1. Called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Paul Endres. The open meeting law requirements were met.
Motion by Borleske, second by Gochanour to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.
Motion by Gochanour, second by Borleske to adopt the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion carried.
2. Public comment. None
3. Communication. None
4. Discussion continued regarding possible officers and duties. Peggy Hitch will be the Treasurer, John Alt has agreed to be an officer and we are still waiting to hear back from Steve and Darlene Bach. Other volunteers will be "friends" of the Foundation or whatever name is decided upon. Bylaws were reviewed. Two areas of donation were noted - general and specific. General would be donations not designated for any specific purpose. Specific would be to purchase room furniture, art work, etc. Kim will look into the possibility of using some Certificates of Deposit the HCC has. Goal is to transfer all assets to Foundation accounts.
All donations will be run through the foundation accounts only. Perhaps would have numerous accounts. Levels of giving need to be established for donations as well as specific amounts for room furnishings, art work etc. Many giving opportunities need to be established as well as long term plans such as bus replacement.
Peggy mentioned the importance of making the public aware of the benefit of making charitable contributions from IRA distributions for tax purposes. Many individuals wait until December to make these decisions. Krueger mentioned that with the faltering economy, holidays and tax time coming up, it may be a difficult time to solicit funds. Do not have a lot of time to get organized. Should develop an add for the print media in the county perhaps with an artists rendering of the new building. Need to also develop stationary, and thank yous. Marty agreed to work on an add.
Peggy will establish bank account at Wells Fargo Bank in Baraboo. Was decided that we need two signatures in case Peggy is out of town or unable to sign a check. She also discussed some areas of importance in contributions in kind which have to include labor costs. Sometimes an appraisal is required for larger items being donated. IRS has established a tier hiearchy for appraisals. Marty also suggested we need to establish a dual pledge method of donation so that the pledge amount can be paid over multiple years.
Kim agreed to work on a Power Point Presentation for the new Foundation.
We also need to establish ways to keep the confidentiality of donors if they wish to remain anonymous. Discussion also held regarding a method of displaying donations in the lobby area such as a tree or other means of recognizing donations and names. Kim will work with Bill on establishing a listing of items to donate towards for the new building. Paul will check on the stained glass for the chapel area since it was mentioned that it may be donated.
Several committees need to be established such as marketing, fund raising, resident needs, maintenance and investments.
5. Next meeting will be December 3 at 11:00 in Baraboo. Room to be announced.
Motion by Gochanour, second by Borleske to adjourn. Motion carried.
Paul Endres, Chairperson