Building Projects Committee
DATE: February 28, 2008
PRESENT: Paul Endres, Virgil Hartje, Joan Fordham
ABSENT: William Higgins, Tom Bychinski
OTHERS PRESENT: Fred Poehlerf, Barbara Gunderson, Kathy Schauf, Marty Krueger, Tim Stieve, Bill McClary, Kerry Beghin, Alene Kleczek, Designer from Horty Elving and representatives from Henrickson and Company.
- Called to order at 8:00 a.m. by Paul Endres. The open meeting law requirements were met.
- Motion by Hartje, second by Fordham to adopt the agenda.
Motion carried.
- Motion by Fordham, second by Hartje to approve the minutes of the last meeting.
Motion carried.
- Update on design development. Location of building on the land is frozen. Room data sheets are completed and will be working out some details. Working on getting a proposal from the soil boring company to continue with that process. If the proposal is over $10,000 it will need a resolution to go before the full board. Eventually only change orders will need separate resolutions if over that amount.
Motion by Hartje, second by Fordham to move forward with the same company and get necessary soil borings.
Motion carried.
Continue working on outbuilding of approximately 30X88 for lawn/snow removal equipment etc. Will have one bay heated for maintenance. Also are working on small Horty Elving contract issues and will add LEED amendments.
- Budget was discussed and at this point we are on budget. Stieve has met with the City of Reedsburg Park Board and is working with them regarding parkland impact fee. Discussion followed regarding possible play structure for visitors. Was decided not to provide at this time. Issue of donations was discussed and Schauf will be able to provide update at the next meeting.
- Resolution for providing Owner-Direct Insurance was discussed. Vance Forrest will be at the pre-bid conference to answer any questions that may come up.
Motion by Hartje, second by Fordham to approve purchasing Owner-Direct Insurance from Wisconsin County Mutual Insurance Corporation for this building project.
Motion carried.
- FFE (furniture, fixtures and equipment) was discussed. Horty Elving began by identifying items included in FFE such as furniture, window treatments, sinage, art and accessories. Will specify furniture for flammability, durability, etc. and will provide a booklet with that information to insure that everything meets code. Have listing of furniture that will be taken from the old to the new so estimated what would need to be purchased for FFE. Fee for service is based on that total. The paint and flooring is not a part of the FFE.
Henrickson and Company provide the same service of coordinating FFE purchases with the design from the architects. They have a history of working with health care facilities and worked on our law enforcement facility. They work with the application of the furniture and look closely at the cost of ownership in the future. Fee is based on square footage and is a flat fee. Would include sinage and furniture setup. If contract goes to Henrickson, there would be a coordination fee for Horty Elving. Committee requested an updated contract from each company before a decision is made. Will address at the next meeting.
Chairmen Krueger noted that the way the specs were written, two Sauk County businesses would be eliminated from bidding. Felt it would be doing a disservice to Sauk County businesses.
- Timeline was discussed. We are at a point where the building will go out for bids in mid-May and those would be due back mid-June. Intention is to have a special board meeting on June 26th to review and approve the general contractor. Tentatively set August 1st as a start date, which puts us in a 15 - 16 month construction period.
Next meeting will be March 27, at 7:30 a.m. in the EMBS conference room.
- Motion by Hartje, second by Fordham to adjourn.
Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted: Joan Fordham, Secretary