Human Services

Committee Minutes

DATE: March 10, 2008, 5:00 p.m., County Board Gallery, Baraboo, WI

Members Present: Alexander, Dippel, Bowers, Fordham, Stoeckmann, Vertein, Endres, Horenberger, Fabisiak

Members Excused: None

Members Absent: None

Others Present: Brattset, Horkan, Krueger (Orth excused)

Chair Alexander called the meeting to order and certified compliance with the Open Meeting Law.

Motion by Dippel, seconded by Vertein to adopt the agenda. Motion Carried.

Motion by Endres, seconded by Dippel to approve minutes of the previous meeting. Motion Carried.



Business Items:

A. Review and Approval of Monthly Vouchers: Horkan distributed monthly vouchers and Endres reported that salary and benefits were less than previous month due to no health insurance charge back. Administration is increased due to payments to Catholic Charities and Children's Service Society not made last month. Also, the $10,000 allocation payment to Boys and Girls Club was made. Community Living and Support was down due to client purchased meals and a decrease in respite expense. Community Residential is down due to AODA detox. Community Treatment is greater this month due to payment to Catholic Charities not paid in previous month and payment to CESA 5 (they bill only a few times per year). Institutions is decreased due to inpatient, CCI, and health check services. Income Maintenance was decreased due to funerals. W-2 is down due to the contract from Dane County does not yet include FSET. Motion by Endres, seconded by Bowers to approve vouchers in the amount of $1,751,918.29. Motion Carried.

B. 2007 State/County Contract Addendum: Horkan explained the three 2007 State/County Contract Addendum's.
CQI Case review related expense $1,775 to reimburse for staff time and review expenses incurred in 2007 prior to 2008 review.

Screening Brief Intervention and Referral AODA Treatment $3,369 required by State and Feds, enables Sauk County to receive a Block grant.

Mental Health/Alcohol & Other Drug Functional Screen $6,528 is reimbursement to implement the computerized functional screen tool in CSP.

Motion by Bowers, seconded by Stoeckmann to approve the 2007 State/County Contract Addendums. Motion Carried.

Department Updates:

A. Long Term Care Redesign: Horkan distributed the Estimated Family Care Budget. Brattset updated the committee. Attorney Andy Phillips is working on the coalition by-laws and board compilation. The board will have a county board member from each coalition county and each director would be a nonvoting member. Consumers and business representatives will be members "at large". June 2008 will be the first board meeting. Resolutions will be coming to the board. Richland is looking at a short fall based on current rates from the state given to Richland at this time. There was an initial meeting where they will negotiate rates. Horkan indicated that provider network meetings are scheduled for 4/21/08 in Sauk County. The timeline summary is as follows: March, Orth attend the County Board meeting to present status and fiscal information. April, status update to board. May, create Long Term Care District and Board; Resolution to Board with appointments to be made; begin recruitment process for R.N. positions. June, first organizational District/Coalition meeting. July, ADRC opens. September, projected Care Management Organization start date in Sauk County.

B. Jail Mental Health Services: Meeting to discuss contract and MA services provided in jail. Contract has been for only Sauk County residents. Will continue to provide to Sauk County and crisis services available to all. Will bill state prisoners at higher rate. Fordham asked if $90.00 is included in bed fee? Fordham and Endres said it would be ideal to bill the state. Krueger said issue should be part of Finance Committee.

C. Quality Service Review: Review was very positive about dedication and creativity. The Department can grow in long term view of case and what our goals are for the case end. Stoeckmann thanked management for the environment at Sauk County Human Services.

D. 17 Year-Olds Return to the Juvenile Justice System: Orth reported prior on this legislation. It is doubtful it will be acted on in this session. Financial implications are significant, 50-80 million. Funding on video games is estimated at 10 million. A lengthy discussion by legislature is yet to take place. Stoeckmann questioned if result has been considered. Brattset discussed highlights of the brain development into young adulthood.

The next meeting of the Sauk County Human Services Board is scheduled for Monday, April 7, 2008 at 5:00 p.m.

Motion by Bowers, seconded by Dippel. Motion Carried.

Judith Stoeckmann