DATE: July 7, 2008, 5:00 p.m., County Board Gallery, Baraboo, WI
Members Present: Alexander, Dippel, Bowers, Fordham, Stoeckmann, Vertein, Fabisiak, Endres, Sinklair
Members Excused: None
Members Absent: None
Others Present: Orth, Brattset, Box, Semenas, Hebel, Citizen: Rick McKellar
Chair Alexander called the meeting to order and certified compliance with the Open Meeting Law. (Note: amendment to Minutes 6/08, clarification; Department Updates, Item E: WCHSA Spring Conference; Jim Bowers attended full days on 5/7, 5/8, and 5/9, WCHSA Conference in Wausau, Wisconsin.
Motion by Fordham, seconded by Dippel to amend the agenda by moving Item #9, Next Meeting, to Department Updates, Item E. Motion Carried.
Motion by Fordham, seconded by Stoeckmann, to adopt agenda. Motion Carried.
Motion by Dippel, seconded by Stoeckkmann to approve minutes of the previous meeting. Motion Carried.
CWCAC Update: Fordham reported that the CWCAC Board met recently to review a fiscal audit which was "a very clean audit". In addition, Fordham noted that the weatherization administrator proposed that they will apply for the five county region and this will be forwarded to Sauk County as one of the counties for approval. There is another federal grant for floods that will be pursued by CWCAC.
A. Review and Approval of Monthly Vouchers: Box distributed the monthly voucher report (see attached). Stoeckmann reported that salaries and benefits were down due to the number of weeks in the months. Contracted labor was also down due to decreased utilization of hours by professionals. Community Living and Support was up due to two months of bills from the Commission on Aging and VARC. There was an increase, as well, due to upcoming respite camps. Community Treatment was up due to billing lag and Institutions were up due to receiving bills from Mississippi Valley contract with clients now being charged. Income Maintenance was up. There were several funerals this month. W-2 was down. Energy Assistance was down due to seasonal factors. Motion by Stoeckmann, seconded by Endres to approve monthly vouchers in the amount of $1,880,982.28. Motion Carried.
B. State/County Contract Addendum-Public Assistance Fraud Program: Box reported that a consortium of 8 counties with Columbia County as the administrative county, has a new contract with unlimited referrals for public assistance fraud. This is a $3,000 contract. Motion by Endres, seconded by Bowers to approve contract addendum. Motion Carried.
A. CCS Coordinating Committee Report - Richard McKellar/Jeff Semenas: Orth introduced Mr. Richard McKellar who had written a letter requesting that CCS be allowed an additional full time position. Mr. McKellar described the format of CCS and the recovery process as well as its importance to consumers and the community. Mr. McKellar requests of the board that an additional full time position for CCS be considered. Mr. Semenas, Sauk County Department of Human Services, psychotherapist, briefly reported that CCS is doing well with adults and beginning to serve children. This will require more assistance in the form of a full time addition to the CCS staff.
B. Long Term Care Redesign: Orth reported that the ADRC is open since 7/1/08 and two Human Services, Long Term Support staff as well as one contracted staff now work for the ADRC. Human Services will be replacing the two social work positions. In addition, one Registered Nurse has been hired, but two more are needed. Resolution to create the Long Term Care District was passed last month by the Sauk County Board. Carla Cady and Betty Irwin will be on the District Board as well as Joan Fordham as the county board representative. Meetings will be held in Spring Green on the third Wednesday of each month. In addition, Orth reported that Teri Burros will be the interim CEO of the Long Term Care District. Orth reported that the 9/1/08 date is still on track for Family Care.
C. Disaster Recovery Assistance: Brattset reviewed the recent deployment of Human Services staff actions during the flood emergency. Noted was the Department interface with the EOC (Emergency Operations Center) and deployment of staff throughout the county to include assistance in emergency sheltering, mental health services in shelters as well as various sites throughout the community, and assistance in the DRC (Disaster Recovery Center) to assist FEMA in resources available. In addition, Brattset reported that there have been less than expected requests for transitional housing. Transitional housing is an issue that will be forwarded for future learning in respect to time frames emergency housing versus transitional housing. Brattset summarized by saying that it was helpful to have the previous training with Emergency Management staff and First Responders which assisted in a smoother deployment. Brattset, as well as Fordham acknowledged that staff did an excellent job in the community. This was observed by numerous parties. Human Services staff should be commended for their commitment and dedication during the time of disaster.
D. Business Manager Position: Orth briefly summarized the hiring process and welcomed Stephanie Box as having accepted the position of Business Manager.
E. Long Term Support Policy: Orth presented a draft policy on "Services Mandate".(see attached). Orth asked the committee to review this draft for potentially passing next month. Hebel clarified that some policy revisions will be made to this draft to include better defining population groups. In addition, Hebel noted that when services are court ordered, the policy will identify responsible parties. Fordham noted that there is a need to clarify the time frame of this policy. Is this a shorter term or long term permanent policy? Orth noted that this could be an initial policy with future amendments for longer term change in the policy, if needed in the future. This could also be stated and clarified in the policy itself.
F. Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Sauk County Human Services Board is scheduled for Monday, August 11, 2008 at 3:00 p.m.
Motion by Fordham, seconded by Stoeckmann to adjourn to Closed Session pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes § 19.85 (1)(c) Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. Performance evaluation of the Director of the Department of Human Services. Roll call vote: Alexander, aye; Dippel, aye; Bowers, aye; Fordham, aye; Stoeckmann, aye; Vertein, aye; Fabisiak, aye; Endres, aye; Sinklair, aye. Motion Carried.
Motion by Endres, seconded by Fabisiak to reconvene to Open Meeting. Motion Carried.
Motion by Endres, seconded by Stoeckmann to adjourn. Motion Carried.
Bev Vertein