DATE: January 9, 2008
The regular meeting of the Sauk County Continuum of Care Planning Committee was called to order and certification of Open Meeting compliance was given at 6:00 p.m. by Joan Fordham.
Members present: Lowell Haugen, Joan Fordham, Bob Cassity, Al Dippel, Linda Borleske, Halsey Sprecher
Members excused: Judy Stoeckmann
Others present: Kathy Schauf, Trish Vandre, Bill Orth, Alene Kleczek, Ashley Nedeau-Owen, Marty Krueger, Tim Damos, Sue Hebel, Todd Liebman, and Dale Jaedike
The agenda was approved on a motion by Dippel, second by Cassity, and a unanimous vote of the members of the Committee.
A motion was made by Dippel, second by Cassity to appoint Fordham to chair the committee. Approved by a unanimous vote of the committee.
A motion was made by Cassity, second by Sprecher to appoint Dippel as vice chair of the committee. Approved by a unanimous vote of the committee.
A motion was made by Dippel, second by Sprecher to appoint Borleske as secretary of the committee. Approved by a unanimous vote of the committee.
Review and discussion of the Sauk County Transportation Services Matrix, and the Sauk County Transportation Providers Directory.
Review and consideration of the New Freedom grant resolution.
A motion was made by Cassity, second by Borleske to approve the resolution accepting the New Freedom grant funds, and forwarding the resolution on to the County Board.
Motion unanimously approved.
Review and consideration of the STRAP grant resolution.
A motion was made by Borleske, second by Dippel to approve the resolution accepting the STRAP grant funds, and forwarding the resolution on to the County Board.
Motion unanimously approved.
Next meeting: January 28, 2008, 6pm.
Motion to adjourn by Cassity, second by Sprecher, approved.
Respectfully submitted: Linda Borleske, Secretary Continuum of Care Planning Committee