DATE: September 8, 2008, 3:00 p.m., County Board Gallery, Baraboo, WI
Members Present: Alexander, Bowers, Fabisiak, Vertein, Dippel, Fordham, Endres, Stoeckmann, Sinklair
Members Excused: None
Members Absent: None
Others Present: Orth, Brattset, Box, Ellen Allen, Fred Hebert, Sarah Resch
Chair Alexander called the meeting to order and certified compliance with the Open Meeting Law.
Motion by Fordham, seconded by Dippel to adopt the agenda. Motion Carried.
Motion by Stoeckmann, seconded by Endres to approve minutes of the previous meeting. Motion Carried.
Fordham reported on CWCAC, noting that there is the possibility that the W-2 position at Job Service could be phased out. Reports of all programs were given with noted increase in borrowing to complete a project in Beaver Dam. Fordham discussed the board meeting process and the majority of the board voted to retain committee structure. There was discussion of goals that will also be presented in the future for consideration.
Alexander reported on attending the Mississippi Valley Board. There were changes in bylaws including the Northwest Long Term Care Consortium. Currently, there is a legal question being pursued on county agreements by the Mississippi Valley attorneys. The proposed rates are the same as previously arranged.
Orth reported that Sauk County has been awarded the WCHSA Service Award for county staff during the June flood. Appreciation for contributions by county employees was expressed.
A. Review and Approval of Monthly Vouchers: Box distributed the monthly voucher report and Stoeckmann summarized the report including salary and benefits being down this month due to three payrolls in the time period. Community Living and Support was down to not having a VARC bill for the month. Community Residential was up as a result of more treatment foster home and group home utilization. Income Maintenance was up due to an increase in funerals and translation costs were up as well. Motion by Stoeckmann, seconded by Dippel to approve the monthly vouchers at $1,606,708.49. Motion Carried.
B. Presentations-Budget Requests:
Hope House-Ellen Allen: Ellen Allen spoke briefly about Hope House services in Sauk County. Changes from last year included new increase in funding in outlying areas and this year the focus is more available for Sauk County. About 4500 client days were spent in the shelter with about 2500 crisis calls. Ms. Allen noted that dollars requested help Hope House to obtain their state matching dollars and to provide direct services for clients in Sauk County. Challenges include: co-existing mental health/AODA diagnosis with clients and the need for staff training in respect to these issues. Bowers asked if other counties where services are provided by Hope House also pay and Ms. Allen indicated that some counties do and some do not; services are adjusted for counties that do not pay. Fordham asked for a more specific breakdown in the budget worksheet. Also, she noted that the budget is down this year and Allen noted that this is due to an increase in state funds for direct aid from last year. Ms. Allen also noted there are fewer donated dollars this year due to the challenges provided by the flood.
CWCAC-Fred Hebert: Fred Hebert spoke about the importance of Sauk County Department of Human Services funding. Fred indicated that a number of grants are pursued by his agency, which this funding helps to administer. Fred submitted specific budget (see attached handout). He also noted that there will be an increase in case management and homelessness. Also, Mr. Hebert noted that CWCAC has worked with counties affected by the flood for specific grant application which could provide community development block grant dollars to assist families that have flood repairs needed. In addition, Mr. Hebert summarized the weatherization program which was able to weatherize 66 houses in Sauk County, provide 25 furnaces, 46 refrigerators, and 25 water heaters. Mr. Hebert described food distribution is also something that CWCAC does on a continual basis throughout communities. Fordham asked that CWCAC fill out the specific Sauk County 2009 Budget Outside Organization Request Form. Mr. Hebert indicated that he would do that.
Boys and Girls Club-Sarah Resch: Ms. Resch spoke about the Boys and Girls Club in Baraboo. Currently, there are about 350 members that attend Boys and Girls Club with about 110-120 students attending after school programs. Ms. Resch indicated that fund raising is going well this year. Sauk County wants to expand to include a teen center in the next year. Primary goals include: family enhancement and enhancement of students academic performance. Fordham inquired as to students that are attending outside of Baraboo. Ms. Resch indicated that approximately 60% of the total membership is from Baraboo, 10% is outside of Baraboo. The annual membership fee is $4.00 with field trips extra. Non school days are $12.00 per day. Fordham requested completion of the 2009 Sauk County Outside Organization Request Form. Ms. Resch said that she would submit that form. Fordham also mentioned that last year, this funding was suggested to be a one time only request. Orth indicated that in the future a fee for service contract could be developed with referrals by social workers for specific cases associated with costs.
C. 2008 Revised Budget Adjustment: Box distributed the 2008 budget adjustment worksheet and reviewed this. Adjustments include: revenue and expenditures (see attached). In summary, the revenues and expenditures are budget neutral and equal. Motion by Fordham, seconded by Bowers, to accept adjustments as reflected in the submitted adjustment document. Motion Carried.
D. 2009 Revised Department Budget: Orth referred to the 2009 change in budget (see attached). Some changes due to the timing of Family Care positions. Motion by Bowers, to approve the 2009 budget adjustments and outside requests presented by Hope House, CWCAC, and Boys and Girls Club at the amounts indicated in the requests. Discussion: Fordham indicated that she asked that all forms are to be completed in the Sauk County 2009 Budget Outside Organization Request format. In addition, Fordham indicated that it would be preferable to have Boys and Girls Club be purchase of service. Endres indicated that he agreed that the previous request was a one time request, and that future requests should be done on a purchase of service contract. Motion by Bowers to amend previous motion to approve 2009 budget adjustments and outside requests presented with the provisions that the agencies complete the 2009 Budget Outside Organization Request forms and that the Boys and Girls Club be developed in a fee for service format, seconded by Stoeckmann. Motion Carried.
E. State/County Contract Addendum-WHEAP Contract: Box reviewed the State/County Contract Addendum amount of $222,992, which is for the Energy Assistance Contract. Motion by Endres, seconded by Bowers, to accept the State/County Contract Addendum in the amount of $222,992. Motion Carried.
A. Long Term Care Redesign: Orth summarized that Care Management has begun in Family Care in Sauk County. Orth has appreciated the fabulous job that staff have done in the transition to Family Care. All in all there were some minor challenges, but according to Orth, it went well. All clients were enrolled by 9/1/08 and approximately 333 clients are enrolled. Of 333 clients, approximately 300 chose Family Care and 30 chose the Partnership option. Fordham noted that the Southwest Family Care Alliance Board meeting was pleased with Sauk County's transition to Family Care and impressed by staff's efforts.
B. Jail Diversion: Orth reported that the Jail Diversion project was discussed with Kathy Schauf and Mike Hafman. There was agreement that Human Services would serve as the lead agency for this project and position. As a priority, this project is included in the 2009 budget, however, Orth indicated that it was important to note that if needed, the Department of Human Services would suggest tabling the project if funds could not be allocated in this budget year. Although this would not be optimum, Orth reported that in 2009 other preparations could take place in respect to this project being funded in future years.
C. Possible Contracted Position Changes: Orth reported that two positions could potentially go from contracted positions to Department positions. The first is within Economic Support, the W-2 F-SET position which currently is contracted with CWCAC. This could be brought in and funded by the state allocation within the Department. There is some concern, however, that due to the voluntary nature of the F-SET clients, versus formally mandatory, this could decrease the numbers of clients and the allocation will be adjusted in 2010. The 2009 allocation may remain the same. This position could be done initially as an off budget project request. The second position is that of a contracted AODA bilingual staff member. The Department would increase the number of hours of direct services for the same amount of money if this person was brought into the Department as an employee. Orth will report back on both of these positions in the future if they are pursued as Departmental positions.
D. Crisis Grant Proposal: Orth reported that there are approximately eight counties within a consortium of $120,000 per year for this consortium and a crisis grant which would be used to hire a manager for crisis services. Sauk County Department of Human Services may be the designated fiscal agent for this grant as a result of the fact that Sauk County is centrally located, has accessible resources to perform these duties, and will be given a percentage of the grant to pay for the administration duties as the fiscal agent. Orth noted that he would report back to the board regarding the crisis grant process.
E. Personnel Changes: Orth noted that Box was promoted to the Business Manager position and Melody Rehr was promoted to Staff Accountant. With Family Care coming into the picture, there is currently not a need to fill the fiscal position vacated by Melody Rehr. All vacant positions will be evaluated due to Family Care. In addition, there are two vacant social work positions within Long Term Care that will be held open until Family Care is examined further.
The next meeting of the Sauk County Human Services Board is scheduled for Monday, October 6, 2008 at 5:00 p.m.
Motion by Dippel, seconded by Sinklair to adjourn. Motion Carried.
Bev Vertein