DATE: September 29, 2008
Members present: Tommy Lee Bychinski, Marty Krueger, Joan Fordham, Steve Bach, William F. Wenzel
Others present: Kerry Beghin, Lowell Haugen, Lynn Horkan, Tom Kriegl Kathy Schauf, media
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Bychinski at 3:15 PM. Certification of open meeting compliance was given. Motion by Wenzel, second by Bach to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.
Public Comment
Kriegl distributed and reviewed handouts concerning the jail.
Discussion and consideration of the 2009 County Budget:
Beghin distributed a list of budget discussion items gathered from interdepartmental reviews and previous Finance Committee reviews. The target figures are not yet final due to concern over the final rates for net new construction and Department of Revenue (DOR) limits. Committee chose to review each item on the list.
The County fund balance was discussed. Beghin confirmed that the fund balance is greater than required, some of it may be needed to cover additional costs due to flood damage.
Through consensus budget adjustments were made:
Alternate court reporting funded through carry forward. Stagger financial system server purchase over 2009 and 2010. Removed copier purchases and added a contingency copier fund to the MIS Department budget for essential replacements. Decreased vehicle purchase amounts for Emergency Management and Land Conservation. Decreased number of replacement squad cars by one, and either replace unmarked vehicle or transport van for Sheriff's Department. Emergency Management van be given to Humane Society in lieu of new purchase. Responsibility of county owned dams was discussed. Issue of sale of county forest should be considered a separate matter. Current needed repairs to come from fund balance with no levy impact. Additional funding for post retirement benefits funding reduced to $25,000. Shooting range to include no levy funding, use existing balances. Remove all tax levy for officers range and consider limiting project below the existing fund balance of $471,804.
Through consensus budget cuts were made:
No operational study in 2009. No funding to the Boys & Girls Club. Building Services courthouse sprinkler system and tractor with end loader deferred to future years. Contingency fund balance will come out of fund balance and not be levied. Delay purchase of County Board touch screen. No flex account funding for Humane Society. No funding for UW Baraboo repairs contingency.
Personnel and county new and current positions were discussed. Likely adjustments to staffing levels will be needed, however, would like to discuss the proposals with the Personnel Committee. The Finance Committee did have tentative consensus on the following: Not proceed with hiring Human Services jail diversion social worker and the Personnel Department project position. Not replace an impending retirement at the Sheriff's department.
The Committee will meet again to consider their recommendations on October 10, 2008 at 8:15 AM jointly with Personnel Committee and then as the Finance Committee alone immediately following. Motion by Bach, second by Fordham to adjourn. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Steven Bach
Finance Committee Secretary