second by Montgomery. Discussion : too big a paradigm shift at this point. Finance: all approved. Personnel: Meister aye, Tollaksen aye, Alexander nay, Montgomery aye, Netzinger aye. Motion carried.

Public Health Environmental Health Specialist (Non-represented Grade 11) to Environmental Health Manager (Non-represented Grade 14): Motion by Tollaksen to grant reclassification, second by Krueger. Discussion. Finance: all approved. Personnel: all approved. Motion carried.

Human Services Program Specialist (WPPA Clerical Grade 3) to Admin. Services Coordinator (WPPA Clerical Grade 5): Motion by Bach to grant reclassification, second by Alexander. Discussion. Finance: all approved. Personnel: all approved. Motion carried.

Sheriff's Department Clerk (WPPA Grade 1 to Grade 2) and Sheriff's Department Administrative Assistant (WPPA Grade 2 to Grade 3): Motion by Tollaksen to deny reclassification and direct Koehler to address with the bargaining unit during contract negotiations, second by Wenzel. Discussion: current contract does not have language for reclassification. Finance: all approved. Personnel: all approved. Motion carried.

New Position Requests

Human Services four Nurse Case Managers (United Professionals Grade 4A): Motion by Krueger to create four Nurse Case Manager positions, second by Alexander. Discussion. Finance: all approved. Personnel: all approved. Motion carried.

Human Services Social Worker II - LTS (United Professionals Grade 1): Motion by Fordham to create a Social Worker II-LTS position, second by Netzinger. Discussion. Finance: all approved. Personnel: all approved. Motion carried.

Human Services Social Worker-Jail Diversion (United Professionals Grade 1): Motion by Alexander to create Social Worker-Jail Diversion Project position, second by Tollaksen. Discussion: concern over performance measures, additional studies, and measurement of success. Finance: all approved. Personnel: all approved. Motion carried.

Sheriff's Department Patrol Deputy (WPPA Grade 5): Motion by Montgomery to create a Patrol Deputy position, second by Tollaksen. Discussion: available budget dollars. Finance: all approved. Personnel: all approved. Motion carried.

Motion by Fordham, second by Netzinger to adjourn the joint meeting of Finance and Personnel Committees. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted: Steven Bach Scott Alexander, Finance Committee Secretary Personnel Committee Secretary