Human Services

Committee Minutes

DATE: June 9, 2008, 5:00 p.m., County Board Gallery, Baraboo, WI

Members Present: Alexander, Bowers, Sinklair, Dippel, Fordham, Endres

Members Excused: Stoeckmann, Fabisiak, Vertein

Members Absent: None

Others Present: Brattset, Horkan, Box, Neadeau-Owen, (Zeller as union rep)

Chair Alexander called the meeting to order and certified compliance with the Open Meeting Law.

Motion by Bowers, seconded by Fordham to adopt the agenda. Motion Carried.

Motion by Fordham, seconded by Dippel, abstain by Sinklair to approve minutes of the previous meeting. Motion Carried.



Business Items:

A. Review and Approval of Monthly Vouchers: Horkan distributed the monthly voucher report. Endres reported that salaries and benefits are higher for May due to a three payroll month. Contracted labor is increased due to a MD preparing for the month of July off. Other service areas showed decreased expenses due to timing in billings by providers. Expenses should catch up next month. Income Maintenance had no funeral/cemetery expenses for May. Institution expenses are less than previous month due to prior month payment of two months of expenses. Motion by Endres, seconded by Dippel to approve monthly vouchers in the amount of $2,163,229.52. Motion Carried.

B. Long Term Care District Resolution: Resolution was enclosed with agenda. Horkan reported Sauk County appointees to the Long Term Care District Governing Board include a former consumer member of the Long Term Care Committee, at large Carla Cady, and as yet to be named Sauk County Board member nominated by Marty Krueger then approved by the full County Board. The first district board meeting will be on June 30, 2008. In summary, the resolution establishes a Long Term Care District and establishes Family Care with specific fiscal considerations was previously discussed and presented by Orth. Motion by Fordham, seconded by Bowers to accept the resolution as written. Motion Carried.

Department Updates:

A. Long Term Care Redesign : Horkan reported that a tentative agreement has been reached with the State, but we are awaiting final formal approval. The agreement takes into consideration a $2,557.71 per member per month which was derived by a re-negotiation of a number of fiscal considerations. In addition, some of the initial discrepancies were resolved by taking startup costs out of operations and assigning them to a $391,000 fiscal assistance grant. Also, an agreement on risk sharing methodology between the District and the State has been stated.

B. Homelessness Project: Horkan reported continued talks are occurring between St. Vincent dePaul, Lutheran Social Services (LSS) and a number of partners to include: Central Wisconsin Community Action Council (CWCAC), Renewal Unlimited, Sauk-Prairie Schools, and Hope House. Grant opportunities are being explored to fund staffing a 5-8 unit facility for women and children with on-site services. St. Vincent dePaul has purchased land and will supply a building as a community contribution. LSS has a building facilities person looking at plans and has forwarded information to their grant writing contact. Estimated dates would be to apply for grants the fall of 2008, receive funding approval in 2009 and build with an open date of 1/1/2010. Other projects include: a subcommittee of three Sauk County collaborative initiatives looking at a housing tenement model such as "Housing First" in Dane County or CWCAC's "Project Chance" model using federal dollars. "Project Chance" gets people housing and is a case management program designed to keep them there or retains housing for those about to lose their housing. This capacity could be expanded, however, funding is an issue at the current time. Additionally, on a long term basis, there has been discussions with Donna Miese who is interested in developing some low income housing units on her property in addition to a current adult family home. These units are projected to be developed after 2010. The committee showed appreciation that there are a variety of partners at the table. They also expressed an interest in the case management model.

C. Post Quality Service Review Update: Horkan reported there has been several meetings post QSR survey to enlist staff and partners to assist in a work plan to better facilitate a continuum of teams working with child protective services cases. Several training's will be held with the Southern Child Welfare Partnership to assist enhancement of skill development among staff and partners. This has resulted in a work plan at various levels of the agency to include developing better supervision of team dynamics, and expanding community awareness and assistance in teams as well as partnership with families themselves. Additional planning in the future will also be targeted at long term view/case outcomes.

D. Boscobel Closing: Horkan reported Boscobel Hospital has closed their psychiatric unit and this has presented limited options for 51 commitments. Currently, reasonable options include: University, Mendota, and Winnebago primarily. Other options may include: Rogers in Oconomowoc, and Gunderson in LaCrosse. However, they may have capacity concerns from other counties as well. There is a meeting of Directors in several weeks to discuss this concern with the State. In addition, Sauk County is participating in consideration of applying with a number of other counties in a multi-county crisis planning grant which may include assistance in developing crisis diversion options. The problem has no short term solutions and has the potential for higher costs resulting from increased transportation and rate costs. St. Clare was discussed as an option. Brattset stated it is usually not fiscally feasible to have this specialized hospital unit.

E. WCHSA Spring Conference: Brattset reported Jim Bowers and Orth attended the full conference. Conference was interesting especially focus on Long Term Care Redesign and options throughout the state. Focus was on doing what can be done with limited resources.

F. Mobility Manager: Brattset introduced Ashely Nedeau-Owen as the County Project Mobility Manager. Human Services will have the mobility manager assigned to the Department. This is a project position. The goal of this position is to use the recently received transportation monies from several sizable grants and enhance existing transportation services and options for Human Services populations and others in Sauk County in need. If funds are available once the primary populations are served expansion of transportation options as evidenced will be reviewed and suggestions for long term transportation options for Sauk County. This will be done via Human Services oversight committee and ADRC Board.

G. Business Manager Position: Brattset reported that Lynn Horkan is leaving and taking a job in the County Accounting Department. We will miss her and the superb job she has done for the Department. We are lucky in that she has graciously agreed to assist in the transition of a new Business Manager. We have several applicants, who Orth, Horkan, and Brattset will interview on June 17, 2008. Alexander requested the minutes reflect appreciation for Lynn's work over the past 11 years.

H. Reedsburg Remodel: Brattset reported a low bid has come in on the Reedsburg remodel at just over $7,000. The remodel will allow for additional space for Long Term Care nurses and staff. There has been a report that someone spoke to a County Board member questioning why the Reedsburg building should be improved. Reportedly, there are some Human Service staff unhappy with moving. The decision to remodel and to start at Reedsburg was a management decision which is cost effective and a reasonable place to start. The board expressed agreement of these changes. Bowers suggested after the remodel the board have a meeting there and receive a tour.

I. Jail Diversion Program: Brattset reported that thanks to Paul Endres for looking into Portage County's programs. Brattset is seeking to contact Kathy King from that county. Portage County had a consultant do a comprehensive and costly report which is on line. We will be able to use much of the information and suggestions in the conclusion of the report as part of their efforts are identical to the vision of services we have been exploring. There will be a meeting of the full work group to discuss direction in July, 2008.

The next meeting of the Sauk County Human Services Board is scheduled for Monday, July 7, 2008 at 5:00 p.m.

Motion by Bowers, seconded by Endres. Motion Carried.

Lynn Horkan for Bev Vertein