Health Care Center Board of Trustees

DATE: February 11, 2008

PRESENT: Paul Endres, Arthur Carlson, William Higgins, Henry Netzinger, Terri Langer
ABSENT: Linda Borleske, Larry Schroeder
OTHERS PRESENT: Kathy Schauf, Delores Rydberg, Marty Krueger, Media, staff

1. Called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Paul Endres. The open meeting law requirements were met.
2. Motion by Netzinger, second by Carlson to adopt the amended agenda. Motion carried.
3. Motion by Netzinger, second by Langer to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion carried.

4. Public comment. None

5. Communication. One letter was received, however since it was not signed it could not be read.

6. Business Office Report. Penny Clary indicated that the aged receivables continue to decrease. The balance sheet and other information was explained.
Motion by Netzinger, second by Carlson to approve the vouchers in the amount of $101,862.65. Motion carried.

7. There were no donations for the month of January.

8. The Resolution commending Cheryl Hinz for years of service was read.
Motion by Carlson, second by Higgins to approve the resolution commending Cheryl Hinz for 36 years of service to the HCC. Motion carried.

9. Resolution to approve the emergency replacement of the hot water storage tank was discussed.
Motion by Netzinger, second by Langer to approve the resolution for the emergency replacement of the hot water storage tank by Riberich, Inc. of Reedsburg. Motion carried.

10. Administrator Rydberg indicated that the statistical report was included in the folder for informational purposes. Department managers continue to evaluate their departments for the upcoming state survey. Some overtime has been authorized because of equipment breakdowns and snow removal issues. Changes in the dietary department with meal service and making it a more home-like experience are continuing. CNA staffing continues to be a challenge. A block schedule system as recommended by the consultants, has gone into effect today and will reduce scheduled overtime. We are carefully evaluating new admissions for the long term care units to ensure a resident mix to meet our staffing challenges. No admission changes will be seen in the Medicare and Dementia units. We continue to recruit for new staff to ease the burden of our current staff. Since this interim administrator position was for a 6 month period which will be up in April, Rydberg will be retiring on April 14, 2008.

11. Discussion of oursourcing. Supervisor Carlson questioned the posting of a letter he submitted and Rydberg indicated that it was sent to board members and given to others as requested. He also asked that because it was not posted in-house, the decision on outsourcing be postponed. The importance of making a decision rather than keep the employees in a state of uncertainty was discussed. Supervisor Endres read a background summary of outsourcing the Housekeeping, Dietary, Laundry and OT departments. Supervisor Carlson read his letter and gave other information in favor of not outsourcing any departments but studying the issue further. Supervisor Endres also read a letter from Supervisor Borleske in favor of not outsourcing any departments at the HCC. Financial data regarding outsourcing was discussed. An approximate savings of $450,000.00 could be realized by outsourcing.
The board was mailed information regarding outsourcing of Housekeeping and Dietary. During Union negotiations the Laundry and Occupational Therapy departments were removed from negotiations due to the minimal amount of savings in Laundry and other plans for the OT Department. Discussion followed regarding the roll of Board of Trustees members and the impact that downsizing would have on staff. The focus now is the financial viability of the organization and the things that can be done to make it more efficient to help reduce the dependency on property taxes. The outsourcing option will be sent to the full board for discussion and a final decision if the resolutions are carried forward, but if they are voted down, the full board will not have that opportunity.

Endres read the resolution regarding outsourcing dietary services.
Motion by Netzinger, second by Langer to adopt the resolution to outsource the dietary services at SCHCC to A'viands Food and Services Management of St. Paul, Minnesota.
Motion by Carlson to amend the dietary outsourcing resolution to delay any action for one year or until our needs at the new facility are better known. Amendment died for lack of a second.
Roll call vote: Langer - Aye; Carlson - Nay; Netzinger - Aye; Endres - Aye; Higgins - Aye. Motion to outsource the dietary department is carried.

Endres read the resolution regarding outsourcing housekeeping services.
Motion by Higgins, second by Netzinger to adopt the resolution to outsource the housekeeping services at SCHCC to BSG, Inc., of Green Bay, Wisconsin.
Motion by Carlson to amend the housekeeping outsourcing resolution for one year or until our needs at the new facility are better known. Amendment died for lack of a second.
Roll call vote: Langer - Aye; Carlson - Nay; Netzinger - Aye; Endres - Aye; Higgins - Aye. Motion to outsource the housekeeping department is carried.

Supervisor Carlson asked that his letter be given to all board members. Chairman Krueger indicated that an information packet regarding housekeeping and dietary outsourcing will be sent out to all board members and the letter would be included. Items will be sent out on Wednesday by priority mail because Monday is a holiday. Supervisor Borleske's letter will also be included.

12. Motion by Netzinger, second by Higgins to move to closed session pursuant to Wisc. Stats. 19.85 (1) (c) Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the [governmental] body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. Discussion of potential candidates for Nursing Home Administrator. Kathy Schauf and Marty Krueger to remain. Roll call vote. Langer - Aye; Carlson - Aye; Netzinger - Aye; Endres - Aye; Higgins - Aye. Motion carried. Reconvene in open session immediately following closed session.

13. Update on HCC building project. Endres discussed the updates to the schematic design shown on the artists rendering on the wall. The center "park" area will not be covered due to cost limitations. Jeri Zuber has provided a cost comparison for different levels of "green" for the board. Chairman Krueger indicated that the Dean of UW-Baraboo is on the agenda for Monday's board meeting and will speak to the cost of having a Platinum LEED Certification since they have recently gone through this analysis for their new building.

14. Next meeting will be March 6, 2008 at 5:30 p.m.

Motion by Langer, second by Carlson to adjourn. Motion carried.

Paul Endres, Chairperson