Building Projects Committee
Date: June 20, 2008
PRESENT: Paul Endres, Virgil Hartje, Joan Fordham, Tom Bychinski
ABSENT: Bill Higgins
OTHERS PRESENT: Kathy Schauf, Kim Gochanour, Tim Stieve, Bill McClary, Alene Kleczek, Kerry Beghin, Marty Krueger, Steve Bach, Art Carlson, Halsey Sprecher, Lowell Haugen, Media
- Called to order at 2:00 p.m. by Paul Endres. The open meeting law requirements were met.
- Motion by Bychinski, second by Hartje to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.
- Motion by Hartje, second by Fordham to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Motion carried.
- Public Comment - None
Endres indicated that the architects will be here shortly to comment on the site that was selected
- Communications - Stieve shared a letter from Gary Woolever of Vierbicher's regarding the site, which will be sent to all supervisors. Bill McClary shared pictures of the site taken on the Tuesday after the flooding.
- Updates. Schedule so far is in line. Looking at the first week of July for groundbreaking. Kerry Beghin reviewed the budget to date. The design development process includes details regarding specific location for the particular building design chosen. Costs associated with site work (such as extra fill) are included in schematic design and design development. After more detailed soil borings were taken, adjustments needed to be made in building location and these specifics were included in the bid document. Supervisor Carlson voiced concern regarding a meeting he had scheduled with Chairman Krueger that had to be canceled.
Supervisor Krueger explained to those present the reason for the discussion regarding the location of the building and also the canceled meeting with Supervisor Carlson. Because of budget concerns, Carlson expressed his view that the building should be built on the old HCC site, not in Reedsburg.
Supervisor Endres summarized the Foundation meeting held on June 19th. Board held a meeting to begin organizational tasks associated with establishing the foundation. Individuals will be contacted for participation and will be invited to the next meeting scheduled for the 26th of June.
- Tim Stieve opened bids.
- Interstate ICF Design-Builders, LLC from McFarland, Wisconsin
- Total Base Bid - $16,526,000
- Kraemer Brothers, LLC of Plain, Wisconsin
- Total Base Bid - $15,365,000
- Joe Daniels Construction Company of Madison, Wisconsin
- Total Base Bid - $20,430,000
- Subcontract bid only - disqualified
- Miron Construction Company of Neenah, Wisconsin
- Total Base Bid - $15,189,230
- Discussion by Horty/Elving regarding site selection. Question was asked regarding whether or not the site chosen was too wet. Soil tests were done early in the design process by STS and the site was found to be suitable for building. Second round of tests done after building was sited and those also came back that the site was suitable for building. Carlson again voiced concern that his constituents would be spending more money than necessary for the Reedsburg city site. Fordham noted that the site was chosen partly because it was not a rural setting to better serve residents in future assisted living or senior apartment facilities to be constructed on the same site. These recommendations were made after extensive study and with expert advice.
- Tim Stieve summarized the bid process - Base bids are Miron with $15,189,230; Kraemer Brothers at $15,365,000; Interstate at $16,526,000; and Joe Daniels at $20,430,000. Original resolution by full board was not to borrow more than $15M. Complete bids will have be analyzed in relationship to the budget and decisions made from there. This board will meet prior to the meeting on the 30th of June to make the final determination.
- Next meeting to be announced
Motion by Hartje, second by Fordham, to adjourn. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted: Joan Fordham, Secretary