Health Care Center Board of Trustees
DATE: May 1, 2008
PRESENT: Paul Endres, Arthur Carlson, Henry Netzinger,
William Higgins, Linda Borleske, Terri Langer, Larry Schroeder
OTHERS PRESENT: Kathy Schauf, Kim Gochanour, Penny Clary,
Marty Krueger, Alene Kleczek, staff, Media
- Called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Paul Endres. The open meeting
law requirements were met.
- Motion by Borleske, second by Carlson to adopt the amended agenda.
Motion carried.
- Motion by Carlson, second by Borleske to approve the minutes of the
previous meeting.
Motion carried.
- Election of officers.
Nomination by Borleske, second by Carlson to nominate Paul Endres
for Chairman. Nominations closed.
Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
Nomination by Carlson, second by Langer to nominate Linda Borleske
for Vice-Chair. Nominations closed.
Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
- Public comment: None
- Communication: None
- Benefit Club officers present were Liz Miller, president and Pastor
Joe Corbin, vice-president. Miller requested clarification of the partnership
between the Benefit Club and Board of Trustees. Was some confusion regarding
the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), which was previously discussed.
Krueger indicated that current filings of both state and federal tax exempt
information had been requested and Miller indicated that she will provide
copies. Schauf suggested that the MOU be redistributed to the Board of
Trustees for consideration at a later meeting. Miller also asked about
the firehouse preservation which has not been completed. Chairman Krueger
indicated that the Benefit Club will be contacted at a later date regarding
the firehouse.
- Discussion of the new Sauk County Health Care Center Foundation, Inc.
Kleczek clarified some issues previously raised regarding the foundation.
Motion by Carlson, second by Borleske to approve the resolution
establishing the Sauk County Health Care Center Foundation, Inc.
Motion carried.
- Discussion and adoption of Board of Trustees Code of Ethics. The Board
of Trustees is a unique group in Sauk County so a document was compiled
to give the board direction. Board members make decisions through the
committee process based on information provided to them by department
heads, constituents and stakeholders, however, independent action outside
of the group process is a problem. Members have no authority individually.
Elected officials have a duty to perform the functions of the office in
a manner that is for the greater public good of Sauk County. It is important
to listen to constituents but at the same time it is a duty and burden
to take under consideration the greater public good. Krueger added that
an area of concern is the clear understanding of the roll of Board of
Trustees members and it is not to manage the day to day operations of
the center. It also is not in the realm of the Trustees to post items
on facility bulletin boards.
Motion by Schroeder, second by Netzinger to approve the Board
of Trustees Code of Ethics.
Motion carried.
- Chairman's report. Endres indicated that we are finalizing
bid specifications for the new building. The new building has four neighborhoods
and currently are seeking names to give each an identity of its own. Current
names are Babbs Prairie, Eagle Path, Sandstone Bluff and River Valley
(not specified yet), and the resident center would be Ringling Court.
If you have any suggestions, tomorrow is the deadline.
- Administrator's report. Gochanour reported that we
received a call from the life-safety code surveyor and adjustments to
our completion dates need to be done. We are on track with finishing other
items. Have moved all residents on the second floor to 3rd and 4th floors.
Will be sending a letter to the state to decertify 17 beds which will
bring us to an occupancy of 93 beds. This is to work towards our goal
of 82 licensed beds by June 30, 2009. We have received a resignation letter
from our Medical Director, Dr. Schnee, as of 7/31/08, however he offered
to help in the recruitment of a new Medical Director. Langer asked that
a printed copy of the Administrator's report be sent out before the meeting.
We are currently being selective in the residents we accept since we only
have Medicare beds available.
- Donations for the month of April were discussed. Thank you to families
and others who have donated and the Benefit Club for the first quarter
donations which are for Bird Care, Fish Care, Monetary gift for Christmas
and bus registration.
Motion by Carlson, second by Borleske to approve the donations
in the amount of $2,864.00.
Motion carried.
- Form I of the 2009 budget was discussed. Managers met recently and worked
together on the mission, vision and began to identify long and short term
goals. Looking to the board for any input they may have. This is the first
step in the 2009 budget process which is the strategic planning portion
of the process.
- Resolution commending Kathe Pulver for 28 years of service to the Health
Care Center.
Motion by Borleske, second by Netzinger to approve the Resolution
commending Kathe Pulver for 28 years of service to the Health Care Center.
Motion carried.
- Business Office Report. Penny Clary presented the financial
reports. Gochanour indicated that she will be working to change the format
of reports for this committee. Finance Committee is reviewing the processes
that departments go through every month and there may be changes coming.
Have gone through an audit and completed two cost reports this month also.
Clary also voiced appreciation of Gochanour's support and administrative
Motion by Schroeder, second by Higgins to approve the vouchers
in the amount of $121,361.77.
Motion carried.
- Discussion of a possible joint meeting with Personnel and Finance Committees
to discuss outsourcing of the Dietary and Housekeeping Departments. Process
will have to start over from the beginning including negotiating with
the union. Discussion followed regarding bringing the discussion back
after the full board recently voted down the proposal. Some board members
have expressed a desire to revisit the issue per Endres. Borleske asked
that issues with the union be clarified, future negotiations with other
unions should include similar proposals to cut costs countywide, new figures
at current levels should be looked at as well as unemployment costs. Krueger
added that changes will be made to the health insurance contribution of
the elected officials of the county after 2010. Looking at getting that
kind of participation countywide in the future. The same scrutiny should
be applied to all other agencies of the county.Carlson
read a letter in opposition to outsourcing. Netzinger felt we have to
look at the sustainability of the HCC and Langer indicated that her decision
was based on financial savings shown by outsourcing. Schauf indicated
that the bid process may not have to be redone. Meeting will determine
whether or not the committees want to pursue outsourcing as an option.
No decision will be made, just to determine intent.
Motion by Higgins, second by Langer to approve the joint meeting
with the Finance and Personnel Committees.
Motion carried.
Discussion of dates possible - Tentative decision for meeting
time was Monday the 12th at 6:00 p.m.
- Update on building project. At the last meeting had
discussions of neighborhood naming and results of the soil borings. Soil
borings showed a need to raise the building by a total of 5 feet. Meeting
will be held the 3rd week in May to go over the final design specifications
in Minneapolis. All bidders will be pre-qualified. Corp. Council reported
on vacating plat and as of now the required amount of signatures have
been received. The committee voted down the design bid by Horty Elving
for the outbuilding. Bids will be let the later part of May and questions
should be directed to Tim Stieve at 356-4419.
- Next meeting date will be June 5, 2008 at 5:30 p.m. with the special
meeting on May 12 at 6:00.
Motion by Langer, second by Schroeder to adjourn.
Motion carried.
Respectufully Submitted: Paul Endres, Chairperson