DATE: July 8, 2008
PRESENT: Paul Endres, Arthur Carlson, Henry Netzinger, William Higgins, Linda Borleske, Terri Langer
ABSENT: Larry Schroeder
OTHERS PRESENT: Kim Gochanour, Penny Clary, Kerry Beghin, staff, Media
1. Called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Paul Endres. The open meeting law requirements were met.
2. Motion by Carlson, second by Netzinger to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.
3. Motion by Langer, second by Higgins to approve the minutes of the previous meetings. Motion carried.
4. Public comment.
5. Communication.
6. Kerry Beghin, County Controller explained the impact that the HCC has on the tax levy. Supervisor Carlson asked what the HCC actually costs the tax payers. Budget amount vs. actual amounts were given with comparisons between 2007 and 2008 figures. Intergovernmental Transfer payments were also explained. This amount is given to county nursing homes and the total is applied to the general fund. The tax levy is determined by what we budget for. The total expense for the HCC has gone down considerably in the last few years.
7. Paul Endres began his report with a summary of the progress of the Sauk County Health Care Center Foundation, Inc. Have contacted a person who will volunteer his staff time to act asTreasurer (CPA). We have checked with the director of the Circus World Museum and use of the Ringling name in the new facility is fine. So things are moving along. New building came in with high bids so are in the process of making changes to save building costs. Joint Building Committee/HCC BOT met and voted to reject bids and have the architect come back with a more economical plan. This will then be rebid. Building Committee and Architects met today and discussed these changes. Summary was given to all members and discussion followed. Trustees approved of the changes that were suggested.
8. Juli Brandt, RN, Acting DON requested purchase of a full body lift.
Motion by Carlson, second by Netzinger to approve the purchase the full body lift with slings. Motion carried.
9. Bill McClary, Maintenance Engineer requested purchase of additional electric beds with mattresses.
Motion by Borleske, second by Carlson to approve the purchase of 5 electric high low beds with mattresses. Motion carried.
10. Business office report presented by Penny Clary, Business Office Manager. Goal of cross training staff has begun. Robin from the Accounting department will come over and do some voucher training with staff. Have hired a full-time Receptionist and the project position has been eliminated. Continue to focus on Accounts Receivable (A/R) and the Aged Trial Balance. Downsizing money that was previously offered by the state is now not available. The program offered currently would require further downsizing so is not being considered at this time.
Motion by Borleske, second by Langer to approve the vouchers in the amount of $109,421.70. Motion carried.
11. Administrator's Report. Kim Gochanour indicated that we have concluded our contract with Pathways Health Services for a dietitian and will meet with a consultant dietitian next week. Passed out referral informational sheet, top ten federal citation sheet and other quality assurance information. During the last month, the focus has been on A/R, finalized short and long term goals for 2009, attended meetings for the new foundation, established start dates for ECS, attended the Wis. Assoc. of County Homes meeting and signed the Care Wisconsin Contract. Departments have all been busy with usual activities. Some upcoming projects for the facility include working on the 2009 budget, union negotiations, updating Policies and Procedures, and team building exercises with Dept. Managers. Bill McClary attended the bid opening for the bus and our bid was not the highest. Waiting to hear from the old foundation regarding that process. State was here to investigate a self reported incident and there were no deficiencies identified.
Juli Brandt gave the board a presentation on the Minimum Data Set (MDS) which is a nursing home resident assessment form which is sent to the state. These reports are done on a regular basis depending on the payer source. Based on the MDS, a Facility Quality Measure Indicator Report is sent to the nursing home. Any single item that is rated at greater than 60 is "flagged" and should be an area to focus on. Nursing looks at such things as proper documentation and measures which can be taken to improve the numbers. Juli also has personal goals for the facility through Metastar which is the Medicare Quality Improvement Organization for Wisconsin. These goals are then tracked and progress reported on a quarterly basis. The Health Care Center staff also have Quality Assurance meetings on a quarterly basis to ensure quality in all departments through measurable surveys/studies.
12. Care Wisconsin Contract was presented and board gave approval for Administrator to sign.
Motion by Carlson, second by Langer to approve the signing of the Care Wisconsin Contract. Motion carried.
13. Donations for the month.
Motion by Borleske, second by Higgins to accept the donations for the month in the amount of $5,170.00. Motion carried.
14. Next meeting date will be August 7 at 5:30 p.m.
Motion by Langer, second by Netzinger to adjourn. Motion carried.
Paul Endres, Chairperson