DATE: December 11, 2008
Members present: Tommy Lee Bychinski, Marty Krueger, Steve Bach, William F. Wenzel
Excused: Joan Fordham
Others present: Kerry Beghin, Lynn Horkan, Kathy Schauf, Cindy Bodendein, Kevin Fults, Jessica Fry, Liz Geoghegan, Melissa Getgen, Michael Hafemann, Alene Kleczek, Bonnie Konkel, Associated Bank team, M&I Bank team, Wells Fargo Bank team, media
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Bychinski at 8:30 AM. Certification of open meeting compliance was given. Motion by Wenzel, second by Bach to adopt the agenda. Motion carried. Motion by Bach, second by Wenzel to adopt the minutes of the previous meetings October 30, 31, and November 12, 2008. Motion carried.
Public Comment: None
Communications: None
Presentation and discussion of investment proposals.
Teams with local and corporate representation from Wells Fargo Bank, M & I Bank, and Associated Bank presented their investment proposals. Schauf reviewed the investment strategy and the plan to use all three vendors and evaluate the relationships over a two year period. The educational relationship will also be beneficial. Carignan discussed the time involved in managing investments. Krueger spoke to the need for specialization of the investments in these economic times, the additional expertise that could be brought to the treasurer office could be beneficial for the sake of the County. Consensus of Committee, Treasurer and staff to take a month to consider options.
Update on Home Care accounts receivable. (from October 31, 2008)
Public Health returned to answer questions on their accounts receivable report from previous month.
Update on possible 2008 budget overrun for Register in Probate.
Daniels was unable to appear due to court attendance. Budget overrun explanation includes counsel expenses in contested termination of parental rights proceedings.
Update on possible 2008 budget overrun for Corporation Counsel.
Kleczek reported the Corporation Counsel will be over budget in the total negotiation and labor expense area; the department as a whole will not exceed budget.
Consider approval of credit card issued to UW-Extension.
Motion by Krueger, second by Bach for approval of credit card issued to UW-Extension with $1,000 limit. Motion carried.
Consideration of resolution Adopting Financial Policy 1-08, Self Insured Workers Compensation.
Beghin reviewed the changes due to the County moving to self insurance for Workers Compensation. Motion by Krueger, second by Bach to adopt Financial Policy 1-08, Self Insured Workers Compensation. Motion carried.
Consideration of resolution Authorizing Purchase of 2009 Ford Crown Victoria Replacement Squad Car Under
Emergency Procedures and Amend the 2008 Budget for this Purchase.
November 13, 2008 a squad car crashed en route to backup at a burglary. 2006 vehicle was determined totaled by insurance company. Driving courses were discussed. Motion by Wenzel, second by Bach to authorize purchase of 2009 Ford crown Victoria replacement squad car under emergency procedures and amending the 2008 budget for this purchase. Motion carried.
Presentation of jail state prisoners report.
Fry and Hafemann reviewed the distributed report. Jail population and contracts were discussed. Fry stated Sheriff's Department may have a budget overrun potentially from 0-$50,000 due to overtime and fuel expenses resulting from extreme snow and flood occurrences. Also, couple of grants previously received and planned have not come through in 2008. Overrun will depend on the revenues at year end. Department of Corrections ( DOC) prisoner contract has helped offset overall departmental budget.
Consideration and possible resolution approving contract for actuarial services.
Beghin highlighted GASB 45 requiring the need for actuary services concerning post employment benefits. Proposals were reviewed by a review panel of Bach, Beghin, Horkan and Koehler. Beghin distributed results from the review. Motion by Krueger, second by Bach to approve a contract to Alliance Benefit Group for $6,500. Motion carried.
Update on flood finances.
Beghin distributed a June 2008 Flood report. Some reimbursement is starting to come in.
Consideration of capital projects fund balance use.
There was general discussion on what to do with the funds in the capital projects fund balance. Various options were discussed. Officers training facility and range and flood expenses were discussed. Motion by Krueger, second by Wenzel to postpone further discussion and decision until March 2009.
Consideration and planning for 2009 budgetary alternatives.
Schauf discussed the need to have in place planning to enable appropriate response to address potential revenue shortfalls as these economic times unfold. The County will look to make changes in strategies early to facilitate the budget process. Various tools will be brought forth such as program evaluation documentation and mandated program review. Bringing consistencies to the committees will be important to prioritize services in the county. The direction will come from the County Board as guidance to the Finance Committee.
Presentation of County financial report.
Beghin reviewed the County financial reports as of the end of October. Sales tax has remained stronger longer than expected. Last month was the first sign of the expected decrease.
Treasurer's Department Update.
Carignan updated the Committee on recent Treasurer Department activity. Motion by Krueger, second by Bach to accept the Treasurer's report and approve payment of the invoices from the Treasurer's department in the amount of $2,604.34. Motion carried. Carignan made note that Noah's Ark and Great Wolf have been reassessed. This will mean that the county will have a 2009 charge back of around roughly $275,000 to $300,000 between them. The Committee members thanked Pat for her years of service, her diligence, and the compassion with which she has run her office. Motion by Krueger, second by Wenzel to approve a resolution Honoring Patricia L. Carignan. Motion carried.
Accounting Department Update:
Beghin pointed out the highlights of the Accounting Department's recent activity. Recently auditors were on site for one day for preliminary audit fieldwork. The focus was on internal control and processes. Motion by Krueger, second by Wenzel to receive the Accounting report and approve payment of the Accounting invoices in the amount of $5,368.67 and the County invoices in the amount of $3,477,743.04. Motion carried.
The next regular Finance meeting will be held on January 13, 2009 at 8:30 AM. Motion by Krueger, second by Bach to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Steven Bach
Finance Committee Secretary