DATE: October 29, 2008
425 Sixth Street, Reedsburg, WI 53959
Members Present: Art Carlson, Gina Thill, Betty Irwin, Bert Vaillancourt, Carie Pieper, Sue Hebel, Susan Tucker, Patricia Rego, Shell Lea Hainz, Charlotte Taylor, Alice Moyer
Members Absent: Trish Vandre, Theron Hill, Judith Stoeckmann, William Orth, Daniel Brattset
Call to Order and Certification of the Open Meeting Law: Carlson called the meeting to order and certified compliance with the open meeting law.
Adopt Agenda: Vaillancourt moved to approve agenda, seconded by Irwin, passed by unanimous vote.
Approval of May 21, 2008 Meeting Minutes. Irwin moved to approve minutes, seconded by Vaillancourt, passed by unanimous vote.
Family Care Update: Hebel & Thill reported that Sauk County started Family Care on September 1, 2008. Currently we have 312 members. Irwin reported on the makeup of the Long Term Care Southwest Family Care Alliance Board. Meetings are held once per month. Several providers suggested more education/training for providers prior to Family Care/Managed Care implementation.
Future Role for LTSPC: Hebel reported the future of the Long Term Support Planning Committee (LTSPC) related to COP and other long term care programs is unclear. This is because the Family Care program will now have a separate governing board and consumer advisory committee. The State may decide to merge the Family Support Committee with the COP Committee. Hebel will keep committee informed of any upcoming changes.
Public Comment: None
Next Meeting: Will be set at a later date.
Adjournment: Taylor moved to adjourn meeting, seconded by Pieper, passed by unanimous vote.
Submitted by,
Sue Hebel
LTS/CAP Supervisor