Building Projects Committee

DATE: August 7, 2008

PRESENT: Paul Endres, Virgil Hartje, Joan Fordham, Tom Bychinski, Bill Higgins

OTHERS PRESENT: Tim Stieve, Bill McClary, Alene Kleczek, Kerry Beghin, Steve Bach, Marty Krueger, Media

1. Called to order at 7:30 a.m. by Paul Endres. The open meeting law requirements were met.

2. Motion by Fordham, second by Bychinski to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.

3. Motion by Bychinski, second by Hartje to approve minutes of the last meeting. Motion carried.

4. Public Comment - Representatives from Cellox were present and briefly spoke about the energy efficiency of ICF walls in a structure. An energy savings (heating and cooling) of $60,000 per year was projected for the new Health Care Center. They also projected a cost differential for ICF vs. wood to be approximately $122,000.

5. Communications - None

6. A conference call was held with the committee and Jeri Zuber and Fred Poehler of Horty Elving. Changes to the original plan were discussed. Parking is consolidated to the right of the site because the basement is moved up. Still have room for future assisted and or independent living. Are only building the amount of access road that is required by the fire marshall to meet code. Value engineering items include raising the basement, site modifications, building reductions, mechanical and electrical modifications. Items that were selected to remain include fiberglass windows, wall-mounted toilets in resident rooms and branch surge protectors.

Design elements to be considered consist of putting continuation of loop access road in as an add alternate. Also to be considered is the removal of 8 rooms or removal of one neighborhood.

Total savings included in value engineering is $1.8M which is a little under what was needed. Also, in looking further into the ICF walls, the cost reductions for building with wood do not seem to be as significant as first thought. Other structural items need to be adjusted if ICF is not used, since it is so much stronger than wood. Engineer recommended leaving the resident center ICF because of the weight of the mechanicals. Approximately 31% of the exterior walls of the building would remain ICF because of the added strength needed. If the decision is made to bid wood as an alternate, the bid documents would have to be modified and the wood alternate would be issued as an addendum. Have made an effort to not effect the efficiency of the building but have reduced the square footage a bit.

The proposed new schedule was discussed. Looking at bid sets to be available on August 21; Pre-Bid meeting on September 3; Last questions accepted on September 12; Addendum #1 on September 15; Bids due at 2:00 p.m. on September 18 with opening at 2:30 p.m.; County Board Meeting to approve bids (to be announced); Week of September 29 - October 3, contracts, bids, bonds, etc. ; Groundbreaking October 6, 2008. Wood alternate bid sets would be put out as soon after September 3 as possible.

Question and answer session followed. Positive points of ICF vs. wood were discussed including longevity of ICF, storm protection, cleaner air etc. Unless it is bid out in wood also, the cost differential will not be clear. Originally was requested to have wood as an alternative, however decided to go with one type since otherwise there would have to be two structural designs done. Committee agreed that building with wood as a cheaper alternative rather than having to cut down on number of beds is the best decision. H/E suggested putting bids out for ICF and a statement in the specs that a wood set of plans would be available shortly after that. Additional fees for H/E were discussed. Corp Council and H/E will work out fee issues. May be some impact with extra heating costs to build in the winter months. H/E will have to submit the wood plans to the state for approval.

Motion by Fordham, second by Higgins to approve the bid plans as revised for ICF with a wood plan addendum to be added as soon as available. Motion carried.

7. The City of Reedsburg will do the Clark Street addition and Reedsburg Utility will do the water loop and charge back to us what is ours - billing us for time and materials.

Motion by Hartje, second by Fordham, to approve having the water service main looped by Reedsburg Utility for the approximate cost of $150,000. Motion carried. Bychinski abstained.

8. Update on Budget. Nothing new to add regarding budget. Question asked regarding getting some help from the Highway Department for road work. Hartje indicated that the Highway Department would help in any way they can.

9. Next meeting will be on Thursday, September 18 at 2:00 p.m.

10. Motion by Fordham, second by Higgins, to adjourn. Motion carried.


Joan Fordham, Secretary