Finance Committee

DATE: October 9, 2008

Members present: Tommy Lee Bychinski, Marty Krueger, Joan Fordham, Steve Bach, William F. Wenzel
Others present: Kerry Beghin, Stephanie Box, Dan Brattset, Pat Carignan, Bob Cassity, Jessica Fry, Liz Geoghegan, Michael Hafemann, Lynn Horkan, Alan Langeteig, Henry Netzinger, Pete Oettinger, Sarah Resch, Kathy Schauf

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Bychinski at 8:30 AM. Certification of open meeting compliance was given. Motion by Wenzel, second by Bach to adopt the agenda. Motion carried. Motion by Bach, second by Fordham to adopt the minutes of previous meetings. Motion carried.

Public Comment: Boys and Girls Club Baraboo/Sauk County representatives in appearance: Alan Langeteig, Pete Oettinger, Sarah Resch. Langeteig spoke about the one time request of one year ago to get the club back into operations. The representatives all spoke to the various structured programs that help kids in many ways. They are looking to expand to offer juvenile age programs. Resch has spoken with Orth about referrals from Human Services and doing a fee for service contract. Committee concerns about support for similar groups around the county, and the one time nature of the 2008 request. Resch confirmed the City of Baraboo heavily supports the club both cash and in-kind.

Communications: Krueger received a letter on October 8, 2008, from Supervisor Kriegl requesting ten minutes for a presentation at the October 21, 2008 meeting. Krueger is working with Corporation Counsel concerning this request.

Consideration of resolution reallocating the 2008 budget for Family Care
Box and Brattset stated the original Human Services 2008 budget was for twelve months of State Waiver funding; however, Family Care was implemented September 1, 2008. This budget amendment reflects Family Care implementation, with a net effect of zero to the tax levy. Fordham indicated the Human Services Committee has approved this resolution. Motion by Fordham, second by Bach, to approve the amendment of the 2008 County Department Human Services Budget to reflect Family Care implementation and forward it to the full County Board. Motion carried.

Consideration of resolution Authorizing the Public Health Department to Accept the Donation of the Baraboo United Way
Beghin stated this request is similar to previous years, and allows the Public Health Department $6,000 to fund uninsured and under insured county residents. Motion by Krueger, second by Bach, to approve the resolution authorizing the Public Health Department to accept the donation of the Baraboo United Way. Motion carried.

Consideration of contract amendment with Virchow, Krause LLP. (from September 9, 2008)
Beghin stated she has spoken to Tom Scheidegger of Virchow Krause concerning the issues of the contract. Beghin said the current contract has a two year extension option, and there will most likely be a cost adjustment. Motion by Wenzel, second by Bach, to deny Virchow Krause request to amend the current contract by an additional $6,000. Motion carried.

Update on flood finances
Beghin noted the Highway Department still looking at $1 million in road repairs. Some claims have been submitted to FEMA, some will need to go through the federal highway system for claims. Highway and Parks Departments are in communication with FEMA concerning flood issues.

Update on 2009 Budget process
Finance Committee will meet tomorrow after joint meeting with the Personnel Committee and finalize recommendations. Beghin has made contact with everyone on the recommendations list. Schauf met with the Officers Range Association, and they indicate they are willing to make improvements to the range for a lesser dollar amount than originally requested. Krueger has meet with UW Baraboo representatives concerning cutting the repairs contingency. Supervisors Cassity and Netzinger spoke of concerns with the Planning and Zoning budget, decreased revenues and services. Schauf reviewed the need to address capacity and core services when making budget decisions.

Presentation of jail state prisoners report
Fry distributed the monthly report with a new title, now called "DOC Housing by Month." Still working on keeping costs down, three positions not filled. State use of jail has been consistent in number. Discussed the US Marshal contract and reimbursement. Committee requested looking at the jail as a whole enterprise. Hafemann indicated they are compiling these figures. The operations of the jail, prisoner classification and populations were discussed. Court orders, security classifications, and gender determine how to house them. Fry pointed out that the per inmate costs continue to go down overall.

Presentation of County financial report.
Beghin reviewed the County financial reports as of the end of August. On the horizon is a challenge of the LaCrosse Mississippi Valley Health District. This may negatively impact Sauk County if found to be prohibited.

Treasurer's Department Update.
Carignan updated the Committee on recent Treasurer Department activity. Carignan distributed a revised monthly report. Carignan noted the LGIP (Local Government Investment Pool) interest rate has dropped since last month. Carignan reviewed the investment sheet and the work to get the best investment options for the Health Care Center funding with appropriate maturities. County is fully collateralized/insured on all these investments. Motion by Fordham, second by Bach to approve payment of the invoices from the Treasurer's department in the amount of $937.23. Motion carried.

Accounting Department Update:
Beghin pointed out the highlights of the Accounting Department's recent activity. Noted no invoices paid this month. Investment RFP is due October 20, 2008. Beghin has had communication with Baird about Moody's changing rating scale for governmental debt issues. The Moody's change will make the rating scale similar to that for for-profit entities. Rating change should not impact Sauk County's borrowing capacity. Also spoke with Baird concerning issues of the recent market and effects to the county. Sauk County is well positioned and in no immediate danger. Accounting is getting ready for preliminary field work for December audit dates. Motion by Krueger, second by Wenzel to approve payment of the County invoices in the amount of $2,477,652.33, with no Accounting invoices. Motion carried.

The next regular Finance meeting will be held on October 31, 2008 at 1:00 PM. Motion by Wenzel, second by Bach to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Steven Bach
Finance Committee Secretary