August 7, 2008
PRESENT: Paul Endres, Arthur Carlson, Larry Schroeder, William Higgins, Linda Borleske, Terri Langer
ABSENT: Henry Netzinger
OTHERS PRESENT: Kim Gochanour, Penny Clary, Bill McClary, Kerry Beghin, staff, Media
1. Called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Paul Endres. The open meeting law requirements were met.
2. Motion by Borleske, second by Carlson to adopt the amended agenda. Motion carried.
3. Motion by Langer, second by Higgins to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion carried.
4. Public comment.
5. Communication.
6. Dr. Tim Deering, new Medical Director of Sauk County Health Care Center was introduced to the group.
7. Discussion and update of the handicap bus. Since the lease on the bus expired and the Benefit Foundation put the bus up for bids, Liz Miller came on Monday evening and picked up the bus. Since several resident activities have been scheduled for August, we have been working with Corp. Counsel to regain use of the bus. We were able to arrange a lease for one month and hopefully purchase the bus outright after the board approves a resolution regarding Sauk County becoming eligible for 53.10 Department of Transportation Grants.
Motion by Carlson, second by Langer to authorize the Sauk County Health Care Center to purchase the 1999 Goshen Ford Bus for an amount not to exceed $9,995 after the 53.10 resolution has passed the full board. Motion carried.
8. Discussion regarding the purchase of a new vehicle to replace the 1999 Ford Taurus was held.
Motion by Schroeder, second by Borleske to approve the Resolution to purchase a 2008 Dodge Grand Caravan from Fedderly Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep in Reedsburg. Motion carried.
9. Paul updated this board on the progress of the Building Committee. Plans were passed out and changes to the structure and site were highlighted. All options were discussed in detail and questions answered. The board agreed with the changes and felt that the bids should come in closer to $12M this time around. Bids will be due on September 18, 2008 with the bid opening on that day at 2:30 p.m. The next meeting of the building committee is scheduled for September 18 at 2:00. The ground breaking should be in early October.
10. Business office report began with a summary by Penny Clary of the general reduction seen in Kitchen Operations with the change to a different dietitian and a new dietary manager who is keeping expenses down. ECS training continues with staff. Statistics were reviewed regarding private pay rates and we will be looking into adjusting our rates soon.
Motion by Carlson, second by Higgins to approve payment of the vouchers in the amount of $96,538.04. Motion carried.
11. Kim Gochanour, Administrator, updated the board on department activities for the month. Administration has been continuing to focus on A/R, recruiting and hiring CNA's, reviewing current recruitment options and adding local cable ads. ECS implementation and training has started, have been working with Building Committee on redesign and attended initial union negotiations. Will continue working on budget and capital outlay needs for 2009. Also focusing on survey preparedness and updating of facility Policies and Procedures. A lightning strike on the motor controlling our fire alarm system caused damage such that the maintenance department needed to conduct fire watches each hour. Motor is now repaired. Social Service referral statistics were summarized as well as monthly activities of each department.
12. Kim also passed out the Policy and Procedure regarding staff and volunteer training on Resident Privacy Rights (HIPAA). Members should study the policy and will have a sign off sheet at the next meeting.
13. Business Plan was discussed. In November of 2007 a Pro forma was done by WIPFLi projecting operational costs into the future. Numbers have been updated and reviewed. At that time it was assumed that the state would have downsizing money available, however this has not proven to be correct. Future payments for Medicare and Medical Assistance will be estimates. We have done many things since 2005 to cut operational and staffing costs, including closing the FDD Unit, staff have been downsized and every department has been critically looked at for cost savings and reductions in operating expenses. Total Full Time Equivalents (FTE's) reduced since 2005 is 24.5. Other cost saving factors which will be seen in the new building include lowering maintenance costs because of no elevators in the building. Maintenance agreements will no longer be needed as well as expected reductions in contract costs of fire suppression/alarm system and heating/cooling costs because of a more energy efficient building. In the future, staff benefit package will be looked at for possible money saving opportunities.
14. Donations for the month.
Motion by Carlson, second by Borleske to accept the donations for the month in the amount of $120.00. Motion carried.
15. Next meeting date will be September 4 at 5:30 p.m.
Motion by Langer, second by Carlson to adjourn. Motion carried.
Paul Endres, Chairperson