1. Called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Paul Endres. The open meeting law requirements were met.
2. Motion by Borleske, second by Carlson to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.
3. Motion by Netzinger, second by Langer to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion carried.
4. Public comment. None
5. Communication. Kathy Schauf announced that they have received a verbal acceptance of the Administrator's position.
6. Business Office Report. Penny Clary indicated that the aged receivables continue to be a focus. The balance sheet and other information was explained.
Motion by Borleske, second by Carlson to approve the vouchers in the amount of $119,318.67. Motion carried.
7. Donations for the month of February were discussed.
Motion by Carlson, second by Borleske to approve the donations in the amount of $40. Motion carried.
8. Administrator Rydberg explained that the state interpretation of "short staffed" is that a facility does not have enough staff to care for residents. This facility is never short staffed, however does have open positions and staff have been working long hours. Have illness in the building both with staff and residents. We are taking no admissions pending the results of swabs taken to check for Influenza A&B. Working with the union to resolve some of the ongoing staffing issues and they have been very helpful. We are trying a variety of approaches to deal with coverage for FMLA, sick and vacation absences. We are also experiencing some staffing issues in the RN and LPN areas for various reasons. As of March 15 we will consolidate the management of the Maintenance/Housekeeping department. Working to increase revenue in the OT Department with restorative nursing and also will review Dietary to see if decreasing the hours of the consultant is possible in the near future.
9. Discussion of downsizing/decertification of beds. We have checked with the state regarding funds available and if downsizing now would effect our eligibility for funds and were assured that it would not. We currently have a lower census and with our staffing issues it makes sense to begin a phase down of beds. Currently in order to charge bedhold for MA residents we can not have more than 9 empty beds during the previous month. Downsizing would also mean that we wouldn't be charged bed tax for empty beds that we decertify. The state has indicated that limited funds are available for downsizing and the criteria has not been fully developed. There is no guarantee of the amount of money we could receive. The tentative agreement for downsizing was read. We are currently at 110 beds and would phase down 28 by June 30, 2009 to 82 licensed beds. We are allowed to bill for bedhold during the phase down. Our MA rates will be reestablished after the phase down. The agreement will be given to Corp. Counsel for review.
Motion by Carlson, second by Schroeder to give Administrator Rydberg permission to sign the phase down agreement (after review by Corp. Counsel) and proceed with the phase-down process as discussed. Motion carried.
10. The facility recently participated in the annual state survey and received no nursing care cites. The building will receive some, however have not received the official notification as of yet. Several things that can be fixed at little or no cost are already being done as well as some safety issues. These cites are no reflection on the Maintenance Department as they do a fine job, however are related to the age of the building. Our plan of correction is to fix some things, appeal what we can and ask for hardship waivers on other items. Will use our best judgment on deciding what will be waived, appealed or repaired. Board agreed verbally with the plan.
11. Update on building project. The location of the facility on the building site has been frozen. Design detail is being finalized and we are making decisions on what items from the old building we can still use and that meet code. Are doing more soil borings and making final decisions regarding the storage/outbuilding. We are within the proposed timeline and are looking at an October 2009 move-in date if at all possible.
12. Next meeting date will be April 3, 2008 at 5:30 p.m.
Motion by Netzinger, second by Schroeder to adjourn. Motion carried.
Paul Endres, Chairperson