Board of Health Care Center Foundation, Inc.

DATE: October 16, 2008

PRESENT: Paul Endres, Linda Borleske, Kim Gochanour

1. Called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Paul Endres. The open meeting law requirements were met.

Motion by Borleske, second by Gochanour to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.
Motion by Borleske, second by Gochanour to adopt the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion carried.

2. Public comment. None

3. Communication. None

4. Discussion continued from the last meeting regarding possible individuals to be "members" of the Foundation. Concern expressed regarding the amount of time members would need to devote to setting up the foundation and the knowledge needed to do this. Experience in setting up a foundation is critical in at least one member. Other names were discussed as possible officers. Considering the difficult economic times we are in and with the holidays coming, it is not the best time to solicit donations and set up the foundation. Also was some discussion of whether or not the members needed to submit agenda's and minutes to the county since they are a committee established by county board members. Paul will clarify with Corp. Counsel.
Decided to talk with people with foundation experience to find out the process for establishing the next phase of the foundation. Names were discussed. Each member will contact a community member and bring information back at the next meeting. When the members are established we will arrange another meeting with this board and decide where to go from there.

5. Discussed some CD's we have and whether or not that money can be earmarked for the new building. Will have our Business Manager look into the stipulations of the CD's. Brief discussion held regarding the old foundation and distribution of the money. The next level "members" of the foundation will be the group that will decide the process to accept gifts and donor recognition etc. Sponsorship levels also will have to be decided. Kim will work on making a donor list sheet with categories and sponsorship levels.

6. Kim has contacted the United Fund to discuss our participation. Would use the funds to pay for our animal care expenses.

7. Next meeting will be held immediately after the next Board of Trustees meeting to be held on November 6.

Motion by Endres, second by Borleske to adjourn. Motion carried.

Paul Endres, Chairperson