DATE: August 12, 2008
Members present: Tommy Lee Bychinski, Marty Krueger, Joan Fordham, Steve Bach, William F. Wenzel
Others present: Kerry Beghin, Pat Carignan, Marc Higgs, Liz Geoghegan, Kim Gochanour, Lynn Horkan, Alene Kleczek, Tom Kriegl, Kathy Schauf, Media
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Bychinski at 8:30 AM. Certification of open meeting compliance was given. Motion by Bach, second by Fordham to adopt the agenda. Motion carried. Motion by Bach, second by Krueger to adopt the minutes of the meeting dated July 8, July 15, July 18, 2008. Motion carried.
Public Comment: None
Communications: None
Consider update to Financial Policy 4-94, Purchasing Policy, allowing UW Extension, Arts & Culture Committee to approve UW Extension agent contracts. (from July 8)
Corporation Counsel Kleczek and the University of Wisconsin-Extension (UW-Ext) have been working to have the agent contract incorporate language regarding the timing of contract signing and the County's budget. Other language that needs consideration is making current practice of oversight for filling vacancies part of the contract. Kleczek will continue to work with the UW-Ext and will update the Committee in September.
Update on financial performance of the Health Care Center (HCC) as of June 30, 2008.
Gochanour reported the HCC is in the process of writing off approximately $53,000 of accounts receivable, much of which is due the variance in the amount billed and the contract amount reimbursed. The new billing system, Electronic Chart System (ECS), will handle these adjustments appropriately. ECS implementation is under way for fiscal and clinical processes. HCC is billing private pay sooner. Every two weeks staff meet to review each account's collection status to stay on stop of accounts and collection efforts. Gochanour reviewed the HCC Year to Date June 2008 Operation Statement. Kitchen dietitian costs are down, and food costs, vendors and supplements have been looked at in order to be more cost efficient and in line with lowering the census. HCC received an additional $300,000 IGT this year due to additional money at the State. Housekeeping also seeing some savings; oversight of housekeeping has been changed to the maintenance supervisor. The HCC is reviewing staffing ratios. HCC will look at increasing private pay rates to be more competitive. Long Term Care Redesign and the implementation of Family Care will push to keep people in their homes.
Presentation of quarterly accounts receivable reports as of June 30, 2008.
No questions by committee.
Update on possible 2008 budget overrun for Tri-County Airport.
Marc Higgs, Tri-County Airport Manager, described the challenging year for the airport due to snowfall and flooding. Constant snow removable this winter increased costs, however, airport was open at all times. The June flooding resulted in a six week shut down, during which there were no fuel sales, resulting in sales loss of $5,000 fuel income. Used Highway Department pumps. Airport had 1.5 feet of water across the airport. Higgs did most of flood cleanup, however, had supply and fuel related clean up costs not in the 2008 budget. Workforce Development also helped with clean up at no cost. Rents from flooded farms are slow to come in, and fields around the airport are still flooded. Currently anticipate a $10-12,000 unfavorable variance to current year budget. Anticipating FEMA recovery funding, and FEMA is scheduled to inspect the airport next week. Looking into possible grant funding for reconstruction of terminal building. Financial situation is further complicated by the three counties owning the airport, and Higgs will be talking to the other counties soon.
Update on flood finances.
Beghin commented that the financial impact of the flooding is a work in progress. The Highway Department's estimate of flood related costs to County roads has been decreased to $1 million from $1.5 million. Living Lands & Waters, a nonprofit organization, was awarded the Wisconsin River clean up contract. Costs will be split FEMA 75%, State Emergency Management 12.5% and 12.5% split between Sauk Co., Columbia Co., Village of Lake Delton and the DNR. No estimates on other FEMA reimbursements at this time, and all reimbursement is likely to arrive late.
Update on 2009 Budget process.
Budget packets arriving steadily, doing a cross check of budget requests. Many oversight committees are reviewing the drafts this month. Staff reviews are scheduled for the end of August. A significant change in the process with the outside agency requests assigned to Oversight Committees. Also, departments will present their budgets in their functional groups. Focus is to have the budget process to speak to the strategy of the operations. Equalized values released this Friday, and levy limits are 2% or net new construction values as of January 1, 2008. Net new construction values not yet available. Flood ramifications will effect the 2010 budget. Finance Committee review is scheduled for September 24 and 25.
Presentation of jail unit A report.
Sheriff Department staff are presenting their budgets to their oversight committee this morning and are not in attendance. Financials still show the bottom line getting progressively better. There was discussion concerning how to handle the 2009 jail budget request. Committee members agreed the forum should be conducted in open meeting with all parties available. A budget with Unit A presented separately was needed, as well as the impact of closing the unit. Differences between the allocation of revenues and expenses between Unit A and the rest of the jail versus the bottom line were discussed.
Presentation of County financial report.
Beghin reviewed the County financial reports. It is still to early to comment on the 2009 Budget.
Treasurer's Department Update.
Carignan updated the Committee on recent Treasurer Department activity. Treasurer received amounts needed to make the $32 million settlement payment in August. This was not the case in all counties. Proactive communication to communities was a good idea. The education of the letter helped to get correct information out and avoid misconceptions. No change in delinquencies as compared to other years. Grace period effect to County was approximately $36,000 lost revenue. Motion by Fordham, second by Bach to approve payment of the invoices from the Treasurer's department in the amount of $1,294.83. Motion carried.
Accounting Department Update:
Beghin pointed out the highlights of the Accounting Department's recent activity. Single audit has gone very well. No findings other than some internal control items related to new auditing standards. Motion by Bach, second by Wenzel to approve payment of the invoices from the Accounting Department in the amount of $77,445.12. Motion carried. Motion by Fordham, second by Bach to approve payment of the County invoices in the amount of $3,666,748.62. Motion carried.
The next regular Finance meeting will be held on September 9, 2008 at 8:30 am. Motion by Wenzel, second by Bach to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Steven Bach
Finance Committee Secretary