Health Care Center Board of Trustees Committee

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

June 5, 2008


PRESENT: Paul Endres, Arthur Carlson, Henry Netzinger, William Higgins, Linda Borleske, Terri Langer, Larry Schroeder

OTHERS PRESENT: Kim Gochanour, Penny Clary, Marty Krueger, Alene Kleczek, staff, Media

1. Called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Paul Endres. The open meeting law requirements were met.

Endres indicated that item #10 will not be dealt with at this meeting and items # 7, 8 and 17 will be dealt with as one item.

2. Motion by Carlson, second by Schroeder to adopt the agenda as changed. Motion carried.

3. Motion by Carlson, second by Borleske to approve the minutes of the previous meetings. Motion carried.

4. Public comment. Liz Miller made comments opposed to having a dog in the facility because of several negative issues that arose when a dog was in the facility previously.

5. Communication. Letter was handed out by Liz Miller from former Business Manager, Lisa Buttonow regarding the Benefit Club Foundation. Art Carlson handed out information received from Controller, Kerry Beghin regarding the amount of the tax levy used by the Health Care Center. This item will be on the agenda next month with Kerry Beghin also present to answer questions.

6. Chairman's Report - Benefit Club Foundation. Liz Miller again asked what the relationship will be between the current Benefit Club Foundation and the Health Care Center. Gary Christianson of the Benefit Club was present to give a financial statement. He had no written information to hand out, but gave a verbal summary. Balance of funds was approximately $27,000 in cash, $6,000 in restricted funds for the firehouse restoration and the two buses. Very little activity recently because of the new building and new foundation being formed. Did not have the tax reports that were requested. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was not given to the board for review. A written financial statement will be sent to the Board as well as a copy of the MOU.

Motion by Higgins, second by Netzinger to table any decisions regarding the Benefit Club Foundation until the next meeting. Motion carried.

Discussion of the Sauk County Health Care Center Foundation, Inc. Full board approved the formation of the Foundation at their May meeting. Foundation is a corporation with three directors comprised of the Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary of the Board of Trustees which is Paul Endres, Linda Borleske and Kim Gochanour respectively. Officers of the corporation would be a President, Treasurer and Secretary. First meeting of the Board of Directors was held at 5:00 today and discussion was held regarding the possible choices for officers but time ran out so meeting will reconvene after this.

Building Projects Committee met on May 22nd. and discussed inviting Sherry Gruder from UW-Extension who is a LEED certified person. She will be attending the June 17th meeting of the Board of Supervisors to discuss LEED certification. Also reviewed the bid alternates at that meeting. Bid documents were issued on May 27th, with bids due into the Sauk County Clerks office prior to 2:00 p.m. on June 17th. Bids will be opened at 2:30 on June 17th at the Building Projects Committee meeting. Committee adopted a motion in which the Property and Resource Committee will determine the future of the existing HCC facility and property. Next meeting is on June 17th to open bids followed by June 26th meeting to approve the bid resolution.

7. Administrator's Report. May have Department Managers come to this meeting periodically to update the Board. We have a candidate for new Medical Director coming to some meetings in June to familiarize himself with our procedures. Business office has set up biweekly aging review meeting and working on other changes. Dietary Services Manager is Darla Riese and is doing very well. Some challenging staffing issues in the nursing department. Laundry is working very efficiently. Admission processes are being streamlined. Larry Schroeder asked for some quality measures information for next meeting. First conference call regarding implementing the new computer system is next week.

8. Write-off requests were discussed.

Motion by Schroeder, second by Carlson to approve the listed adjustments in the amount of $57,638.66. Motion Carried.

9. Business Office Report. Items of interest were summarized. Suggestion was made to separate all capital outlay amounts from the operational statement. Aged receivables were also discussed.

Motion by Carlson, second by Netzinger to approve the vouchers in the amount of $131,542.43. Motion carried.

10. Resolutions commending Norma Chandler for 16 years of faithful service and Anna Jackson for 31 years of faithful service to the Sauk County Health Care Center.

Motion by Borleske, second by Carlson to approve the resolutions for Norma Chandler and Anna Jackson for their years of service to Sauk County. Motion carried.

11. Donations for the month.

Motion by Borleske, second by Schroeder to accept the donations for the month in the amount of $838.00. Motion carried.

12. Discussion of which committee should oversee the future of the current facility and grounds. Question was which committee(s) would be most appropriate to oversee this operation. Should be put in the hands of two committees - Building and Resources and the Economic Development Committee. The equipment and furnishings that can't be taken with us will need to be disposed of in some way.

Motion by Netzinger, second by Borleske that the Building and Resources and Economic Development Committee make the decisions regarding the future of the building and grounds of the HCC. Motion carried.

Communications were passed to the chairman by Liz Miller which were in regard to the item that was postponed earlier. Chairman Krueger clarified with our attorney that the items can be reconsidered with a motion and second by a member that voted in the affirmative to postponing the item earlier.

Motion by Borleske, second by Higgins to allow the board to discuss the communication presented by Liz Miller of the Benefit Club. Motion carried.

New communication was read by the chairman. Benefit Club Foundation voted to dissolve and also gave the Health Care Center a formal 60 day notice of the termination of lease of the 1999 Goshen Ford Bus. The Benefit Club Foundation also officially donated the aviary and fish tanks to the new Sauk County Health Care Center Foundation, Inc. Decisions regarding the dispersion of the funds will be made at a later time. Foundation was thanked for all the past fund raising efforts for the residents. Will be advertising for bids for the bus in the newspaper. Will open bids on July 6th.

13. Discussion of disposal of current facility furniture, fixtures and equipment. The financial policy for disposal of equipment and furniture was summarized and discussion followed. Suggestion made to have an auction or sale at the facility after we move to the new building. Chairman Krueger suggested that some type of auction either silent or not, would be possible. Will begin composing a list of items that would be possible for auction and these will be advertised.

14. DNR report for the Waste Water Treatment Plant. Bill McClary summarized the report and gave an overview of operations. The plant received a 4.0 rating on the Compliance Maintenance Report.

Motion by Netzinger, second by Borleske to approve the report for the Waste Water Treatment Plant. Motion carried.

15. Next meeting date was discussed because of the July 4th holiday weekend.

Motion by Netzinger, second by Borleske to change the meeting date to July 8th at 5:30 p.m. Motion carried.

Motion by Higgins, second by Netzinger to adjourn. Motion carried.


Paul Endres, Chairperson