DATE: Wednesday, February 13, 2008
425 Sixth Street
Reedsburg, WI 53959
Members Present: Art Carlson, Gina Thill, Betty Irwin, Bert Vaillancourt, Carie Pieper, Sue Hebel, Susan Tucker, Lisa Karau, Theron Hill, Shell Lea Hainz, Patricia Rego, Charlotte Taylor, Alice Moyer
Members Absent: Trish Vandre, Catherine Hornenberger, William Orth, Daniel Brattset
Carlson called the meeting to order and certified compliance with the open meeting law.
Irwin moved to approve agenda, seconded by Rego, passed by unanimous vote.
Hill moved to approve minutes, seconded by Irwin, passed by unanimous vote.
Thill distributed and reviewed the 2008 COP Plan Update. Hebel reviewed the annual Care Management/Support Service Coordination Capacity Report. The number of staff hours available is adequate and meets the assessment, plan, and care management needs of our COP & Waiver programs. Rego moved to accept the 2008 plan update, seconded by Irwin, passed by unanimous vote.
Hebel provided committee with an update on Long Term Care Redesign. Sauk County has submitted application for ADRC development along with seven other counties in the Southwest Coalition: Richland, Green, Juneau, Iowa, Crawford, Lafayette, and Grant. This coalition is also preparing to submit application to provide Family Care services to citizens in the eight (8) county region. This new program will hopefully alleviate waiting lists in Sauk County by 2010.
Thill explained to committee that as part of Family Care development, it is important to have input from the public, particularly persons who are elderly and disabled. The coalition is asking for input from each county. Thill asked for citizen members to contact her by February 25, 2008 if interested in being on this local workgroup.
The next meeting will be held on May 14, 2008.
Vaillancourt moved to adjourn meeting, seconded by Rego, passed by unanimous vote.
Submitted by: Sue Hebel LTS/CAP Supervisor